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This shows what fencing costs are in re: Wyoming Wildfires.

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Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
There is a FB page entitled Wyoming Wildfire Relief

We just made our first big purchases for immediate need for ranchers!
We ordered a semi load of t-posts and a semi load of barbed wire.
6800 t-posts with clips- $34,000
540 rolls of 12.5 gauge 2pt Barbed Wire- $44,280

These are rough numbers (don't crucify me if you're a fencing contractor and know better than me 🤣) but for some perspective;

A 4 Wire fence uses 21,120 ft of barb per mile on flat ground. Majority of the areas needing fenced are not flat.

16 rolls per mile on flat ground
ROUGHLY 30 miles of fence can be built with a semi load of barbed wire.

400-440 posts per mile
ROUGHLY 15 miles of fence can be built with a semi load of t-posts.

Moral of the story,
$78,000 in materials won't put a dent in what needs rebuilt, but it can sure help some people get started.
That works out to $5,200 a mile for the supplies. Labor on top of that. One of my neighbors has a BLM allotment which had a portion of it burn. The BLM told him that he can use the part which didn't burn but would need to fence the cows of the burned part. That means about 3 or 4 miles of fence. Makes for some pretty expensive grass.
NRCS had money for wildlife friendly fences, Only thing I don't like is neighbors , helping push pairs along it lot of the calves end up on the other side. Well lot of money for wildlife migration routes in western Wyoming , Problem is the new land owners don't qualify for the cost share(The have too much income). So that money has been spread around the state.

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