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Who do you think will be the winning cadidate


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
North Western SD
I think that it will end up being Perry, as Romney is to liberal and Bachman doesn't seem electable. I like her, but I can't see her winning. I think Perry can excite the base, where Romney won't.

Last night, Perry explained his thought on SS and still stands behind his thoughts, just not quite as extreme, and I tend to agree with him, as I won't get any SS if it isn't fixed by the time I retire. Some will say he is flip flopping on the issue, I don't see it that way.

I don't necessarily like his border/illegal alien stance or the deal about mandatory vaccinations.

But I do like how he says what he thinks, WITHOUT a teleprompter.
His (Perry) immigration policy makes it very hard for me to vote for him..... I think I'll pass for now... Bachman.... She has come off ditzy by all her gaffs... Nope..... Rominey?? When hell freezes over!!! Newt intriques me...Naw..... I guess I'm not sure yet....
I don't think any of the socalled Tea Party candidates (Perry, Paul, Cain, Bachmann, Palin) can be elected.. If they get the nomination- Obama will have 4 more years... Newts too old and carries too much baggage..

That pretty much leaves Romney and Huntsman...For some reason I just do not care that much for Romney...I guess the last campaign and his using his personal wealth to try and buy the nomination kind of sat sour with me...

So that leaves Huntsman...And from what I've read about him is he fits the mold of an Eisenhower type President... Conservative- but realizes the country still needs to move forward and progress- and that to do otherwise is dangerous....A conservative on economics issues- that reallizes not the entire country is made up of the radicals of both sides that seem to get all the media coverage- and that many social issues should be left to the states...And that politicians from the entire country have to work together for the betterment of the country- having worked for both a Repub and a Dem President...

And while Governor of one of the most conservative/libertarian states he sure seems to have pleased those folks...

Huntsman maintained extremely high approval ratings as Governor of Utah hitting 90% approval at times. In 2008, he won re-election with 77.7% of the vote, defeating Democratic Party nominee Bob Springmeyer. He left office with his approval ratings over 80%.

During his tenure, the state budget rose from $16.7 to $22.8 billion. Utah was named the best managed state by the Pew Center on the States. Following his term as governor, Utah was also named a top 3 state to do business in.
Aint no way in Hades I thought this country would elect the current president. Lesson learned on predictions right there.
backhoeboogie said:
Aint no way in Hades I thought this country would elect the current president. Lesson learned on predictions right there.

You and me both..................... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was really sick the night he gave that speech with his porch monkeys & Sasquatch in Chicago.
She went on: ‘That’s crony capitalism. That’s part of the problem that we have in this country is that people are afraid, even in our own party, to call one another out on that. True reform and fighting the corruption and fighting the crony capitalism is a tough thing to do within your own party. You have to go up against the big guns and they will try to destroy you when you call them out on the mistakes that they have made. Believe me, I know that, I have the bumps and bruises to prove it because that’s what I have been doing for the last 20 years … calling out the corruption in government

for a person not running Palin is making some great statements.. and she has a record that backs up the strong statements..

out of the field I like a little of each of the candidates.. and dislike alot about each of the candidates..

right now I am for the candidate the media is not clamoring for..

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