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Tom Delay

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ez now

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2005
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This forum talks about all the news, Just wandering what the latest is on his situation.
Didn't you know that you don't dare say anything bad about a republican on this forum? Old Cal will give you one of his rants that he heard from Limbaugh if you do.
I am a dyed-in-the-wool Republican myself, but I do have a beef with them. I am fed up to my eyeballs with the "Republican party" calling at all hours of the day and night, wanting contributions for this or that. They have the pretense of first asking a poll question, and then pouncing on you by wanting more money.

It has gotten me to the point of thinking it is in fact, not the Republicans but the Democrats, pretending to be Republicans, who do this to make people mad at the Republicans. Just a thought. :evil: :wink:
SDSteve said:
Didn't you know that you don't dare say anything bad about a republican on this forum? Old Cal will give you one of his rants that he heard from Limbaugh if you do.

I didn't see anything bad written about anyone, just a question, and certainly nothing of substance from SDSteve. I'm giving this a little more time to play out. The news media has a track record of creating news "Rather" than just reporting it. Could be overhyped, could be a double standard.
it would be easy to take a page from disagreeables dem play book and say he doesn't represent me or my district, so it is of little concern to me, but when the clinton campaign management went down in a spirel of flaming disgrace, amid many convictions, no one seemed to care? why now when "allegations" are made against a Republican is it such a big deal?

In my view if he is guilty, he should resign and go to jail, maybe he can get a cell next to Sandy or Rich,,,,oops they got off free,,,,
The Republicans will take care of Delay one way or the other... My question is what are the Democrats going to do with Ted Kennedy?? Delay doesn't hold a candle to Kennedy.How about some tar and feathers for Kennedy????
katrina said:
The Republicans will take care of Delay one way or the other... My question is what are the Democrats going to do with Ted Kennedy?? Delay doesn't hold a candle to Kennedy.How about some tar and feathers for Kennedy????
Have to agree with you here Katrina, Delay doesnt hold a candle to Ted Kennedy.
Wasnt Delay one of first republicans to come out against Clinton. What these people need to do is when they pull that silver spoon out of their mouth to trash people over something thats none of their business, like a sex act, That the spoon dont pull there false teeth out, They may hit the ground and bounce back up and bite them on the butt.
What most people seem to forget about Slick Willy. It wasn't about sex, it was about perjury.
I agree with you to a point reader the second. My idea is that you hold your personal account as you would your public. I don't think you can seperate the two. Secondly, it's all gray matter. Black and white and wrong and right. The thing with Delay, Clinton, Kennedy and others is the gray. Whats worst helping your family or sex with an intern, whats worse, sex or perjury, whats worse perjury or murder.... It's all wrong just a darker gray.IMHO... Bring out the stocks!!! LOL.
And on and on and on, Where does it end? Is this what we are? Is it the fact that most of the politicians are career politicians? To much good ole boy politics. You do this for me and I'll do this for you.. Beauraucracy?(sp) I'm to tired to drag out my dictonary... Is it a fatal flaw in the makeup of the people who run for office?
reader (the Second) said:
................. Reagan's relationship with his children was dysfunctional.

I think it was a couple of his children who were dysfunctional. Like Ronny and Patty. Like most spoiled brats of the 60's and liberals in general, they were dead wrong on how to fight Communism. Reagan was right on with the way he took down the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union, all without firing a shot.

Remember all the liberals warning of a great halocaust brought on by Reagan?

Cold War, it's over.
Bull Burger wrote..Cold War, it's over.
Yes your right in the sense of the cold war as we know it. But IMHO we will see a new type of cold war as in taking care of American interest as in US cattle, grain, and other commotities that was imported in, rather than buying at home. The lessons learned from the baby boomers as to spend, spend, spend. The conservities are going to have more impact on society. And I look for the open door policies that we have seen for ever to close. I look for a change in everything shipped overseas and imported back to end. And a more conservative way of buying. Walmart will take a hit and in order for them to stay competitive will change to from cheap made throw away, to a better made lasting mercahndise. Okay now let me have it!!!!!
good post katrina; the only problem i have is how do you see this coming about? you're up against other american interests in trying to make change. what you want is largely part of the past and i wonder if that's what we really want how do we get back there? my feeling is that the change in the globalization will come from other parts of the world refusing to participate in the process that has brought us to where we are now.
my feeling is that the change in the globalization will come from other parts of the world refusing to participate in the process that has brought us to where we are now. Don, What do you mean? This is interesting and I value your view?
i think as we watch countries like china and india becoming more powerful that they will start calling more of the tunes the world dances to. if they don't want n. american style plant breeders rights, for instance, it will hinder how some of the big companies can control food production in their part of the world. as i said in another thread, china is buying interests in the canadian oil patch and that will change some aspects of how and where decisions are made for that industry. s. america is looked upon as the low cost food production frontier but that won't last forever and it looks like in a decade or two the eastern european states will get their act together enough to see food production increase there. the united states is the only superpower since e. europe imploded but how long that lasts will be up to the usa and other countries. the power vacuum left from the eastern bloc will get filled by others over time. different cultures have different values and will do things differently. a lot of things changing around the world right now and i guess we'll all have to stay on our toes to survive economically. i don't think it will be all bad but it will definitely be different.
Interesting blog on this subject with several other links contained in article.

The main culprit behind the "Get Delay" campaign is a so-called non-partisan group called Common Cause

Some research on the group reveals that they, (amongst other groups targeting Delay), have received $600,000 in donations from George Soros according to Michelle Malkin . Their organization is full of rabid Democrats according to other sources. As that person points out:

"Common Cause non-partisan? Only an Iraqi Minister of Information could say that with a straight face."

From thier site
"The dominating influence of wealthy special interests in the funding of campaigns has eroded public trust in our political system and discouraged political participation."

yet Common cause has no problem accepting donors money tied to an agenda?

If you mean Molly Ivins is a hoot, as in owl that can turn it's head completely around, swallow rodents whole, and crap out the bones in a little ball of fur, than yes, I geuss I can see it.

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