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  1. S

    Bred cows cycling

    Curious if anyone has seen this before a week ago had to different cows in standing heat yesterday and today both calved calves are fine .cows never bagged up or swelled up just had calves.maybe hormones just curious if anyone else ever observed this
  2. S

    Heritability of phenotype.

    A well respected cattle man once told me a calves greatest potential is the day it is conceived every thing else is a limiting factor
  3. S

    Heritability of phenotype.

    I really hate buying bulls at a sale I prefer private treaty I rather enjoy walking through the pen with the breeder talking about the bulls pedigree and know what the guy wants up front. I select my bulls on phenotype first and numbers second. I stay away from calving ease bulls except for hfr...
  4. S

    Calving in the cold

    First hfr calved today 10 degrees born in the lean to all seems fine first time mother did a great job
  5. S

    Calving in the cold

    I love my calf warmer when in doubt throw them in it for a hour and then turn them back with momma. I haven’t killed one yet airing on the side of caution. The same on pulling calves soap weed taught me when I interned with him it don’t hurt to air on the side of caution and just pull it
  6. S

    Calving in the cold

    20 degrees the only reason I ask last week it was -22 and my hfrs start the 15th of Jan the forecast looks good mid 20s for highs and mid teens for lows and dry I have a barn to lock a few head in if I need to
  7. S

    Calving in the cold

    Just curious at what temperature other folks lock cows up in the barn or throw the calves in the calf warmer? I guess below 20 is kind of my threshold
  8. S

    Little helpers

    granpa bought each boy there own cow so they thought they ought to haul mineral
  9. S

    COF/Cattle Inventory Reports

    The corn around here looks good but 150 miles away they don't even think it will be worth chopping. I think we are in for a wild ride both in the grains and cattle markets
  10. S

    Heifer development

    We run salt a fescue mineral and fly control tried to go cheap one year without fly control big mistake the horn flys where miserable really seems to help with pinkeye also we vaccinate for pinkeye also
  11. S

    Heifer development

    Historically I have wintered them with the cows on a silage ground hay ration with lots of bunk space then turned on grass first of may with the bull.i felt they were lagging behind so this year I fed them 10 pounds a day grain concentrate and okay hay .then we had a pile of silage left so put...
  12. S

    Heifer development

    What are your folks hfr development programs like just curious looking for some different ideas thanks
  13. S

    Feeder cattle headed lower?

    I don't have enough head to use the board I know my big end of steers will go in mid nov at a select vac sale to satisfy the bank and landlords and will back ground the smaller steers and hfrs till Jan
  14. S

    Feeder cattle headed lower?

    Recently it seems when all hope is lost the market turns no one expected the last rally but it was a good one just wish I had something to sell during it
  15. S

    Feeder cattle headed lower?

    Cold storage inventory down10 percent from a year ago
  16. S

    Feeder cattle headed lower?

    All we can do is wait and hope it straightens soon
  17. S

    hereford birth weight s

    But I believe chasing the other extreme makes it so eventually your cows can't give birth to a puppy that why I consider a calf out Of a heifer terminal
  18. S

    cow / calf pairs

    To much if you're buying and not enough if you're selling
  19. S

    hereford birth weight s

    He is a .03 ce the sire is a 3.2 bw there's a half brother with a 1.4 bw and 3.5 ce
  20. S

    hereford birth weight s

    Is 94 pounds high for hereford birth weight has 3.7 birth weight epd