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Walk about cow


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
NE Oregon
Last week I had a cow show up over in Bridgeport. That is about 15 miles from here by road and it is about 10 miles by road the other direction to where she was turned out. If she cut the corner and went in a straight line it is about 20 miles from A to B. I planned to take her to the sale. B said I should preg test her. Now we didn't have a bull in with the one and done cows. But as B said there was a lot of bulls between A and B. The sale yard vet said she is 6 months. So I passed her out and brought her back home to be a one and done for a second time. She must have started her walk well before the fire.
She does have me wondering. Last year shortly after I started buying cows some surveyors showed up here. They were wanting directions to some place back up in the hills. I took them part way up to where they needed to go. Part way there standing at the Big Rock gate was one of my new cows. She had to have crawled through 2 fences to get there. If she had got through the fence at Big Rock there is miles of BLM to the next fence. I got her back when the neighbor gathered. I don't remember her number but it had to be close to the number on this cow.
She is going to go down the chute and get one of those new ear tags with my phone number on it in case she does this again.
Did she raise a calf last year ?
Yes. She had a calf here. They both must have gone to Bridgeport. Where they went to the man has about 1,000 cows. The calf got recognized when they weaned. I got him back in late September. The cow must have blended in with their cows until they went to work the cows. Then they spotted her and brought her back to me. Nice to have good neighbors.
Wonder if she would have stayed with the neighbors cows, or moved on after awhile. Might be she is/was trying to work
her way back home, where ever she came from originally.
Back in the 80's I think it was my Dad bought some cows from a friend that was retiring.
Hauled them home and turned them out. One went walkabout and ended u across the border. The fellow knew it wasn't his so sent it off to Sitting Bull Auction in Williston ND. The brand inspectors tracked her brand down to the fellow my Dad bought the cows from. He had a od laugh at getting paid twice for the same cow, It took awhile but he finally gave Dad the a check for the cow.

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