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  1. E

    Need a poem for my dad!!

    I am sooo sorry girl, I wished there were words that could help in a time like this. Just remember my thoughts are with you and be safe on your trip. Dawana
  2. E

    Your Mini Alaska Vaction Tour...

    I hadnt even been to the site to know you had another vacation ;) I am very envious...But, you both look great Jassy... Miss you bunches ! Dawana(Easty)
  3. E

    Part 2 at the Oscars...pics

    You have my vote!! ;) Easty :)
  4. E

    I'm in Trouble!

    Love my corgi, have one coming in from Illionois, they are smaller but with me traveling I decided I wanted a little one. I have always had mediums. Anyway, this is a friend that raises them in IL. and has a litter that is coming 6 weeks this week. Have missed ya and hope all is well in...
  5. E

    Asking for some prayer help.

    I will have to say God works in mysterious ways. Miracles do happen and doctors do not always know. I was never to walk after my accident, took me a year but I DID and I was OLD. I will pray for the same for little Hannah. May God Be With Your Family...it is a test, but we all persevere...
  6. E

    Grass Founder

    I know this is late posting, but been off with school and work and not really been able to read. Toxic poisoning will do the back feet and it acts like founder in that the horse will react the same. Very high fever was the case in my stallion when he had it, we were in a drought situation and...
  7. E

    Found Pup...Corgi's?

    I love mine, there are however some that are not laid back. I got one, one time that there was just not something right with her, but I think with ever breed you sometimes run into one that just does not fit the typical. I raised them for many years...my old girl would work, she had a natural...
  8. E

    Anybody going to Shawnee OK?

    2 1/2 days one ring..... Hauled many times to the sale.
  9. E

    Cow/Calf pairs...part 2 9/26/07

    I see my xmas video ;) lol...love the pics as always you have such a eye and bring your life to us all. I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY GIFT..it is over the love seat in the living room now ... Luv ya, Dawana
  10. E

    They grow up too fast!!!

    It is the same here Katrina, small towns here we don't have enough kids to fill a team. We have basketball and track where my kids went to school, that is it. The years my oldest came through, he talked them into starting a Golf Team, and they have had at least one kid playing ever since. Easty
  11. E

    Basic Rancher dot com

    Through the years she has assisted many 4-Hers. She use to host cow camp for the kids to learn to show and fit their animals, I been out of the network for a few years so not sure if she still does it or not. But, she is quiet the lady in and around our area. My ex was an county agent, we...
  12. E

    What to Dew..What to Dew

    Dont see any new windmill pics ;) or sunsets for my birthday lmao... I do love all the new pics though...you do have such an EYE!! Just had to pop a response up to let you know I am alive...working and now school is back in I wont ever get to post much. Huggsss, Easty
  13. E

    What color's Newman going to be?

    I'm voting a dirty palomino too Jinglebob;)..or the color of Daddy there. Hope all are having a great summer... Easty
  14. E

    Good Sunday Mornin'

    Shortgrass you do have a way of saying things and picking the right verse at the right time....AMAZING! I do not get to get online as much now and was just reading the last few days, no way for me to catch up on all the goings and comings of this group. But, I do try to read yours. Thanks for...
  15. E

    Crossing the Snake River 6/62007 pics

    Well been off this thing for a while..working out of town and with school :(. JASSYYYY you always do a great job. I hadnt seen my future birthday picture yet? hmm....lol. Not use to seeing hubby in spring gear lol...well guess I did once. Huggss keep fluttering....love them pics..ohhh if...
  16. E

    And so it goes...

    I agree on the breeding situation as well. I hope that some of you are right and some way we find a balance. We have taken the natures balance away from all other species guess we will do the same with the horses. Easty :roll:
  17. E

    And so it goes...

    Just read that myself...If someone would have only thought with the realities instead of the Heartstrings of the emotional. Not everyone thinks when they buy their first horse what it entails...and in the reality they should do research, but little Jane wants a pony...daddy goes gets little Jane...
  18. E


    When transporting across state lines you do have to be ready for an inspection. And each state is different...grrr. Only time I have been stopped was in Florida...but, have had friends that were stopped in Wisconsin and Iowa where they unloaded and had to go through a inspection from papers to...
  19. E

    Newest member

    when did it get uninteresting? :roll:
  20. E

    Making a Mom for a Rejected Filly (BLOG) Interesting

    Blog Update: Making a New Mom for a Rejected Filly by: Scot Gillies, Photo/Newsletter Editor March 08 2007 Article # 9048 Article Tools This is a test. As you'll find out, it's a test in more ways than one. For the next several weeks, I would like to share a little bit of my life with...