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Voter Fraud


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Montgomery, Al
I don't know how important anyone else's vote is to them but mine is sacred to me.

NBC2 Investigates: Voter fraud

Posted: Feb 02, 2012 1:34 PM CST

By Andy Pierrotti, NBC2 Investigator - bio | email

Two elections supervisors are taking action after an NBC2 investigation uncovers flawed record keeping and human error allowing people who are not citizens of the United States to vote.

No one knows how widespread this problem is, because county election supervisors have no way to track non-citizens who live here.

So NBC2 did something election officials never thought to do, and found them on our own.

"I vote every year," Hinako Dennett told NBC2.

The Cape Coral resident is not a US citizen, yet she's registered to vote.

NBC2 found Dennett after reviewing her jury excusal form. She told the Clerk of Court she couldn't serve as a juror because she wasn't a U.S. citizen.

We found her name, and nearly a hundred others like her, in the database of Florida registered voters.

Naples resident Yvonne Wigglesworth is also a not a citizen, but is registered to vote. She claims she doesn't know how she got registered.

"I have no idea. I mean, how am I supposed to know."

Records show Wigglesworth voted six times in elections dating back eleven years.

"I know you cannot vote before you become a citizen, so I never tried to do anything like that," Samuel Lincoln said.

He isn't a U.S. citizen either, but the Jamaican national says he doesn't know how he ended up registered to vote.

"It's their mistake, not mine," said Lincoln.

We obtained a copy of his 2007 voter registration application. It's clearly shows he marked U.S. citizen.

"This is under oath, that document, they are attesting that it is true and by falsifying, it's a third degree felony," said Tim Durham, Collier County's chief elections supervisor.

County supervisors of elections tell me they have no way to verify citizenship. Under the 1992 Motor Voter Law, they're not required to ask for proof.

"We have no policing authority. We don't have any way of bouncing that information off any other database that would give us that information," said Lee County Supervisor of Elections Sharon Harrington.

NBC2: Does that need to change??
Harrington: "I think it needs to be looked at."

Until that happens, the only way supervisors of elections can investigate voter fraud is if they get a tip.

So that's what our list became. After showing them the nearly 100 names we compiled, both county election offices sent letters to each voter, asking them verify citizenship.

"It could be very serious. It could change the whole complexion of an election," said Harrington.
It's important we don't know we know if these folks are here illegal or not, just they are potentially not U.S. citizens who registered to vote.

Voters who received letters have 30 days to show proof of citizenship, or they'll be taken off the registration rolls.

Based on our investigation, both election offices say they'll now request a copy of every jury excusal form where residents say they can't serve because they're not a citizen.
Perhaps when they signed up for food stamps they were registered to vote??? or WIC??? Some more of them government programs for the illegals......
MoGal said:
Perhaps when they signed up for food stamps they were registered to vote??? or WIC??? Some more of them government programs for the illegals......

You're not saying Democrats are buying votes are you"

Shocking I say, Shocking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
If I received 3 voter ID cards for me and 2 previous residents in the mail, does that mean I get to vote 3 times?
Lugar fights back on questions about residency

CNN Political Reporter Shannon Travis
(CNN) - Republican Sen. Dick Lugar of Indiana responded Friday to recent reports that show he doesn’t live in the state he’s been representing for more than 35 years.

The longtime senator told CNN he maintains a residence for “political purposes” in Indianapolis but doesn’t live at the physical address-staying in hotels around the state, instead.

Lugar pointed to a loophole in Indiana law that protects his residency status while he lives and works in the Washington, D.C. area.

According to the state’s constitution, an absent individual does not lose residence as long as he or she is away “on the business of the State of Indiana or the United States.”

The longtime senator listed his voting address as 3200 Highwoods Court in Indianapolis but said his actual home is located in McLean, Virginia–a Washington suburb.

According to a recent report by The Daily Caller, a conservative news website, the woman who owns the house at the Indiana address said she knew that Lugar had built the home, but she was not aware he had been voting from that address.

The Daily Caller wrote the story after an Indiana tea party supporter and investigator began looking into Lugar’s residency situation.

Responding to the article, Lugar deemed the report “unfair.”

"It's a, I think a very unfair attack…because this is purely the law, two attorneys general have ruled that, specifically so that there was never any ambiguity for the last 36 years," he said.

While Lugar said he hadn’t lived in Indiana since before he joined the Navy in the 1950s, the senator served as mayor of Indianapolis from 1968-1975, according to his website. He was elected to the Senate in 1976.

Brad King, co-director of the Indiana Election Division, said as long as an individual establishes residency before he or she leaves the state for work, the law permits that person to remain a resident, no matter how long that person is gone.

As for voting standards, King said voters must list a residence when they first register to vote, but they’re not required to show proof of residence.

If they move, they’re directed to indicate a change of address but, again, not required to prove the change.

The voter requirements are pretty well left up to the states as long as they follow broadbase federal guidelines- and often its beneficial to the state to have as many voters as they can get-- or can keep Congressmen that don't even own a residence in the state anymore.. :roll:
Another good argument for Term Limits...
Mike, you wanna bet that he has a direct line to the white house and when obama needs to wipe a phone in remote MT rings.
Mike said:
That's right. Change the subject you POS!!!!!!! :roll:

KKK meeting go bad last night...Couldn't the Alabama Grand POOPAH find anyone to string up :???: :wink: :lol:

How do you keep voters from committing fraud when their Congressmen are doing the same thing...
"I vote every year," Hinako Dennett told NBC2.

The Cape Coral resident is not a US citizen, yet she's registered to vote.

NBC2 found Dennett after reviewing her jury excusal form. She told the Clerk of Court she couldn't serve as a juror because she wasn't a U.S. citizen.

We found her name, and nearly a hundred others like her, in the database of Florida registered voters.

I would be honored to sit on the jury and decide her fate...

Congress enacted the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, making it a federal crime for non-citizens to vote in any federal election (or state election, unless authorized by state law). As a penalty, ineligible non-citizens who knowingly vote may be deported. Additionally, a non-citizen who falsely claims to be a United States citizen is in violation of this law.

It appears that in at least most of these cases, aliens who voted illegally may have done so unknowingly. This is a result of the enactment of The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) ? known as the Motor-Voter law ? which made the process of registering to vote nearly automatic for people applying for a state driver’s license or ID card,
Another good argument for Term Limits...

There are at least 535 good reasons for term limits...

and since you will never get him to vote for term limits.. the Tea Party is actively fighting to get him out of office..

Lugar Stance

Dick Lugar has been cited as “Barack Obama’s Favorite Republican” 1

Lugar appeared in a campaign television advertisement for Obama during the 2008 presidential election, then went on to serve as a co-chair for Obama’s inaugural committee,

Dick Lugar has repeatedly voted for amnesty for illegal immigrants, and is a main sponsor of Obama’s DREAM act 6

Dick Lugar refused to join Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell and 32 other Republican Senators in signing a legal brief in support of Florida’s lawsuit challenging the Constitutionality of Obamacare. Indiana is also a plaintiff in this lawsuit.

Dick Lugar earns a “D+” rating from the NRA and an “F” from the Gun Owners of America for being a strong advocate of gun control. Lugar has voted for the “assault weapons” ban, the Brady Bill, the DC handgun ban and other gun control legislation.

Dick Lugar voted with the Democrats to bailout General Motors and Chrysler using our tax dollars. Then he remained silent while the Obama Administration illegally used TARP money

Dick Lugar has consistently voted against ending or even reforming the corrupt system of “earmark” spending, even joining with Democrats to stop Republican Senators from placing a 3-year moratorium on all earmarks

Dick Lugar joined with Democrats to pass the START treaty that promises to reduce our strategic nuclear arsenal and restrict our ability to develop a missile defense system

Dick Lugar opposes term limits for members of Congress.

Major tea party group backs Lugar challenger

A leading national tea party group Thursday will endorse a conservative candidate who is primary challenging longtime Republican Sen. Dick Lugar of Indiana.

CNN's learned that the Tea Party Express will endorse state Treasurer Richard Mourdock at a news conference in Indiana.

"Over the years, Senator Lugar has repeatedly failed to address the fiscal crisis facing our country – voting for more wasteful spending and growth of government at every opportunity. At the same time, he has treated the Tea Party – one of the most impactful political movements in decades – with contempt and disdain,"

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