If Clinton's analysis is correct.........................why was he so instrumental in acquiring MFN status for China?
Red China in California
The Encroachment of COSCO
by David Blalock
By now it should be no surprise that the Clinton administration and Red China have similar interests, enhanced by the Chinese monies donated to Clinton and Gore for the last election campaign. It still amazes that very little actually appears in the American press about this ongoing issue, but that is another story.
In 1998, under the recommendations of Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) and Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-California), special legislation was passed to prevent the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO), a front for the Red Chinese government's espionage machine overseas, from taking over the abandoned Long Beach Naval Station in southern California. This takeover of American soil by a Chinese intelligence front was sanctioned and encouraged by the Clinton administration. COSCO, foiled with that attempt, has now set its sights on gaining a "private berth" in the Port of Long Beach itself. This will protect the company from public scrutiny and, in effect, isolate it from U.S. authority. COSCO already uses Pier J at the Port of Long Beach.
COSCO is also established in the Panama Canal Zone, having gained a significant foothold on the North American continent without resistance. The Panamanian government, starved for money and unable to depend on U.S. support even after the ouster of Manuel Noriega, turned to the nearest source of funds, Red China, to rebuild its infrastructure after Operation Just Cause. The Clinton Administration, by ignoring Panama's needs, insured the installation of a hostile government's intelligence agency in Central America.
In the years we call "after the Cold War" there is a colder war ongoing, a war of the subliminal. COSCO has been connected to the supply of AK-47s to Los Angeles street gangs. The Clinton administration views China not only as a political supporter, but as a customer for political and economic favor. Meanwhile, the last bastion of democratic interest in the Chinese theater, Taiwan, is left out to dry.
It's time the American people stopped taking it for granted that the American media is giving them the full picture, especially concerning global political manuevering. China is a real threat to Europe and the Americas. This is obvious from their recent saber-rattling at Taiwan and their aggressive moves to establish themselves physical presences on the North and South American continents. Get informed. Wake up.
For further reading:
On the proliferation of Red Chinese influence in America and overseas (The Cox Report) (http://www.house.gov/coxreport)
Canadian Senate Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs (VANCOUVER, Thursday, February 6, 1997) (http://www.parl.gc.ca/english/senate/com-e/fore-e/20eva-e.htm)
Visit COSCO's Home Page to see the extent of their influence in Asia and overseas (http://www.cosco.com.hk)