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The Queen of England

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Mrs.Greg said:
Aplus...the Americans have had to wear the Leaf for many years...I'm under the impression it is because of the US's late entry into WWII,nothing to do with Iraq,and as I've said Britian is fighting beside your American boys in Iraq so a little respect should be in order.

America probably should have entered sooner, but by the same token the Europeans made some major blunders in underestimating Hitler and Germany and he was their next door neighbor not ours. If they hold a grudge because we did not come sooner in WWII then that makes me madder than if it was over Iraq. Because even though there was other countries fighting earlier in the war they were loosing! The tide did not turn towards Victory until we entered the fight. I think they should have the attitude better late than never!

Besides had we not just fought a previous World War just some 20 years earlier because this same bunch of Europeans could not get along? I imagine America was a little apprehensive in doing it all over again. Even Britain and France caved to Hitler early on because they were war weary, from WWI

I appreciate England standing with us in Iraq, and my anger is not towards them as a Country. It is more towards the likes of France who as a country turn their back on us. With the British I view them like some of my fellow Americans my hatred only goes out to those that do not support their Country. Britain and America both have a problem with Liberal Wussies that are to much of cowards to support their own Country. So not only do we share a fight, but we share an enemy within also.

There is a lot of free people in the world protesting the U.S. on soil that at one time American soldiers footsteps marched so they could be free. And that goes for U.S. soil also.
Italy didn't cae to Hitler.. Italy had Bennito who was allied with Germany. You know, the Axis staitght down the midle of Europe.. Now France and England did cave with appeasement with the sudetenland and the absorbtion of Austria into the German federation (Which in some ways makes sense when you look at the formation of Germany originially but that is a whole other story)..

As far as the US contribution to the War effort prior to WWII, lots of boys went north and enlisted early in both wars, the loan lease program helped keep britian a float for a good long time, as well as their advantage of having an enemy foolish enough to open a second front and try to fight in Russia in the winter, and the third, probably most important having the sea to keep them protected from an overland invastion and having a pretty darn good leader to keep the people going well....

Should the US have entered the war earlier? Probably... Should the European countries have listened to Wilson when he was against the war retributions that crippled Germany after WWI and helped create an environment for a Ultra nationalist to gain power? Surely but hindsight is 20-20 so that one is easy to say. It is a bit aggravating at times however.. We get involved somewhere and we get chastized for it... We don't get involved in an area like Rwanda and we get ripped while the European troops who were there already did next to nothing... It is this reaction to Iraq, to inaction other places and action in areas like Kosovo, Somolia et all that just might drive the US back to the Isolationism that we were criticized post Spanish American War- WWII with a brief break for WWI.

As far as when this maple leaf thing started.. It wasn't after WWII that much I know. In fact, the folks I know who travel to Europe kind of say "what?" when I mention it to them so I think it might be less wide spread than folks know. I know my friend who lives in Amsterdham and before that Bonn never felt the problem, my brother who travels over there 2 times a year hasn't seen it and my Dad practicaly lives in Eastern Europe (I know, differet situation than Western) and saw none of it in the years he was in Germany in the 60's nor did my Mom see it in France at the same time.. I think it is more modern as during the cold war, well.. We weren't all that bad..
IL Rancher said:
Italy didn't cae to Hitler.. Italy had Bennito who was allied with Germany. You know, the Axis staitght down the midle of Europe.. Now France and England did cave with appeasement with the sudetenland and the absorbtion of Austria into the German federation

France was who I was meaning, thanks for catching my mistake. I knew early on France and England gave up some country with the understanding Hitler would stop there, but he broke his promise to them. Something like that. Got the axis and allies flipped :oops:
It can be done... After all in WWI Italy was an allied country and the centrel powers were the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Germany and the Ottomans... Appeasement doesn't seem to work to well in general.. I'm not sure Europe has learned that lesson. MAybe I should let them spend a week with my kids, give them an inch and tehy will take a mile :lol: :lol: Than again, I am sure we haven't learned all the lessons that history has tried to teach us from isolationism, over extension or the lessons of Rome's rise and fall.
jigs said:
Mrs Greg, I see your point, and understand it quite well, however, the queen coming over here is, in my opinion, not worth the big hoopla they are making it out to be..... the way it was described on the radio, is they were teaching the stupid low class minimum wage bafoons how to act in the presence of "greatness" well, the queen can kiss my ass. those people earning minimum wage cleaning up after her do not need treated as second class citizens. the queen can get off her high horse and be treated just like any other person.

as for your hat. pm me your address and I will gladly hook you up. you have your choice, one of my ranch hats, a Kansas State Wildcats hat, a seed company, or the "KOLA" hat..... it is a silhouette of two people doing "it" and the caption is " Georgia Girls do it with a cousin "

How's that political career going there jigs??? With an attitude like for the working man of America...you should do at least as good as Hilary!

Be careful...I've got ' kin' in Kansas!!! It could be YOU! :wink: :wink:
kolanuraven said:
#1....She's living history.

#2....about the only monarch we haven't p****d off in the world, makes her rare on that fact alone

#3...and just because it's not something you see every day...that the BIGGEST reason.

I wouldn't go out of my way to see the queen, but if I did come across her, I proably wouldn't forget it either as it isn't something(one) you see everyday...hence #3.

And as for #2, if you haven't P****d someone off at some time or another, it's probalby because you don't take a stand on much.
Radar said:
kolanuraven said:
#1....She's living history.

#2....about the only monarch we haven't p****d off in the world, makes her rare on that fact alone

#3...and just because it's not something you see every day...that the BIGGEST reason.

I wouldn't go out of my way to see the queen, but if I did come across her, I proably wouldn't forget it either as it isn't something(one) you see everyday...hence #3.

And as for #2, if you haven't P****d someone off at some time or another, it's probalby because you don't take a stand on much.

Seems your ' radar' must be broken then.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I take my stand...it just doesn't meet the standards of the gang here!
kolanuraven said:
jigs said:
Mrs Greg, I see your point, and understand it quite well, however, the queen coming over here is, in my opinion, not worth the big hoopla they are making it out to be..... the way it was described on the radio, is they were teaching the stupid low class minimum wage bafoons how to act in the presence of "greatness" well, the queen can kiss my ass. those people earning minimum wage cleaning up after her do not need treated as second class citizens. the queen can get off her high horse and be treated just like any other person.

as for your hat. pm me your address and I will gladly hook you up. you have your choice, one of my ranch hats, a Kansas State Wildcats hat, a seed company, or the "KOLA" hat..... it is a silhouette of two people doing "it" and the caption is " Georgia Girls do it with a cousin "

How's that political career going there jigs??? With an attitude like for the working man of America...you should do at least as good as Hilary!

Be careful...I've got ' kin' in Kansas!!! It could be YOU! :wink: :wink:

"the stupid low class minimum wage bafoons "
that was the way the radio was making them out to be....not my impression of them.

as for you having Kin in Kansas....... I doubt it is me, but if you ever date outside the family, keep me in mind!
kolanuraven said:
Radar said:
kolanuraven said:
#1....She's living history.

#2....about the only monarch we haven't p****d off in the world, makes her rare on that fact alone

#3...and just because it's not something you see every day...that the BIGGEST reason.

I wouldn't go out of my way to see the queen, but if I did come across her, I proably wouldn't forget it either as it isn't something(one) you see everyday...hence #3.

And as for #2, if you haven't P****d someone off at some time or another, it's probalby because you don't take a stand on much.

Seems your ' radar' must be broken then.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I take my stand...it just doesn't meet the standards of the gang here!

Sorry about that, I meant "she" doesn't take a stand on much not "you". I didn't mean to make it personal. Anyway, even if she does make a stand, does it make it much further than the tabloids? It seems the "royals" are fodder for that sort of publication.

At any rate, I hope she has a good time while in the U.S. After all, America didn't go to see her, she came to see America.
The way their gov't is set up....the monarch does not take a stand. That's the job of the Prime Minister!

She is what she is.....and she may be the last ' royal' we see from England..who knows cause things are changing for them .
jigs said:
Mrs Greg, I see your point, and understand it quite well, however, the queen coming over here is, in my opinion, not worth the big hoopla they are making it out to be..... the way it was described on the radio, is they were teaching the stupid low class minimum wage bafoons how to act in the presence of "greatness" well, the queen can kiss my ass. those people earning minimum wage cleaning up after her do not need treated as second class citizens. the queen can get off her high horse and be treated just like any other person.

as for your hat. pm me your address and I will gladly hook you up. you have your choice, one of my ranch hats, a Kansas State Wildcats hat, a seed company, or the "KOLA" hat..... it is a silhouette of two people doing "it" and the caption is " Georgia Girls do it with a cousin "

Oh goodness I agree with jigs on something....... :? :)

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