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  1. T

    Refugee Housing

    I'll have the daughter take a picture of the 50 soon Hay Maker. I bought a digital camera this past spring. Had alot of pictures on the computer and what'ya know, lightening blasted them all away last week. Just setting up a new computer now.
  2. T

    My reliable corn forcast for CattleCo.

    Going $1.50 to $1.60 around here at the local elevators. And the new crop isn't all that bad looking in the fields. Everything of ours will be chopped this year...soon.
  3. T

    Refugee Housing

    I heard on the news today that a few thousand are coming here to Camp Riply in central MN. Not exactly tropical either once the seasons change.
  4. T

    Alternative Fuels

    The diesel was originally invented to run on peanut oil or similar oils. Cheap petroleum won out. But that'll be changing. At our recent county fair they held an energy fair in conjunction with the regular fair. They had the whole ball of wax there, even a large wind turbine. They had two cars...
  5. T

    ~SH~ the pollock

    Don't worry MRJ, us Polocks on the board don't worry about political correctness. Polocks tell the best Polish jokes, believe me. Hey Hay Maker, isn't your wife one half Polish?
  6. T

    Paris the new Tom Selleck????

    My humble opinion is she's going to sell allot of beef! :D
  7. T

    Too bad we don't listen to our intelligent predecessors

    Mike, your right on the Jefferson thing. Another thing to point out is that in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson condemned slavery but it was taken out by the Continental Congress I believe. About the only people one runs into that try to discredit Jefferson...
  8. T

    TODAYS $$$$ value of RFID calves with RECORDS ?

    I think the copyright applies to the brand on products other than cattle. The King Ranch has dozens of different products with their brand logo on them in their catolog. I may be wrong but brands on cattle are not covered under copyright laws.
  9. T

    Black and White Observation....

    I tell you what, like I said on a previous post I'm gonna keep track of this this summer. I hope a few others would too. From what I'm recollecting most of these cows that don't have flies are mostly the easy doing gals that a guy takes for granted. It would be interesting to compare some notes...
  10. T

    Black and White Observation....

    Do you keep any heifers from her and if you do how are they doing? Kinda interesting.
  11. T

    Black and White Observation....

    I was reading last evening about how a certain percentage of cattle are immune to parasites. It was stated that they are in every breed, the non parasite cattle that is, and it's hereditary. It was stated that they are ussually the better cows in the herd. One way to spot them is when observing...
  12. T

    Haymaker- We've almost lost Minority Status!!

    A rather significant part of NCBA is non ranchers. I believe cow calf is at about 60% of membership. They also have foreign members, businesses, etc. In R-Calf only members that own cattle can vote. So I guess the above quote is nul.
  13. T

    "Big Ears"

    Wednesday, May 11 2005 On CAFTA and Free Trade Idolatry Darrell Dow @ 3:41 pm Real wages are falling at their fastest rate in 14 years. What do the free traders say? The evangelists of open markets, barking like Pentecostals with hands raised, shout “Pass CAFTA.” Now I see that the Bushies...
  14. T

    "Big Ears"

    Two full seasons is pushing it, for Central America that is.The grasses are of such poor quality some of them critters could starve to death with a full stomach. And parasites beyond belief, poisonous plants and critters, big time rustling, corrupt government officials from top to bottom. Guess...
  15. T

    Who's Running our Country? Us or Them?

    There's no greater danger to our republic than the UN and WTO. In fact if this continues it will not be a republic. This thread falls in line with my signature below.
  16. T

    Poll on BSE in the U.S.

    Dittos rancher, I voted for it being an issue too.
  17. T

    NCBA e-update

    Loos"I would like to point out something that many people seem to overlook. The poultry and pork industries are vibrant in the United States. While we may not be fond of the structure compared to that of the past, these producers have not suffered the fate of the sheep industry." Have to agree...
  18. T

    I suppose R-calf will get blamed for this.

    Yup, I remember back in the second half of the 90s shipping hogs to Worthington, prices were going south fast getting into the low teens. Every Monday morning we'd send out a load. At that point they would call and say they couldn't take our hogs, they were full up with Canadian hogs. We always...
  19. T

    Cheap Bedding for Cattle

    We baled some last fall and luckily they turned out for as wet as everything was here. Had most of em fed by late January, good hay extenders. Noticed some of the people around here are baling stalks now too. With the weather we've had till now I'd bet it's some good stuff. Especially the ones...
  20. T

    Agman - corn

    Wonder if it'll be like last year here, one heck of a cool summer, freezing around the area in August. Alot of the nieghbors are combining corn now. Didn't pay last fall with it well over 30% at it's driest time, coming out of the fields now around 12 to 13 %. If propane keeps rising there's...