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Where are calls for war with North Korea?

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2009
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I've been hearing about the threats made against us the past few days.

For years I've heard we had to go into Iraq because we thought they had WMDs. Well we know N. Korea has WMD, as in nukes.

I've also heard that we have to bomb Iran because they might get a nuke and they have made threats. Well North Korea is making clear threats.

So why no threads about the need for attacking them?

Seems ironic that the countries that are the biggest threats don't get attacked. So maybe it was never about the so-called threats.

N. Korea has a long history of extorting money from the U.S. by beating the war drums.

Just ask Bill Clinton, he fell for it and gave them $Billions$.
For me, there are a few reasons.

In the past North Korea has used these tactics to have sanctions eased. Trouble is there is a new little dude in charge with a Napolean complex and something to prove. Is he crazy enough to have his country wiped off the face of the earth? Guess we will find out.

Then there is the fact that Iran has been meddling in Iraq and Afghanistan and they were the masterminds behind many IED attacks. Basically Iran has no problem killing Americans.

I'm not dismissing North Korea's threat, but would prefer the wait and see approach. Quite frankly, I am tired of the constant state of war this country has put itself in with it's past policies. And one of those policies is protecting South Korea even though they are perfectly capable of protecting themselves and rank, I believe, as the 13th best economy.
"As of now, inter-Korea relations enter a state of war and all matters between the two Koreas will be handled according to wartime protocol," the North said in a joint statement attributed to all government bodies and institutions.

The stealthy, nuclear-capable U.S. B-2 bomber is a veteran of wars in Iraq and Libya, but it isn't usually a tool of Washington's statecraft.

Yet on Thursday, the United States sent a pair of the bat-winged planes on a first-of-its-kind practice run over the skies of South Korea, conducting what U.S. officials say was a diplomatic sortie.

The aim, the officials said, was two-fold: to reassure U.S. allies South Korea and Japan in the face of a string of threats from North Korea, and to nudge Pyongyang back to nuclear talks.

But whether North Korea's young new leader, Kim Jong-un, interprets the message the way the White House hopes is anybody's guess. His first reaction, according to North Korean state media, was to order his country's missiles ready to strike the United States and South Korea.

A senior U.S. official said Kim's late father, Kim Jong-il, was at least more predictable: He would issue threats that got the world's attention without provoking open conflict, and then use them as leverage in subsequent diplomatic negotiations.

This time, U.S. intelligence analysts are divided over whether Kim Jong-un is pursuing the same strategy. "It's a little bit of an 'all bets are off' kind of moment," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity,.

The official said the idea for the practice bombing run, part of annual U.S.-South Korean military exercises named Foal Eagle, emerged from government-wide discussions over how to signal to Seoul and Tokyo that Washington would back them in a crisis.

The plan was approved by the White House and coordinated with South Korea and Japan, the official said.


While the 20-year-old B-2 often flies for long durations - 44 hours is the record - Thursday's flight of approximately 37-1/2 hours was the plane's first non-stop mission to the Korean peninsula and back from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri, Air Force officials said.

With Pyongyang threatening missile strikes on the U.S. mainland, as well as U.S. bases in Hawaii and Guam, the flight seemed designed to demonstrate how easy it would be for the United States to strike back at North Korea.

these acts are usually called saber rattling.. sort of a threat without actually issuing a threat..
Mike said:
N. Korea has a long history of extorting money from the U.S. by beating the war drums.

Just ask Bill Clinton, he fell for it and gave them $Billions$.

And some say Clinton's administration also literally gave them the bomb.
Oldtimer said:

What was the name of that US spy ship they captured many years ago? I think I was a freshman in highschool when that happened.

I recall that the N. Koreans photographed the crew for propaganda purposes and a number of the crewmembers were flipping off the camera. :lol:

And speaking of a navy attacking the US, you heard the one about the crew of Mexicans rowing a small boat towards the US coastline? A Coast Guard cutter pulled up and via loudspeaker asked the Mesicans what they were doing. They responded that they were invading the US.

When the laughter died down on the cutter, the Captain asked, "your crew of 8 guys is going to take over the US?".

The head Mesican replied, "no, the rest of our invasion force is already there".

:lol: :???: :shock:
djinwa said:
I've been hearing about the threats made against us the past few days.

For years I've heard we had to go into Iraq because we thought they had WMDs. Well we know N. Korea has WMD, as in nukes.

I've also heard that we have to bomb Iran because they might get a nuke and they have made threats. Well North Korea is making clear threats.

So why no threads about the need for attacking them?

Seems ironic that the countries that are the biggest threats don't get attacked. So maybe it was never about the so-called threats.


Maybe this president is just chicken shyt.
Our leadership has no idea the damage this twerp can do. He doesn't have to hit an American city with a nuke to cause severe damage. One nuke and America could be in the stone age and that is no joke. We realy almost entirely on electricity and electronics. This system would be destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse that results from detonated nuclear device. One missle and one nuke set off at several thousand feet off the ground in the center of the US would wipe out the majority of the electrical grid and most of the electronic systems.
All one needs to wreak some serious EMP damage, he charges, is a sea-worthy steamer, $100,000 to buy a scud-missile launcher, and a crude nuclear weapon. Then fling the device high into the air and detonate its warhead.

Such a system might not paralyze the entire United States, he concedes. "But you could shut down all of New England. And if you missed by 100 miles, it's as good as a bulls-eye."

seems the containment option just failed...

That might make the idea of an EMP attack tempting for some of America's adversaries, said Bartlett. Because the electronic revolution has not reached North Korea, for example, he argued that it could weather an EMP with "little or no effect."

But in the United States, a community zapped by EMP weaponry could expect nothing less than physical, economic and civic paralysis. An electronic Armageddon, if you will.

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