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  1. J

    Mini Ranchers reunion

    Everything is now covered in six inches of white stuff. Glad we travelled last week.
  2. J

    Mini Ranchers reunion

    We really enjoyed our visit. Tammy is a good cook. Thanks again.
  3. J

    not a Yellowstone watcher or 1923

    Regarding the F word... It was used lots by the "in" kids.. Maybe that's why I never fitted in! I still hate hearing it. The same thing with referring to your wife as "the old lady". I consider it very degrading. Call me old fashioned if you want to.
  4. J

    not a Yellowstone watcher or 1923

    We watched one episode of Yellowstone and canceled our Netflix subscription. What a waste of time.
  5. J

    What's the weather like at your place?

    Somewhere between 30 and 40 below Fahrenheit here.
  6. J

    Strange and probably a scam

    Please change your password. The bad guys had gotten into my phone and changed a bunch of stuff. I imediately took my phone and computer in to the fix it shop in town. My computer was ok as I had not turned it on. One of my friends replied to them. They asked him to go get a gift card for $300...
  7. J

    Strange and probably a scam

    JDBalerman here. It was definently a scam.
  8. J

    Early Risers?

    Dad always said...."If you want to get ahead in this world, when you wake up, get up, and then stay up!!" I know that he told a neighbour one day about me..."That kid will never get anywhere because I was out there the other morning at 4:00 AM. and he wasn.t even in the field yet!!" =
  9. J

    What a difference a few hours make

    I know she did,. and I said so.
  10. J

    What a difference a few hours make

    This is the rail bridge at Outlook Sask. I took the first picture, my wife took the evening shot. We can all see that she has the more artistic eye!!
  11. J

    Two waterfalls

    Takkakawa Falls in Yoho National Park just east of Field, BC. They fall between 850 feet and 1260 feet, depending on how they are measured. Silverton Falls near Castle junction north of Banff, Alberta. They fall about 150 feet. One can get a close-up view of both of them.
  12. J

    bears at Waterton

    These were about 500 feet from the road. JD.
  13. J

    Double Trouble and Triple Trouble

    I met these on the road yesterday.
  14. J

    Add image to post button

    Thank you folks for making it so that I can post pictures again. JD.
  15. J

    Add image to post button

    A distance and close up of Takakkaw Falls in Yoho National Park near Field B,C. Depending upon how it is measured, the drop is between 850 feet and 1250 feet. The parking lot is about 1000 feet from the falls, and people can walk right to the bottom, but needless to say, they will get very wet...
  16. J

    Add image to post button

    I thought that I would give this a try. These are Silverton Falls just a few miles north of Banff, Alberta
  17. J

    Where does that expression come from?

    ...the way forward into the wall of the instrument panel. Hence "balls to the wall" for going very fast. And now you know the rest of the story. ****************************** *** During WWII, U.S. Airplanes were armed with belts of bullets which they would shoot during dogfights and on...
  18. J

    Mountain pictures

    On the road from Revelstoke, BC. to Banff, Alberta. The road was bare and dry all the way to Banff, but there was still some snow in the ditches, and lots high up. A beautiful trip. JD.
  19. J

    Found some snow

    Twenty miles and about 6000 feet of elevation difference between the first and last picture.
  20. J

    If this metal post could talk

    I believe that 'the post holding up the tree' might be correct as this is the only tree of it's variety in the neighborhood that I have found. Re. image size...I may have used the first option for size instead of scrolling down and using a larger version. I will try a larger one now. This is...