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Will he ever grow up?

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Well, I see the President made another partisan political appearance at the White House last night. Trying to bully his way through to the public to get what he wants. From press conferences, to public addresses from the White House, I've never seen a more juvenile, partisan approach to addressing the public from the highest position in the country.

This clown doesn't know the difference between addressing the country as a leader, and addressing a group of "backslapping" supporters at a fundraiser. With him, it's all about making divisive remarks for political gain and blaming others - NOT about leadership.

You Obama supporters must be so proud. Is this the "Change" you voted for?
the idiot is like a crybaby not getting his way. he came off like a spoiled little bitchy kid who has always got his way, and now people are not playing by his rules.....

I like how he said the Republican leadership needs to reign in the freshman congressmen to show them how things work in DC. it appears that when the public says NO MORE, and elects tea party members to shut down the typical DC Bull butter, Obama gets sad and upset....

2012, do not re-nig!
None of you Obama supporters have the integrity to speak out against this type of behavior from the (supposed) leader of our country?
Texan said:
None of you Obama supporters have the integrity to speak out against this type of behavior from the (supposed) leader of our country?

Obviously not. :roll:
Texan said:
None of you Obama supporters have the integrity to speak out against this type of behavior from the (supposed) leader of our country?

I thought this was the tread from last month...

I guess somethings never change.... :shock:
I'm sure they are all tied up calling their Congressmen and telling them to unlock the door and let Obama back into the room with the big boys. AND that if they do Obama promises he will be a good little boy and sit in the corner sharing his dunce cap with Reid once the CBO scores his bill. :wink:

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