Pharmacy theft occurs during business hours
Should be a stiff penalty for this crime!
A discovery was made last week when Service Drug Pharmacist and owner Bob Haugo, started to fill a prescription for Viagra and found that all the pill bottles for treating erectile dysfunction were on the shelf , but empty.
It is believed that someone crawled over the high counter in the pharmacy area of the store on Saturday or Monday, August 25th or 27th, during business hours and emptied approximately $2000 worth of Viagra bottles, leaving the bottles behind. No other drugs are missing.
The pharmacy has three locked doors and a high counter surrounding it. Up and over the tall counter was the only way into the pharmacy . The only time the pharmacy area was unattended but secured by the usual means, was during Saturday when the pharmacy area was closed and lunch break on Monday.
Ironically, this happened while Service Drug was undergoing a security survey with a security company to improve the overall security of the store. Meanwhile other measures and precautions have taken place while a complete system is being installed.
Viagra, not being considered a "controlled substance" was not kept in the locked safe, but was at the time, as are all of the drugs , clearly out of reach.
Anyone with any information or sees someone handing out or selling the drug, should contact the Daniels County Sheriff's Department at 487-2691
In tonights local paper- Tams home town has a major crime spree going! :lol: :lol: