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Time To Get Tough Whitey!!!


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
Is the AP "tabloid" sensationalism also?

Posted 8/12/11 7:12 a.m.

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) - The investigation into 11 of the violent incidents on the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair has resulted in the arrest of a 16-year-old African-American who reportedly told investigators he targeted whites.

West Allis police said Thursday the teen was arrested late Wednesday. The Milwaukee teen was booked on suspicion of attempted robbery and robbery. Police recommend that he face additional penalties for hate crimes.

Police say the teen told investigators whites were chosen because he considered them "easy targets."

On opening night of the fair last week, 31 people were arrested and at least 11 people were hurt. The West Allis Police Department has said race was a factor in the 11 violent incidents it's investigating.

The State Fair has stepped up security since the attacks.
Mike said:
Is the AP "tabloid" sensationalism also?

Posted 8/12/11 7:12 a.m.

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) - The investigation into 11 of the violent incidents on the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair has resulted in the arrest of a 16-year-old African-American who reportedly told investigators he targeted whites.

West Allis police said Thursday the teen was arrested late Wednesday. The Milwaukee teen was booked on suspicion of attempted robbery and robbery. Police recommend that he face additional penalties for hate crimes.

Police say the teen told investigators whites were chosen because he considered them "easy targets."

On opening night of the fair last week, 31 people were arrested and at least 11 people were hurt. The West Allis Police Department has said race was a factor in the 11 violent incidents it's investigating.

The State Fair has stepped up security since the attacks.

oh please mike, r e a l l y.

mikey, you really need help with your racism.

you need to talk to God, for real.

mikey, you must hide in your closet every night, only to get up and spread and entice and incite racism against anything that is not white.

i can assure you, if i wanted to waste time to look up all the racist attacks from whites on blacks, compared to blacks on whites, i can assure you whites would win out hands down. same with the lynchings. you need to get a life there mikey, instead of trying to come here and entice and incite racism i.e. ''TIME TO GET TOUGH WHITEY''.

mikey, it is the likes of you, that are sitting and waiting for an excuse to riot against all that is not white. mikey is the type that would entice and incite a riot, then hide in the bushes to kill, like the coward he is. like i said before, be very careful what you wish for mikey.

God has a place for folks like you mikey, and from what i understand, it's much hotter than Texas, with NO air conditioning too.

Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA

By Drew Griffin and Scott Bronstein, CNN Special Investigations

August 8, 2011 2:49 p.m. EDT

murder of a man he never knew...

accused of leading a group of white teens, to beat up anyone black.

7 white teens...in search of a black person to mess with...out of hate...racial motivated...hate motivated...to kill a black victim...teens in two vehicles...racial slurs, and then a continuous beating, screaming white power, leaving he beating and on the ground...then their F-250 pickup, and then ran over his black victim...pure racial hatred and murder....he said, i ran that nigger over...


apparently this is what mike from Auburn University was educated in...this is what mike likes to entice and incite every day on ranchers.net. mike is a very sad, and racist individual.

mikey, i think i know why you are not big enough to post your identification and where you live, i understand totally. besides being a coward, you are just a scared and racist individual...very sad, i feel sorry for your family...

i will pray for you mike...
flounder said:
Mike said:
Is the AP "tabloid" sensationalism also?

Posted 8/12/11 7:12 a.m.

WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) - The investigation into 11 of the violent incidents on the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair has resulted in the arrest of a 16-year-old African-American who reportedly told investigators he targeted whites.

West Allis police said Thursday the teen was arrested late Wednesday. The Milwaukee teen was booked on suspicion of attempted robbery and robbery. Police recommend that he face additional penalties for hate crimes.

Police say the teen told investigators whites were chosen because he considered them "easy targets."

On opening night of the fair last week, 31 people were arrested and at least 11 people were hurt. The West Allis Police Department has said race was a factor in the 11 violent incidents it's investigating.

The State Fair has stepped up security since the attacks.

oh please mike, r e a l l y.

mikey, you really need help with your racism.

you need to talk to God, for real.

mikey, you must hide in your closet every night, only to get up and spread and entice and incite racism against anything that is not white.

i can assure you, if i wanted to waste time to look up all the racist attacks from whites on blacks, compared to blacks on whites, i can assure you whites would win out hands down. same with the lynchings. you need to get a life there mikey, instead of trying to come here and entice and incite racism i.e. ''TIME TO GET TOUGH WHITEY''.

mikey, it is the likes of you, that are sitting and waiting for an excuse to riot against all that is not white. mikey is the type that would entice and incite a riot, then hide in the bushes to kill, like the coward he is. like i said before, be very careful what you wish for mikey.

God has a place for folks like you mikey, and from what i understand, it's much hotter than Texas, with NO air conditioning too.

Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA

By Drew Griffin and Scott Bronstein, CNN Special Investigations

August 8, 2011 2:49 p.m. EDT

murder of a man he never knew...

accused of leading a group of white teens, to beat up anyone black.

7 white teens...in search of a black person to mess with...out of hate...racial motivated...hate motivated...to kill a black victim...teens in two vehicles...racial slurs, and then a continuous beating, screaming white power, leaving he beating and on the ground...then their F-250 pickup, and then ran over his black victim...pure racial hatred and murder....he said, i ran that nigger over...


apparently this is what mike from Auburn University was educated in...this is what mike likes to entice and incite every day on ranchers.net. mike is a very sad, and racist individual.

mikey, i think i know why you are not big enough to post your identification and where you live, i understand totally. besides being a coward, you are just a scared and racist individual...very sad, i feel sorry for your family...

i will pray for you mike...

So you are condemning mike to hell, so what are you trying to portray yourself as you racist you. You just hate it that everyone on here has you figured out that you are a TRUE RACIST. No I am not going to condemn you to hell, thats not my place to even though you think it's yours
Larrry said:
flounder said:
Mike said:
Is the AP "tabloid" sensationalism also?

oh please mike, r e a l l y.

mikey, you really need help with your racism.

you need to talk to God, for real.

mikey, you must hide in your closet every night, only to get up and spread and entice and incite racism against anything that is not white.

i can assure you, if i wanted to waste time to look up all the racist attacks from whites on blacks, compared to blacks on whites, i can assure you whites would win out hands down. same with the lynchings. you need to get a life there mikey, instead of trying to come here and entice and incite racism i.e. ''TIME TO GET TOUGH WHITEY''.

mikey, it is the likes of you, that are sitting and waiting for an excuse to riot against all that is not white. mikey is the type that would entice and incite a riot, then hide in the bushes to kill, like the coward he is. like i said before, be very careful what you wish for mikey.

God has a place for folks like you mikey, and from what i understand, it's much hotter than Texas, with NO air conditioning too.

Video shows white teens driving over, killing black man, says DA

By Drew Griffin and Scott Bronstein, CNN Special Investigations

August 8, 2011 2:49 p.m. EDT

murder of a man he never knew...

accused of leading a group of white teens, to beat up anyone black.

7 white teens...in search of a black person to mess with...out of hate...racial motivated...hate motivated...to kill a black victim...teens in two vehicles...racial slurs, and then a continuous beating, screaming white power, leaving he beating and on the ground...then their F-250 pickup, and then ran over his black victim...pure racial hatred and murder....he said, i ran that nigger over...


apparently this is what mike from Auburn University was educated in...this is what mike likes to entice and incite every day on ranchers.net. mike is a very sad, and racist individual.

mikey, i think i know why you are not big enough to post your identification and where you live, i understand totally. besides being a coward, you are just a scared and racist individual...very sad, i feel sorry for your family...

i will pray for you mike...

So you are condemning mike to hell, so what are you trying to portray yourself as you racist you. You just hate it that everyone on here has you figured out that you are a TRUE RACIST. No I am not going to condemn you to hell, thats not my place to even though you think it's yours

:???: :? :lol: :tiphat: :wave:
HELLO yal we need to wake up...its getting more like a jungle than civilized people.
Its WRONG no matter if its white on black or black on white ......
7 white teens...in search of a black person to mess with...out of hate...racial motivated...hate motivated...to kill a black victim...teens in two vehicles...racial slurs, and then a continuous beating, screaming white power, leaving he beating and on the ground...then their F-250 pickup, and then ran over his black victim...pure racial hatred and murder....he said, i ran that nigger over...

this is wrong.. sick in fact these 7 white teens acted like animals.. thugs.. they have been arrested and some were charged.. they may just think it was a prank that got of hand, but the fact is a innocent man was savagely killed and they will pay for this stupidity and hatred by serving the greater part of their life in prison where they belong.. locked up like animals. it is sad that lynching isn't still around.. cause once you string up a few, the rest will get the hint that this is unacceptable..

Now why is it wrong and racist for me to say the same if the thugs were black?
Yes Steve according to a couple of mis guided souls on here you would be racist :roll:
hopalong said:
Yes Steve according to a couple of mis guided souls on here you would be racist :roll:

it was Obama that gave me the courage to speak out ...every time you tried to speak against him you got called a racist..

nothing like being called a racist so often, that it loses it's meaning..

no sting left at all now when I hear or see the word.. just another meaningless word..
Steve said:
hopalong said:
Yes Steve according to a couple of mis guided souls on here you would be racist :roll:

it was Obama that gave me the courage to speak out ...every time you tried to speak against him you got called a racist..

nothing like being called a racist so often, that it loses it's meaning..

no sting left at all now when I hear or see the word.. just another meaningless word..

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

There once was a boy, who lived in a pasture,
A bored little shepherd, wishing life would go faster.
So he played games all day and night in the field.
I watched and knew his fate was sealed.
I would wait for awhile, unseen in a bush,
Planning the next meal for me, a humble wolf.
So watched and waited, waited and watched.
I learned the boy's patterns. I made my plot.
On the chosen day, I sat in my spot.
I licked my lips, reviewing my plot.
Then the boy turned his back, and I took a sheep.
He saw it was missing and started to weep.
"Oh no! Oh dear! A sheep isn't here.
Now the Farmer will beat me, my worst fear."
I chuckled to myself and made the sheep bleat
He heard it right away and came in a beat.
The boy came to the woods and looked around,
But wherever he looked, the sheep couldn't be found.
He came further in, falling for the plan,
But just a moment too soon, he saw me and ran.
He ran and ran all the way home.
He ran past the sheep and left them to roam.
He ran to the farmer and he started crying.
The farmer sent him back and told him, "No whining."
So, with his head down, to the field he went back.
And tended the flock, minus one little snack.
I took my place again,
And I waited and watched until I heard men.
They were the men of the town football team,
Coming, all muddy, from the town football green.
Then I showed my face to the poor little lad.
And he started to cry with all the wind he had:
"Wolf! Wolf! Right there in the bush!
He's gonna come out and eat my little tush!"
And all the men came to look and search,
But no one saw me up in my perch.
For I was hidden, way up in a tree,
Just as agile as any wolf can be.
The men went away shaking their heads,
And the little boy stayed, his face bright red.
I came out from my spot, one last time,
And I strolled up behind
The confused little lad,
Changing each moment from embarrassed to mad.
The boy turned around and saw me again,
And then he yelled way down to the men:
"He's back! He's back! He's come back again!
Help me! Save me! Big football men?"
No one will listen to you.
No one will come.
Now I have one choice:
Rare or well-done?
flipper, you're a real big boy behind your computer screen. I would take the names you called me seriously, but then I consider the source.............
Mike said:
flipper, you're a real big boy behind your computer screen. I would take the names you called me seriously, but then I consider the source.............

get a grip mikey. you are a racist, a bigot, and that is not name calling, it is fact. some times you even seem proud of it.

and speaking of dresses (Jefferson Davis & OT thread), i bet you wear a dress to bed every night mike. you probably are the type that also have those little plastic civil war toys soldiers all decked out in full combat on a big table in your house, where you dress up as general lee and play war.

cry me a friggen river mikey, you are one of the most cowardly bigots that hides behind a screen i have ever seen here on ranchers.net/. i remember recently you were boasting how you was going to smack someone down IF they were in front of you. i believe it was OT.
cry me a friggen river crybaby mike.

and speaking of name calling, you and your name calling behind the screen here on ranchers.net/ mike, is terrible, probably the worst, and with me, i just said wtf and took the gloves off. i tried for a long time to give you and others here respect, but you took the cake with your rude comments. so, if you can't stand the heat now mike, get out of the kitchen, or start being a respectful person, and maybe you might gain some respect.

also, i find this strange, mikes comments archive, only 1st page accessible out of 1293 pages. what's wrong mike, don't want anyone to be able to access your lies and rude comments. you don't want to be I.D.ed here for some reason, and you don't want anyone to be able to access your archive full of lies and rude comments. typical coward...

this is the only archive page of mikes comments i can access ;


2nd page, 3rd page and on ;


No topics or posts met your search criteria

we all are now seeing what type of coward, racist, bigot you are mike. ...
Three white men convicted of hate crimes in attack at Houston bus stop

By James Pinkerton

Updated 12:34 p.m., Monday, April 16, 2012

Three white men were convicted Monday of a racially motivated attack on a black man at a downtown Houston bus stop last summer, the first conviction in the Houston area under a tough federal hate crime law.

The FBI confirmed a federal jury convicted Charles Cannon, 26, Michael McLaughlin, 40, and Brian Kerstetter, 32. Charges were dismissed against a fourth defendant, Joseph Staggs, 49, who testified against the other three.

Yondell Johnson, an African-American man who was waiting for a bus at the corner of Travis and McKinney, was approached by four men who asked him what time it was. At least one of the men used a racial epitaph, and three of the suspects had white supremacist tattoos.

The four men surrounded Johnson and punched and kicked him, despite his efforts to fight them off.

The U.S. Department of Justice official assigned to the case in Washington D.C. was unavailable for comment.

The men were convicted under the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which was passed in October 2009. The law gives the FBI authority to investigate violent crime, including violence directed at the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community, as well as crimes committed because of gender, race, color, religion or national origin.

When the men were charged in January, it marked only the third time that someone faced charges under the new law.

Johnson told the Houston Chronicle that four loud, shirtless white men came up to a bus stop shortly before midnight Aug. 13. He was waiting to catch the bus after spending the day visiting his 12-year-old daughter.

Johnson recalled one man asked him, "Hey bro, you got the time?"

Johnson said he did not, and then heard a second man berate the first.

"Why are you calling a (N-word) a bro?" Johnson recalled.

Sensing he was going to be attacked, Johnson stood up and backed against a pole. Johnson, an amateur boxer who was 29 when the attack occurred, held off his assailants for about 10 minutes, but one of them grabbed him by the ankles and pulled him down. As one man held him down, the other three stomped and kicked his face.

The conviction by a jury under the hate crime law carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.

[email protected].


FBI Releases 2010 Hate Crime Statistics

> Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.

FBI Releases 2010 Hate Crime Statistics

Washington, D.C. November 14, 2011 FBI National Press Office (202) 324-3691

— filed under: Press Release

Today, the Federal Bureau of Investigation released Hate Crime Statistics, 2010 based on information submitted by law enforcement agencies throughout the nation. These data indicate that 6,628 criminal incidents involving 7,699 offenses were reported in 2010 as a result of bias toward a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability.

Hate Crime Statistics, 2010 includes the following information:

Of the 6,624 single bias incidents, 47.3 percent were motivated by a racial bias, 20.0 percent were motivated by a religious bias, 19.3 percent were motivated by a sexual orientation bias, and 12.8 percent were motivated by an ethnicity/national origin bias. Bias against a disability accounted for 0.6 percent of single-bias incidents.

There were 4,824 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against persons. Intimidation accounted for 46.2 percent of these crimes, simple assaults for 34.8 percent, and aggravated assaults for 18.4 percent. In addition, seven murders were reported as hate crimes.

There were 2,861 hate crime offenses classified as crimes against property; most of these (81.1 percent) were acts of destruction/damage/vandalism. The remaining 18.9 percent of crimes against property consisted of robbery, burglary, larceny theft, motor vehicle theft, arson, and other offenses.
Of the 6,008 known offenders, 58.6 percent were white and 18.4 percent were black. For 12.0 percent, the race was unknown, and the remaining known offenders were of other races.

The largest percentage (31.4 percent) of hate crime incidents occurred in or near homes. Another 17.0 percent took place on highways, roads, alleys, or streets; 10.9 percent happened at schools or colleges; 5.8 percent in parking lots or garages; and 3.7 percent in churches, synagogues, or temples. The location was considered other or unknown for 14.3 percent of hate crime incidents. The remaining 16.9 percent of hate crime incidents took place at other specified locations or multiple locations.



Racial bias

In 2009, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,816 single-bias hate crime offenses were racially motivated. Of these offenses:

71.4 percent were motivated by anti-black bias.

17.1 percent resulted from anti-white bias.

In 2009, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,816 single-bias hate crime offenses were racially motivated. Of these offenses:

71.4 percent were motivated by anti-black bias.

17.1 percent resulted from anti-white bias.

Are you trying to once again prove that Blacks are more racist than Whites?


72.4 % White

12.6 % Black
Hey flipper if you were as smart as you try to come across as,, you would know there are times the full archives of a given poster are not always available at all times!!!! Has even been discussed a few times on here!!
so CRY US a RIVER wanna be!!!!!!!!
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
As a matter of fact i just tried calling up all posts by you!!! 3 pages,, then i tried again and guess what DUMBO???
EH DR terry the high school drop put that tries to pretend to be a DR and an expert
too bad you are such a loser and have a love affair with yourself yet yourself hates you too :roll: :roll:
Hate crimes laws are a joke. They are based on the presumption that only whites can be racist. That is why it is hard for a black man to be charged with a hate crime. If you had been listening to jesse and al you would know that only whites can be racists

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