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The worst jail you were ever in

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2007
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Beautiful downtown Wattsville Texas
Thinking about years past and being single and the ranch jobs got me to remembering other things to. The first Saturday after payday was one of them.

Seemed like all the single cowboys in the area would gather up that first weekend in the closest town big enough to have three or four bars and a couple of good cafes and a motel or hotel that would let you sleep six or so to a room.

The city jail at Buffalo Wyoming was the worst of them all. It was on the back of the fire station and amounted to three cells with basketweave strap iron bars and padlocks on the doors which they never locked. There was no heat in the winter but noone ever locked the door into the fire station and it was heated so someone would ease out and open the door and at least it was bearable.

The cops pretty much disappeared and cut us loose on Friday night but about midnight on Saturday they'd start rounding us up. Sunday morning they'd come around about 7:00 and collect $37.50 from everybody and kick us out the door. If you didn't have the money but had a regular job they'd kick you out and bill your boss who would take it out of the next paycheck.Z
like most small towns, everybody knows the sheriff. well a buddy of mine was caught drinkin / drivin in the early eighty's, before it was a huge no-no to do. well the jail was full in Jewell county where he was picked up, so they haul him over to Republic county to sit it out. the next morning the sheriff, who is his relation comes in and says " what the heck is going on" Bill explains why he is locked up. the sheriff replies " we have a 1st grade class tour of the jail today, and we can not have an upstanding citizen locked up for that!" so four cups of coffee later the sheriff boots him out the door with a deputy to go get his car.
Can't say that I've ever had the pleasure of bein put in jail.

My closest experience to that was bein locked in the holdin cell at the Walls Unit in Huntsville, waitin on an inmate to come measure me for a pair of boots....lasted all of about 15 minutes. AND THAT WAS PLENTY LONG ENUFF!!! LOL
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Can't say that I've ever had the pleasure of bein put in jail.

My closest experience to that was bein locked in the holdin cell at the Walls Unit in Huntsville, waitin on an inmate to come measure me for a pair of boots....lasted all of about 15 minutes. AND THAT WAS PLENTY LONG ENUFF!!! LOL

I imagine that it is better to be measured for a pair of boots in Huntsville then to be measured for a necktie. :wink:
jigs said:
like most small towns, everybody knows the sheriff. well a buddy of mine was caught drinkin / drivin in the early eighty's, before it was a huge no-no to do. well the jail was full in Jewell county where he was picked up, so they haul him over to Republic county to sit it out. the next morning the sheriff, who is his relation comes in and says " what the heck is going on" Bill explains why he is locked up. the sheriff replies " we have a 1st grade class tour of the jail today, and we can not have an upstanding citizen locked up for that!" so four cups of coffee later the sheriff boots him out the door with a deputy to go get his car.

I remember that era,
Back when drunks were respectable citizens. :wink:
Rockford, Alabama. One cell about 20 X 20 feet with 6 other so-called people in attendance. :lol:

Stood with my back to the corner for my 8 hour waiting period. :help:

The others were giving each other tattoos using the melted plastic (by a cigar lighter) from a dark blue "Bic" razor for ink. :shock:
Northern Rancher said:
Miuke you weren't checking to see if your shoelaces were done up lol.

No sir. Shoelaces were the least of my thoughts............ :lol:

I was at "Attention" the whole 8 hours. Literally!
What about worst branding you've ever been too? A friend of mine was recently at one that turned into a pretty good....boxing match.....would be a friendly way to put it. Women even were scrapping.
Cal said:
What about worst branding you've ever been too? A friend of mine was recently at one that turned into a pretty good....boxing match.....would be a friendly way to put it. Women even were scrapping.

Don't keep us in suspense Cal, give us the details. :)
Pops said:
Okay... I'm not buying into the concept that none of the old cowboys on here never had to much fun... :roll: Z
You know Pops...I was thinking the same thing,alot of sittin in the bush on this one I think :wink:
I had lots of fun when I was younger, for that matter, still do, but I ain't never been locked up in jail.

Guess you could say that the jail to hold me ain't been built yet.

:lol: :lol: :shock:

:lol: :lol:

Me and Saddle Tramp have almost crossed the line of having to much fun several times, but we always pull up ans stop when we get to that point. :wink:
Back when I was in the navy I spent almost a year on the USS Badger. Does that count?
Just because you have too much fun doesn't mean you have to get caught... :lol: :lol: I have never spent one minute in a jail cell and don't plan on that changing anytime soon.
Took a tour of the Territorial prison at Laramiee years back. Walked into a small cell and they didn't even shut the door, but it gave me the willies.

I don't figure on goion' in any.

"You'll never take me alive, coppers!" :lol:

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