Does anyone really believe Obama when he says HIS White House had nothing to do with the leaks that the Liberal Rag The New York Times has used to promote Obama's leadership?
According to reports these articles have quotes from a number of Obama's AIDS. They included quotes from private top secret meetings about who said what to who and their reaction to what was said. Where did these quotes come from if they were not coming from the White House and Obama's INTER CIRCLE? :?
Why did it take weeks for Obama to see that his top secret meetings were being quoted by somebody in the New York Times and RISKING NATIONAL SECURITY? Why did it take a BIPARTISAN press Conference on the topic and outrage from both sides of the Senate to get an investigation going?
Obama said, no to allowing an independent investigator look into the leaks but Holder appoints an Obama campaign donor from the DOJ to oversee the FBI investigate. Is this going to be another hugh pile of dirt swept under the rug by Obama's protectors. Personally I don't trust anything Holder is involved it after hearing how he has stonewalled and OUT AND OUT lied to the Congress. He was in charge of the Fast and Furious investigation and not one person has paid the price for Brian Terry's death a year and half later. Sorry But I still can't get passed that He dropped the charges on those intimidating voters on behalf of Obama, that was corruption from the day he stepped into the DOJ office :x Face it Holder is not Head of the DOJ to see Justice done he is there to be Obama's PROTECTOR and to see to it Blacks have the upper hand. :x
According to reports these articles have quotes from a number of Obama's AIDS. They included quotes from private top secret meetings about who said what to who and their reaction to what was said. Where did these quotes come from if they were not coming from the White House and Obama's INTER CIRCLE? :?
Why did it take weeks for Obama to see that his top secret meetings were being quoted by somebody in the New York Times and RISKING NATIONAL SECURITY? Why did it take a BIPARTISAN press Conference on the topic and outrage from both sides of the Senate to get an investigation going?
Obama said, no to allowing an independent investigator look into the leaks but Holder appoints an Obama campaign donor from the DOJ to oversee the FBI investigate. Is this going to be another hugh pile of dirt swept under the rug by Obama's protectors. Personally I don't trust anything Holder is involved it after hearing how he has stonewalled and OUT AND OUT lied to the Congress. He was in charge of the Fast and Furious investigation and not one person has paid the price for Brian Terry's death a year and half later. Sorry But I still can't get passed that He dropped the charges on those intimidating voters on behalf of Obama, that was corruption from the day he stepped into the DOJ office :x Face it Holder is not Head of the DOJ to see Justice done he is there to be Obama's PROTECTOR and to see to it Blacks have the upper hand. :x