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You know, if it wasn't for all the unemployed....

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
......there wouldn't have been as many people with time on their hands, to protest the creation of 1000s of jobs.

After two weeks of daily sit-ins, more than 1,250 arrests and two administration decisions that infuriated U.S. environmental groups, many of the activists departed Washington emboldened by the success of their demonstrations.

But they were also dispirited with a U.S. president who they increasingly believe is betraying campaign promises to put green issues at the top of his agenda.

"I think we have been able to galvanize the environmental movement in a way that it hasn't been in a long time," said Bill McKibben, who organized 14 days of protests against Alberta-based TransCanada's proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline.

"That said, I don't know whether any of that is strong enough to match the power of the oil industry."…

"My first response was, 'How did [Republicans] manage to snatch Obama and put a stunt double in his place?'" Mr. McKibben said.


I have to also wonder if the woman pictured thinks that her "magic marker", clothes, backpack and water bottle could be manufactured without the use of oil.

:lol: :lol:

Oh but that oil based stuff she has was made from oil from middle eastern countries, the profits of which go to environmentally friendly groups like the Taliban and other Islamic fundamentalist organizations who love us westerners so dearly. Buying oil from friends and neighbours would make no sense at all, as grass and trees are obviously way more valuable than brothers, sisters, sons and daughters :?
That's Daryl Hannah.

I heard Hannity interview her on the radio last week.
She was arrested in a protest over an unbuilt pipeline
(guess which one :wink: ) in Washington DC. The one thing
Hannity likes about her, is she lives what she says. It was interesting.
She has an old Trans Am (must be really nice) that runs on BioFuel.

She is pretty flaky.

Daryl Hannah has long supported the use of biofuels. The actress who lives on an eco-farm in Colorado, has been using bio-fuels for her two cars, a Chevroloet El Camino and a 4x4 for pulling horses and dealing with snow conditions for close to ten years.
She insists on using B100, the 100% biofuel, with hers coming from waste grease, also known as WVO (waste vegetable oil). Hannah co-founded the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance , to help set certification criteria for sustainable bio-diesel fuels.

With the large increases in global food prices, bio-fuel production and use in the United States and Europe has largely been blamed. Hannah admitted that ethanol and corn production are partly responsible for the rises in food prices but insists,

"We absolutely need bio-fuels to play a part in solving our energy crisis/demands, but it's essential to make them sustainably."

Hannah is certain that renewable biofuels can exist alongside food-production because bio-fuels can come from many sources for both bio-diesel and ethanol, including alternatives like "garbage, hemp, algae, moringa, jatropha, cellulose waste and prairie grasses."

Although Hannah had criticism for the amount of money and energy that has gone into producing bio-fuels in an unsustainable manner, she was happy that,

"..bio-fuels are now not just perceived as a fringe alternative but as a real and important part of the solution."
Republicans in the House have passed The North American-Made Energy Security Act (H.R. 1938), which would require the federal government to make a determination by a date certain on whether or not it will allow the Keystone XL pipeline expansion, which is projected to directly create 20,000 jobs and support the creation of thousands more, to move forward.
Yet the Senate sits on this and has failed to act
The pipeline needs to be stopped. Somewhere north of the border. Only refined product should flow south, and as much of that as the market will bear. Otherwise we are shipping jobs down that pipe and that's wrong.
Silver said:
The pipeline needs to be stopped. Somewhere north of the border. Only refined product should flow south, and as much of that as the market will bear. Otherwise we are shipping jobs down that pipe and that's wrong.

I agree Silver, but the chances of that happening are slim to none, so.....the 2nd best scenario is to have it built
hers coming from waste grease, also known as WVO (waste vegetable oil).

"..bio-fuels are now not just perceived as a fringe alternative but as a real and important part of the solution."

no it will always be fringe.. unless we start feeding the world and McDonalds.. cause there is not enough grease in the world to meet any real demand..


why is it someone can take a good idea. and not look at the implications of their idea?
hypocritexposer said:
Silver said:
The pipeline needs to be stopped. Somewhere north of the border. Only refined product should flow south, and as much of that as the market will bear. Otherwise we are shipping jobs down that pipe and that's wrong.

I agree Silver, but the chances of that happening are slim to none, so.....the 2nd best scenario is to have it built

sadly this is why the US is exporting jobs..

the US is handed great opportunities,, oil and jobs.. .. and the federal bureaucracy kills them.. until some other country takes the oil and jobs..

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