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We just might have an early spring

And they are predicting a chance of snow all week here-- with a possibility for a major snow storm and below 0 temps this weekend......

Altho I'm not supposed to start calving for about 3-4 weeks- with the possible major storm for the weekend I decided to haul up some straw bales and have available just in case all the barometric pressure flipping up and down brings an early calf or two...

I can look out my house window and see the straw stack a mile away - but since it is south of the creek- and the floods have taken out the last crossing we had I have to drive about 10 miles around thru town to get them- so thought I better get a few up close....
Watch for the pecan trees to bud before you feel safe from frost. An old-timer told me years ago that they never get caught by a frost and are the last to bud. I've noticed that it's held true for the many years since he told me that.
Bueno suerte.
Started raining here about 11AM-- and really put down some rain which about took all the remaining snow...Now it is coming down as big huge snain flakes...
Good moisture- but it will be a skating rink later tonight when this all freezes...Temp is 34 and dropping...
OT we ended up in a good blizzard yesterday in Great Falls. People said they saw lighting and heard thunder then it started to hail then snow. That wind sure was bad.
Found a cross box to my pickup up near the hay stacks and the top door to a shed open. The box was blown out of the shed it was stored in.
I Luv Herfrds said:
OT we ended up in a good blizzard yesterday in Great Falls. People said they saw lighting and heard thunder then it started to hail then snow. That wind sure was bad.
Found a cross box to my pickup up near the hay stacks and the top door to a shed open. The box was blown out of the shed it was stored in.

We had thunder here yesterday too- ended up getting just short of a 1/2 inch of rain- and with last nights temps dropping into the teens- everything is a skating rink...Temp is 35 now- and its water on ice...
I rode the 4-wheeler around today to get from corral to corral doing chores because I was afraid of falling on my arse..

Now they are predicting for a weekend snowstorm with this area getting up to 6 inches of snow- and temps down to 10 Below by Sunday... :shock:
82, here today, altho its supposed to get cool tonite.
DustDevil, that old timer was right, dont believe i have ever saw a pecan tree bud before the last freeze.
good luck
Jinglebob said:
Justin said:
we are on about our 15th blizzard so far today. white out/sun..white out/ sun......
Wish you just send the snow this way and keep the wind! :D

Evidently we ain't too far apart and I am south east of you Justin.

you sure it ain't there already? it's blowin through here but it ain't stickin' around. :)

most everybody in this state is south or east of me. :wink:

how far SE are we talkin?
Well, I am about half way between Sturgis and Faith. Little bit low of the center if you drew a line. You know where CRS is in Punkin Center. I am a bit north east of them.
A cold ESE wind came up during the night- and was howling 40 mph this morning....Now its starting to snow as this storm moves in....

Weather guessers are still saying Canada and the border areas should get the most snow- but that we could get 2-4 inches.... Temps are dropping and supposed to be down to 5-10 Below by tomorrow nite...
Windy around here the last couple days too but, nuthin like you are gettin, gettin spring like down here, and on schedule Feb 14, the purple martins showed up, pretty good sign weather is moderating.
good luck

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