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WTF er I mean WTO


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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leader minnesota
The World Trade Organization announced last Friday it has ruled in support of complaints by Canada and Mexico that U.S. Country-of-Origin Labeling violates global trade rules and unjustly harms agricultural commerce. COOL was a contentious issue when enacted under the 2008 Farm Bill, and remains contentious today, with livestock groups offering distinctly different reactions to the latest ruling.

NCBA VP Government Affairs Colin Woodall expressed his organization’s support for the ruling. "This is a strong ruling from the World Trade Organization that proves COOL was not only a disservice to U.S. cattlemen and women but also contained far-reaching implications for two of the most important trade partners for U.S. agriculture,” Woodall says. “NCBA strongly advises the United States not to appeal this ruling. Instead, we urge U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk to work with NCBA and other pro-trade organizations to apply pressure on Congress to bring the United States into WTO compliance across the board. We must act quickly before U.S. farmers and ranchers once again face unnecessary and unfortunate retaliatory tariffs on their products.
"This ruling solidifies our concerns that COOL would have extensive trade implications as NCBA expressed during 2008 Farm Bill deliberations. U.S. livestock producers have yet to see any financial benefit from COOL provisions. In many cases, ranchers who feed imported cattle have incurred significant discounts, which have not been offset by benefits proponents of COOL claimed would be available. Just as importantly, cattlemen have yet to discern any positive reaction from consumers regarding mandatory origin labeling.

The Texas Cattle Feeders Association reacted similarly. "I'm glad the WTO also recognizes the absurdity of this law," TCFA Chairman Jim Peters said in response to the ruling. "Mandatory COOL hasn't done what its proponents promised. In fact, it's done the complete opposite, adding unnecessary costs throughout the production chain without a return on investment. Mandatory COOL has cost American, Mexican and Canadian cattle producers millions, confused consumers and antagonized the two largest importers of U.S. beef. I hope the U.S. government will do the right thing for our industry and choose not to appeal."

R-CALF USA, however, has long supported the COOL regulations, and issued a news release titled “U.S. sovereignty usurped by WTO’s COOL decision.”

The group had this to say about the WTO panel that issued the ruling: “The panel consists of a diplomat from Pakistan – the country that harbored the world’s most dangerous terrorist, Osama Bin Laden; a diplomat from Switzerland; and, a diplomat who is a former WTO employee.”

The release goes on to say the complaint against the United States’ COOL law “was filed with the WTO in 2008 by livestock importers Canada, which introduced mad cow disease into the U.S., and Mexico, which continually reintroduces bovine tuberculosis (TB) into the United States. Joining the complaint as third parties were 12 additional countries, including China, which has a long history of importing tainted products into the United States.”

“We’re not surprised that a panel of countries that want to weaken the U.S. would support complaints by countries that want more control over our U.S. food supply. The WTO is trying to usurp our nation’s sovereignty,” says R-CALF USA COOL Committee Chair Mike Schultz. “Since when do we allow an international tribunal to dictate to our U.S. Congress what is or is not a legitimate objective of providing information to United States’ citizens?”
Yes agreed ... WTF ... any r-calfers present who can provide the factual proof that "Canada, which introduced mad cow disease into the U.S"

Thought not ....
S.S.A.P. said:
Yes agreed ... WTF ... any r-calfers present who can provide the factual proof that "Canada, which introduced mad cow disease into the U.S"

Thought not ....

You must be forgetful there ssap- the first mad cow ever found in the US was traced back to have been imported from Canada- where eventually over 95% of all mad cow cases in North America were found....

That alone gave the US consumers the right to ask that imported food products- especially Canadian imported beef be labeled, so they could make an informed decision and the purchase choice of what they want to feed their family left to them....Not to the packer/importer profiteering by passing off Canadian/Mexican/Chinese possibly tainted product to consumers as US product...
Oldtimer said:
S.S.A.P. said:
Yes agreed ... WTF ... any r-calfers present who can provide the factual proof that "Canada, which introduced mad cow disease into the U.S"

Thought not ....

You must be forgetful there ssap- the first mad cow ever found in the US was traced back to have been imported from Canada- where eventually over 95% of all mad cow cases in North America were found....

That alone gave the US consumers the right to ask that imported food products- especially Canadian imported beef be labeled, so they could make an informed decision and the purchase choice of what they want to feed their family left to them....Not to the packer/importer profiteering by passing off Canadian/Mexican/Chinese possibly tainted product to consumers as US product...

You must be forgetful there oldtimer!

How old was the Texas cow when she was "discovered"? :!: :!:

As I recall, she was already sub-clinical before your first imported case stumbled into the news! ! It was not necessary for any other country to introduce BSE to the USofA - you already had your home-grown version!!! But thanks for the mention!

And for labeling, why do your US stores not follow our example in Ontario and label your US beef under your own specialty label!! I know, I know, it would take WORK to develop it! No laws against that!! Or do you want the government doing for you what should be done by your own industry (like we did here!)? :!: :!:

Seems that "Ontario Corn Fed" is having a tough times getting enough supply to keep the labelled product on the meat counter shelf! But gradually guys are meeting the criteria and filling the line!

By the way, how's your testing coming along? SSS still the control of choice? Any guesses how many cases you buried "undetected" or how many you turned into lunch meat?

Oldtimer, surely there is more in life for you than to spew bitterness, blame and hate! What do you want to leave for your progeny? Are you going to leave them an honorary rcalf membership and continue to propagate the hate??
2 hell with all the above bitching, all spilt milk, handled wrong , WHY don't we have the oppertunity to label our product as does every body else in this world
i think its bull **** wether your from canada or usa or where ever, why can't we label our product. to hell with ncba,rcalf, or any body else that says beef can't b labeled
VB RANCH said:
2 hell with all the above bitching, all spilt milk, handled wrong , WHY don't we have the oppertunity to label our product as does every body else in this world
i think its bull s*** wether your from canada or usa or where ever, why can't we label our product. to hell with ncba,rcalf, or any body else that says beef can't b labeled

I thought I gave a pretty good illustration of how it can be labeled. We do it here in Ontario and it is working well!

No one can stop you from labeling your meat (or whatever product) with your own label, can they?
MCOOL looks to me like more government interference..... rather socialist don't you think? If there is a demand surely private industry will supply their label, just like Burnt said.
Silver said:
MCOOL looks to me like more government interference..... rather socialist don't you think? If there is a demand surely private industry will supply their label, just like Burnt said.

WAY socialist don't I think
VB RANCH said:
2 hell with all the above bitching, all spilt milk, handled wrong , WHY don't we have the oppertunity to label our product as does every body else in this world
i think its bull s*** wether your from canada or usa or where ever, why can't we label our product. to hell with ncba,rcalf, or any body else that says beef can't b labeled

Would you care to explain how you could guarantee the US label you would be putting on the Meat package? Canada has a industry implemented nation wide Cattle ID system to prove where our beef comes from last I heard the US has nothing to back the label.

the first mad cow ever found in the US was traced back to have been imported from Canada
Not that I'm going to get into this argument again with you Oldtimer :roll: but the US had BSE in their native herd before the Canadian cow was found or did you forget the incubation period for a case of BSE. YEARS OLDTIMER NOT MONTHS so the time frame of the Texas and Alabama cows proved you had BSE before the Canadian cow was ever found. So to blame Canada for your BSE is a friggin lie. But then what more can we expect from the R-CALF spokesman. :roll:
Old Timer, you representing American Agriculture online is a disgrace, just STFU and go away.

label the beef however you want. personally, we buy very little, just go to the freezer because we KNOW where that beef came from...however, when I go grocery shopping with the Mrs. , I enjoy a trip past the meat counter to look....sure looks like a lot of money goes into Angus advertising, I don't see why we can't advertise America on the label too.....
Oldtimer said:
S.S.A.P. said:
Yes agreed ... WTF ... any r-calfers present who can provide the factual proof that "Canada, which introduced mad cow disease into the U.S"

Thought not ....

You must be forgetful there ssap- the first mad cow ever found in the US was traced back to have been imported from Canada- where eventually over 95% of all mad cow cases in North America were found....

That alone gave the US consumers the right to ask that imported food products- especially Canadian imported beef be labeled, so they could make an informed decision and the purchase choice of what they want to feed their family left to them....Not to the packer/importer profiteering by passing off Canadian/Mexican/Chinese possibly tainted product to consumers as US product...

Go back and do your home work oldtimer!!
May 2003 the first Canadian cow was discovered with bse,
December 2003 a 6 1/2 yr old dairy cow was discovered in Texas

Canada has an active surveillance program!!!!!
the US does not (only a limited one) Unlike you i will provide a link for my source of information.

EH???? OH VEY busted again!!!
There are approx. 80 [USDA] certified beef programs in the US.

It appears that r-calfers/USCA want to ride on the shirt-tails [premiums] of the USA producers whose cattle & beef meet the specific requirements of each program.

I found it easy to locate the verification process required to 'label' beef - I'm going to assume r-calf/USCA has tried to set up it's own program [one that requires accurate and relevant information] and has failed to meet even it's own standards.
S.S.A.P. said:
There are approx. 80 [USDA] certified beef programs in the US.

It appears that r-calfers/USCA want to ride on the shirt-tails [premiums] of the USA producers whose cattle & beef meet the specific requirements of each program.

I found it easy to locate the verification process required to 'label' beef - I'm going to assume r-calf/USCA has tried to set up it's own program [one that requires accurate and relevant information] and has failed to meet even it's own standards.

It ain't no big deal-- except that it again shows our country and the leadership keeps giving up more sovereignty... Laws passed by the US Congress and signed into law by the President should not be able to be thrown out by an International entity... :(

And it still saddens me that Canadians don't have enough faith in their meat products that they think it has to be passed off as a US product in order to sell.... :(
Oldtimer said:
S.S.A.P. said:
There are approx. 80 [USDA] certified beef programs in the US.

It appears that r-calfers/USCA want to ride on the shirt-tails [premiums] of the USA producers whose cattle & beef meet the specific requirements of each program.

I found it easy to locate the verification process required to 'label' beef - I'm going to assume r-calf/USCA has tried to set up it's own program [one that requires accurate and relevant information] and has failed to meet even it's own standards.

It ain't no big deal-- except that it again shows our country and the leadership keeps giving up more sovereignty... Laws passed by the US Congress and signed into law by the President should not be able to be thrown out by an International entity... :(

And it still saddens me that Canadians don't have enough faith in their meat products that they think it has to be passed off as a US product in order to sell.... :(

So you have no problem with a "progressive" President wanting to control the global community, but do not want to participate in any of the rules agreed upon by that global community......

......Is that what you are saying?
Oldtimer said:
Laws passed by the US Congress and signed into law by the President should not be able to be thrown out by an International entity... :(

This from the same guy who gave a thumbs up to the assassination of an American citizen (without a single shred of evidence presented against him in an American court of law) because some International entity had declared him a criminal. :lol:

OldHypocrite said:
-- and that he has been declared an International Criminal not only by the US National Security Council- but also NATO and foreign courts...

See what I mean you old delusional fool? You really are the gift that keeps on giving.
Oldtimer said:
S.S.A.P. said:
There are approx. 80 [USDA] certified beef programs in the US.

It appears that r-calfers/USCA want to ride on the shirt-tails [premiums] of the USA producers whose cattle & beef meet the specific requirements of each program.

I found it easy to locate the verification process required to 'label' beef - I'm going to assume r-calf/USCA has tried to set up it's own program [one that requires accurate and relevant information] and has failed to meet even it's own standards.

It ain't no big deal-- except that it again shows our country and the leadership keeps giving up more sovereignty... Laws passed by the US Congress and signed into law by the President should not be able to be thrown out by an International entity... :(

And it still saddens me that Canadians don't have enough faith in their meat products that they think it has to be passed off as a US product in order to sell.... :(

Oldtimer we have faith so much so that we ID every animal back to place of birth nation wide. We also brand every animal back to country of origin. Beside that you must remember we also label our beef when it is in the box otherwise how would you have known it was Canadian beef the neighborhood meat shop was selling when you went dumpster diving and saw PRODUCT OF CANADA printed on the meat boxes. :wink: Tell me Oldtimer do you ID and brand all the cattle your fellow US ranchers ship around the world? As I would sure like to know if the beef I'm eating in the US is coming from the area in which the Texas and Alabama NATIVE BORN BSE cases came from. :?

What saddens me Oldtimer is you, you are completely incapable of looking pass your blind hatred and seeing the facts. If you have half an ounce of common sense you would stop your lieing and clean up your act for the sake of your family and friends if you have any left. :roll:
From what the two snow bird couples that are from his neck of the woods and spend the winters here in AZ tell me he only has two friends left and they are family
:D :D :D :D and we know there is more than two in his family guess the rest have seen the light! :wink: :wink: :wink:
Whitewing said:
Oldtimer said:
Laws passed by the US Congress and signed into law by the President should not be able to be thrown out by an International entity... :(

This from the same guy who gave a thumbs up to the assassination of an American citizen (without a single shred of evidence presented against him in an American court of law) because some International entity had declared him a criminal. :lol:

OldHypocrite said:
-- and that he has been declared an International Criminal not only by the US National Security Council- but also NATO and foreign courts...

See what I mean you old delusional fool? You really are the gift that keeps on giving.

Nice catch WW. It sure pays to have a good memory when that old fart tries to slip something past, eh

We might have to have you change your name to "Hypocritexposer2.1"



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