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  1. B

    Where you going to find them...

    Had good customer call me last night. Has to sell his yearling replacement heifers. Will have 100 head of true F1 baldies, both black and red in Dickinson North Dakota on Thursday at Stockman livestock auction... These will be the real deal, all sired by rancher type hereford bulls, no polled or...
  2. B

    The American.......rodeo

    Was a very enjoyable afternoon. Did'nt think much of Mortenson,Joe Beaver,Mcbride and some of the other oldtimers but it was partof it. Had to laugh when the announcer asked Billy Etbauer if he would have considered trying a ride and he emphatic'lly repley's no way. All in all a good rodeo and...
  3. B


    Bitter,bitter cold and going to hang on for a few days. Heifers are'nt supposed to be calving but you all know the little snots have to each one be first . Oh well been there done this before and have 2 Hutt. kids and a grandson that has been thourghly indocternated and thinks that calves are...
  4. B

    Calf puller

    Have had a Dr Franks on this placefor at least 65 years. Still have the original and it has many a mile on it as used in a lot of different set ups. THe old sectional pipe that the jaack runs on has long ago been replaced by a piece of 3/4 oil well sucker rod. We do use a newer Dr franks but...
  5. B

    Granddaughter Honored

    Super congratulations to you and your grandaughter. I have 3 playing class c ball. None as succesfull as yours but still a source of pride. Just think you have 3 more years to enjoy. Wish her the best of luck and will keep up with her and Glasgow in the future. E.B.
  6. B

    Poacher or Predator or Something Else?

    Many years ago shortly after weaning we had a couple 100 heifer calves and they ran one night went every direction except up and we rode several days finding them all, anyway to make a long story short we figured we might be short some. Went on 2 years and a neighbor stoped in at the hayfield...
  7. B


    Boys were in MIles City today with some bulls on mainstreet,know it was a bad day.Ibeen there done that so stayed home close to the fire. ONe thing if a bull buyer does come by on a day like today its because he is true'ly interested, not just a curiosity seeker. Said it never got above 0 there...
  8. B

    Hereford bull advice

    We sell alot of Hereford bulls on the phone and get along well, used to have a production bue get along well this way. Kinda laid back andreally get to know our customers. Are trying to breed for the baldy business as there are very few straight commercial hereford men left. Our business is...
  9. B

    Dehorning yearlings

    By golly what will they think of next? We sawed and clipped for years . Usually the first good thaw in Feb. and was time to dehorn yearlings. used to be a d------ bloody mess. sometimes there would be 2--3 hundred. Old traders bought all horned cattle as they usually sold a buck or two less. Had...
  10. B


    Be sure while you are there to ask about the looming trade with Brazil in our beef industry and also it is interesting why our cattle leaders are so against cool????
  11. B

    One more day

    Still Montana,still january, and winter is nearly 1/2 over. A character builder for sure. Seems to me that this is not real good on these cattle. No that it is sure takeing a lot of feed. Guess it could be worse,like the fella's in N.D. are haveing, a lot of schools closed today.
  12. B

    Heater for calving shed

    We have a infrared hanging heeter in the one calving shed but have it in a smaller room with 3 boxstalls in it use it a lot when calving heifers. Not , maybe, needed so much for the animal's as for the people. Don't no the BTU's but have always felt secure when useing it. One calving barn is...
  13. B

    storm tracker---100 mph winds..?

    I'm pretty sure that we all have expierenced these type of winds before but we all were much younger.Iplowed snow for oil companies in the 50s and survived[cat with comfort cover] but do remember what cold was-is and sure hope people pay attention and use some god given comman sense. Was in the...
  14. B

    Ugly out there

    Warmed up a little as it is -19,was -28 at 5am. A real character builder. I'm the old man that tells the used to be stories and these younger ones think that I'm totally full of B.S. One thing that we did'nt have was a heeted cab on the feed tractors and we got our first 4 wheel drive pickup 65...
  15. B

    Ugly out there

    We alway s expect cold and colder with those type of sundogs. Sure will take bedding and a huge increase in the feed these next few days.
  16. B

    contaminated meat at Walmart

    As soon as wallmart eliminates most of their competition they'll feed us what they want and clothe us as they please and the majority of consumers will have to like it.So keep on patronizing them!!!!
  17. B

    Sarah Palin backs Phil Robertson, has no idea what he said.

    Oh so true! Just look at most of our west Mt. valleys,the Galatin,the Flathead and many more . Those are now overrun with people that don't have a clue of what life is about . Most of them helped ruin their own old inviornment and hurried to the big sky to show us dumb farmers how to quickley...
  18. B

    Sarah Palin backs Phil Robertson, has no idea what he said.

    I don't know about Montana being a purple state as I'm color blind but do know that there is alot of us drinking tea in the A.M. as we watch the Fox New's to see and hear some of the ignorence that comes out of our National Capital.That being said there is enough stupidity going around both...
  19. B

    Chicken Has Overtaken Beef As Meat Of Choice

    Well let them eat chicken. Its sad as our kids in the school lunch program will surely be fed the cheapest of all. If it does come to pass that our chicken will all be processed in china in the near future,what are the chances of not only adulterated product but also unclean or at times poor...