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3rd party run?

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Red Robin

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Huckabee Confers With Dobson

Saturday, February 23, 2008 9:43 AM

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Mike Huckabee left Texas for a speaking gig in Colorado on Friday and spent an hour with one of his biggest fans -- James Dobson, according to a report in the Rocky Mountain News.

Friends with the Focus on the Family founder for 14 years, the Republican candidate did not disclose the details of their conversation -- but did chat about his campaign, outside the nonprofit's headquarters. Dobson also was mum about what they talked about.

Outside, Huckabee knocked McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton:

"If I were a sitting senator, I would be expected to be in Washington; that's how I would get my paycheck," he said. "Unfortunately, the people I'm paying to be sitting senators aren't showing up at their desk. You know, if you don't show up at work, you get fired. These guys aren't showing up for work and are expecting us to give them a better job."

Gary Schneeberger, Focus on the Family spokesman, explained the low-key meeting, saying that the nonprofit wanted to be "hyper-compliant," so as to not violate its nonprofit tax status by hosting a political event.

He noted that Dobson has endorsed Huckabee as a private citizen, not as founder of the influential organization. At one point, Dobson's endorsement was coveted by Mitt Romney, who won the Colorado caucus and captured the state's 46 delegates.

Romney suspended his campaign after big losses on Super Tuesday, and Huckabee -- who finished second to Romney in Colorado -- said he hopes that those delegates would back him at the Republican National Convention.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
There's no doubt that conservatives that are really interested in the future of this country need to support a third party run. A third party run by Ralph Nader. Anything else is the same as supporting Obama.
Texan said:
There's no doubt that conservatives that are really interested in the future of this country need to support a third party run. A third party run by Ralph Nader. Anything else is the same as supporting Obama.

I don't think old Nader would do much to hurt Obamas run...He's getting old (73)- and much of the young activists & college students, that made up "Naders Raiders" before and that he drew on for campaign volunteers and votes in prior years, will probably jump onto the "Obama Phenom"-- as he's bringing in the young and college educated at an unprecedented rate....

Huckabee's 3rd party campaign would split the fiscal conservative (McCain) and social/moral conservative (Huckabee) factions of the Repub Party- and give each faction their Champion- and guarantee any Dem running a win....
But if Obama is the candidate- I don't think its going to matter who or how many the Repubs run- Obama will win by a landslide.....Probably bringing along about 30 new Dem Representatives and 5-6 new Dem Senators.....
But if Obama is the candidate- I don't think its going to matter who or how many the Repubs run- Obama will win by a landslide.....Probably bringing along about 30 new Dem Representatives and 5-6 new Dem Senators.....
Good heavens, give the people of this country a little more credit than that! Seems like only yesterday you were predicting that Hillary was going to be the annointed one.
Cal said:
But if Obama is the candidate- I don't think its going to matter who or how many the Repubs run- Obama will win by a landslide.....Probably bringing along about 30 new Dem Representatives and 5-6 new Dem Senators.....
Good heavens, give the people of this country a little more credit than that! Seems like only yesterday you were predicting that Hillary was going to be the annointed one.

Altho I think Obama may end up beating out Hillary- if Hillary is the Dem pick, she stands a very good chance of beating McCain...McCain probably stands the best chance of any Repub nominee, because he can pull in some Independent voters-but if he continues to run on the Bush platform and his "nukes over negotiations" stand, he will be doomed even against her.... But I don't think he stands any chance against Obama who can get out the youth vote...Deja Vu of JFK...

Its the Bush legacy- a lot of disenchantment with the current neocon Republican Party- and they have totally lost a generation....
Oldtimer said:
Cal said:
But if Obama is the candidate- I don't think its going to matter who or how many the Repubs run- Obama will win by a landslide.....Probably bringing along about 30 new Dem Representatives and 5-6 new Dem Senators.....
Good heavens, give the people of this country a little more credit than that! Seems like only yesterday you were predicting that Hillary was going to be the annointed one.

Altho I think Obama may end up beating out Hillary- if Hillary is the Dem pick, she stands a very good chance of beating McCain...McCain probably stands the best chance of any Repub nominee, because he can pull in some Independent voters-but if he continues to run on the Bush platform and nukes over negotiations, he will be doomed even against her.... But I don't think he stands any chance against Obama who can get out the youth vote...Deja Vu of JFK...

Its the Bush legacy- a lot of disenchantment with the current neocon Republican Party- and they have totally lost a generation....
He's no JFK, and this superstar status is going to get darn cold before the election....and he's not going to stand up to the close scrutiny that's coming his way. It will be a disappointment to radical Muslims everywhere. His wife can go back to being not proud of our country.
I also think Obama is unelectable. Around here anyway I've talked to a bunch of democrats that won't support Obama. They mostly won't vote but one or two have said they'd vote for McCain to defeat Obama. Nader announced that he's running.
3rd party....watch what Bloomberg does.

Some pretty good info says he's thinking REALLY serious.

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