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  1. P

    Spring Storm Aftermath !!!! ( My Pictures )

    Incredible, impressive, scary, pretty cool for the kids. Looking forward to the next pics and I certainly feel for those who's green grass will come at possibly considerable expense.
  2. P

    my first pics

    I can't get the second one to come up.
  3. P

    my first pics

  4. P


    That certainly qualifies as ranching country. With those easy keeping Herefords you could sell that fancy hay and buy back cheaper plain hay. Always enjoy tromping around with you on your place from the comfort of my office. (there is no place that a bike and a couple of good dogs couldn't get...
  5. P

    Desert disguised as Canada (Pictures)

    It's just a bit of snow Whitewing. Sure beats bugs and snakes and things that all go away with the coming of the snow.
  6. P

    Christmas pics

    The pic was looking across Okotoks. I like this temp better as well. Are you around Pincher?
  7. P

    Christmas pics

    Less than 1% of the population have Vitiligo which causes you to loose the pigmentation of your skin. So your family is in an exclusive club. I don't know if I have any long lost relatives Silver but you never know. :shock: :?
  8. P

    Christmas pics

    Ha I still have it, just not much in the stamina department. It was too cold to be a cherry picker.
  9. P

    Christmas pics

    I remember, actually I had a pair just like that except one was always dressed in purple and one in pink so we could tell them apart. :?
  10. P

    Christmas pics

    Grand daughter and grand niece. Had to hand them off because I put them to sleep. A little Christmas hockey. -20 too cold for me but I notice only one of the four even has a heavy coat on. Oh to be young. Golf coarse is rather quiet. Goodnight.
  11. P

    Mid December 2012

    So where does a grandpa procure such an item?
  12. P

    Mid December 2012

    Learn something new everyday.
  13. P

    Mid December 2012

    Interesting and enjoyable photo's as always. Maybe the little guy could be named rock star or something along those lines what with the bling around his neck and making sure everything else is in place.
  14. P

    A few pics, photobucket sure not friendly

    M125X 105hp The grader has an iceblade on it and actually keeps the roads quite drive-able. Yes Mrs. Per does more than her share of work. I can't hang lights and take pictures at the same time. :wink: Snow was at the Kananaskis Lodge.
  15. P

    A few pics, photobucket sure not friendly

    One from checking the cows today. Christmas light going up on office. My dad visiting with my granddaughter. Pied Piper method of rounding up calves. Cool mailbox. Was at a two day meeting and my truck took on a snowy blanket.
  16. P

    The Photo Game

    You know me better than that. :!: file photo's 8)
  17. P

    The Photo Game

    Spring flowers.
  18. P

    Some pictures from trip in early October

    Gee you were half way to gcreeks place. Just continue past the town for a ways turn left and then right and you are there. I don't get to Jasper very often, thanks for the tour.
  19. P

    Old Object

    Congrats on the awards, it is not a surprise you were selected as an outstanding Rancher but I mistakenly thought the barometer was a set of gold records. Your office is a bit like Sparkies shop, one of those places that would be interesting to linger in.
  20. P

    Old Object

    I'm a little curious about the gold record on the wall.