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Will he ever grow up?

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Regarding the President's latest press conference, I believe this was one of his most childish and partisan performances to date. No leadership, only petty blame games and cutesy little comments. You Obama voters must be really proud. Will any of you speak out against this type of behavior by the leader of our country?
Hard to argue with Halperin's assessment of the President's performance:

Texan said:
Regarding the President's latest press conference, I believe this was one of his most childish and partisan performances to date. No leadership, only petty blame games and cutesy little comments. You Obama voters must be really proud. Will any of you speak out against this type of behavior by the leader of our country?

After all his whining about Congress "getting to work" yesterday, he refused to meet with the Republicans, concerning the debt ceiling.

Oh, and about those "corporate jet tax breaks", weren't some of those breaks in the stimulus plan? :lol: :lol:
The liberal media is all for the freedom of speech and the press even if it is offensive or insults another person...

but then all of a sudden when one of their political idols is insulted, the end up finding a bit of courage and stand up and act like they are harmed by the speech..

and Larry...
while I realize I was not active for most of the time Lboy said many stupid things he is now criticized for, maybe in an effort to miminalize what little they offer to any discussion we should stop insulting what he does say..
Steve said:
and Larry...
while I realize I was not active for most of the time Lboy said many stupid things he is now criticized for, maybe in an effort to miminalize what little they offer to any discussion we should stop insulting what he does say..
Yeah, Larry makes you MSM people look lame and sick. Unless the reader is another lame and sick MSM person who thinks Larry looks like a role model.
Steve said:
The liberal media is all for the freedom of speech and the press even if it is offensive or insults another person...

but then all of a sudden when one of their political idols is insulted, the end up finding a bit of courage and stand up and act like they are harmed by the speech..

and Larry...
while I realize I was not active for most of the time Lboy said many stupid things he is now criticized for, maybe in an effort to miminalize what little they offer to any discussion we should stop insulting what he does say..

No, everyone should stop even responding to his and shams crap. But it seems everyone still thinks they can reason with the conspiracy nuts. While they haven't convinced any of us, no one of the regulars has changed their mind one bit. So a response to them of any sort is futile, but so many still try. How much time does everyone have to waste on these loons. If you try to win a debate with these loons you are only kidding your self or have some spare time to taunt them.
Larrry said:
Steve said:
The liberal media is all for the freedom of speech and the press even if it is offensive or insults another person...

but then all of a sudden when one of their political idols is insulted, the end up finding a bit of courage and stand up and act like they are harmed by the speech..

and Larry...
while I realize I was not active for most of the time Lboy said many stupid things he is now criticized for, maybe in an effort to miminalize what little they offer to any discussion we should stop insulting what he does say..

No, everyone should stop even responding to his and shams crap. But it seems everyone still thinks they can reason with the conspiracy nuts. While they haven't convinced any of us, no one of the regulars has changed their mind one bit. So a response to them of any sort is futile, but so many still try. How much time does everyone have to waste on these loons. If you try to win a debate with these loons you are only kidding your self or have some spare time to taunt them.

"Operation Ignore", is in affect. :lol:
Larrry said:
Steve said:
The liberal media is all for the freedom of speech and the press even if it is offensive or insults another person...

but then all of a sudden when one of their political idols is insulted, the end up finding a bit of courage and stand up and act like they are harmed by the speech..

and Larry...
while I realize I was not active for most of the time Lboy said many stupid things he is now criticized for, maybe in an effort to miminalize what little they offer to any discussion we should stop insulting what he does say..

No, everyone should stop even responding to his and shams crap. But it seems everyone still thinks they can reason with the conspiracy nuts. While they haven't convinced any of us, no one of the regulars has changed their mind one bit. So a response to them of any sort is futile, but so many still try. How much time does everyone have to waste on these loons. If you try to win a debate with these loons you are only kidding your self or have some spare time to taunt them.

they seem to crave attention.. like a child waving his hand say "I know", "I know" eagerly,, then when called on.. the same child can't come up with much more then a stammer..

sure is sad when it is an adult...
Texan said:
You Obama voters must be really proud. Will any of you speak out against this type of behavior by the leader of our country?
None of you? Not even one?
Texan said:
Texan said:
You Obama voters must be really proud. Will any of you speak out against this type of behavior by the leader of our country?
None of you? Not even one?

What's that I hear :? Oh never mind it is just crickets :wink:
Tam said:
Texan said:
Texan said:
You Obama voters must be really proud. Will any of you speak out against this type of behavior by the leader of our country?
None of you? Not even one?

What's that I hear :? Oh never mind it is just crickets :wink:
Yes, it would appear to be nothing more than crickets. Quite a disappointment, isn't it?
From April, 2009 (my emphasis):

Oldtimer said:
Your's and Soaps and all the other rightwingnuts silence to the subject- and refusing to comment looks like backslapping to me.....

Texan said:
From April, 2009 (my emphasis):

Oldtimer said:
Your's and Soaps and all the other rightwingnuts silence to the subject- and refusing to comment looks like backslapping to me.....


You should have included the rest of the quote. It shows that OT does not want the Republicans to just "rubberstamp' the debt ceiling limit/spending, but question the President so as not to incur further debt :D

If somebody/the rubberstamp Congress had even just questioned GW during the years he reigned- we may not be the $trillions in debt- and we might not have the Bush Bust economy of today....

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