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'Birther' interrupts reading of the Constitution

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Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
The proceedings of the U.S. House, which was in the process of reading the U.S. Constitution, were interrupted briefly today by a woman protester who shouted "except Obama" when the requirements for the person who occupies the Oval Office were read from the founding document.

According to reports, the woman was removed from the gallery. A video of the sequence was posted on YouTube.

According to the video, a New Jersey Democrat, Frank Pallone, was reading Article II, Section 1, which requires that only a "natural born Citizen" be allowed to be president, the woman started shouting.

"Except Obama. Except Obama. Help us Jesus," she said.

Politico reported she was seated in the front row of the public gallery and was removed removed by an officer who said, "You're under arrest."
Bullhauler said:
So which of the resident women birthers was it? Haven't heard from mssage in a few days...........

Mention the the debt ceiling and Bullhauler stays quiet but mention a birther and guess who shows up to make a comment. :wink: Now that we have your attention what do you think about your Hypocrite President not raising the Debt Ceiling when it was Bush's failed leadership that caused it but is now telling Congress if they don't grant his increase do to his failed leadership, the world as we know it will end?
Bullhauler said:
So which of the resident women birthers was it? Haven't heard from mssage in a few days...........

Rumor has it bull humper it was your wife :wink: :wink: Accompanied by your mother :D :D
Tam said:
Bullhauler said:
So which of the resident women birthers was it? Haven't heard from mssage in a few days...........

Mention the the debt ceiling and Bullhauler stays quiet but mention a birther and guess who shows up to make a comment. :wink: Now that we have your attention what do you think about your Hypocrite President not raising the Debt Ceiling when it was Bush's failed leadership that caused it but is now telling Congress if they don't grant his increase do to his failed leadership, the world as we know it will end?

Well one response if they DO NOT raise the debt ceiling is that when you run over the border to get medical care here in the US.....that hosp may not have been able to get some funding it needed.

OR...like some ambulances do, might not have the $$$$ to run across the border

The lo and behold, you won't be able to get that splinter out and get a full cast like you wanted..
jingo2 said:
Tam said:
Bullhauler said:
So which of the resident women birthers was it? Haven't heard from mssage in a few days...........

Mention the the debt ceiling and Bullhauler stays quiet but mention a birther and guess who shows up to make a comment. :wink: Now that we have your attention what do you think about your Hypocrite President not raising the Debt Ceiling when it was Bush's failed leadership that caused it but is now telling Congress if they don't grant his increase do to his failed leadership, the world as we know it will end?

Well one response if they DO NOT raise the debt ceiling is that when you run over the border to get medical care here in the US.....that hosp may not have been able to get some funding it needed.

OR...like some ambulances do, might not have the $$$$ to run across the border

The lo and behold, you won't be able to get that splinter out and get a full cast like you wanted..

Or the brain transplant you so desperately need kojingo. :wink:
jingo2 said:
Tam said:
Bullhauler said:
So which of the resident women birthers was it? Haven't heard from mssage in a few days...........

Mention the the debt ceiling and Bullhauler stays quiet but mention a birther and guess who shows up to make a comment. :wink: Now that we have your attention what do you think about your Hypocrite President not raising the Debt Ceiling when it was Bush's failed leadership that caused it but is now telling Congress if they don't grant his increase do to his failed leadership, the world as we know it will end?

Well one response if they DO NOT raise the debt ceiling is that when you run over the border to get medical care here in the US.....that hosp may not have been able to get some funding it needed.

OR...like some ambulances do, might not have the $$$$ to run across the border

The lo and behold, you won't be able to get that splinter out and get a full cast like you wanted..

At this point, yes, it is a necessity to raise the debt ceiling, but you are missing the point of Tam's posts on the subject.

Raising the debt ceiling would not be neccesary if obama had done what he promised, to get elected, and had been the type of leader that he, and you, had accused Bush of not being in the past.

But most of us knew he wouldn't be, even before you voted for him.

but unlike those of us that criticized Bush for his spending, we don't hear too many of those that supported obama, criticizing the record spending that has occurred in the past 2 years.

It's probably too late as it is, but if the US is to have any hope at all of maintaining any resemblance to the Country they are, you and your progressive friends better get behind some of the more fiscal conservatives, and fast.
awww you missed me how sweet BH.......FYI I have been working everyday since the inmate was killed by another inmate in Hobbs. All of NM has been in lockdown, CERT has been activated, and everyone has had their days off canceled.
jingo2 said:
Tam said:
Bullhauler said:
So which of the resident women birthers was it? Haven't heard from mssage in a few days...........

Mention the the debt ceiling and Bullhauler stays quiet but mention a birther and guess who shows up to make a comment. :wink: Now that we have your attention what do you think about your Hypocrite President not raising the Debt Ceiling when it was Bush's failed leadership that caused it but is now telling Congress if they don't grant his increase do to his failed leadership, the world as we know it will end?

Well one response if they DO NOT raise the debt ceiling is that when you run over the border to get medical care here in the US.....that hosp may not have been able to get some funding it needed.

OR...like some ambulances do, might not have the $$$$ to run across the border

The lo and behold, you won't be able to get that splinter out and get a full cast like you wanted..

most ambulances are locally funded.. :?

many are private firms that have to compete with subsidized local units...
Steve said:
At this point, yes, it is a necessity to raise the debt ceiling,

is it really a necessity?

or could cuts pave the way for an actual debt reduction.

From what I understand, because the Dems. did not write a budget, there is not enough time for cuts, before more money needs to be borrowed.

They left the country in a pickle, for sure. Moree than 1/3 of the debt under the Dem. Congress in the past 4 years.

What a mess.
hopalong said:
Steve you know stuff like that goes over kolos head :D :D

yes, but I was to busy ignoring the mangy dog... to hold back on my comments today.. :lol:

I do apologize if some of my comments were unneeded.. or over the heads of a few.. but I am just doing my part to help keep the board civil...
jingo2 said:
Tam said:
Bullhauler said:
So which of the resident women birthers was it? Haven't heard from mssage in a few days...........

Mention the the debt ceiling and Bullhauler stays quiet but mention a birther and guess who shows up to make a comment. :wink: Now that we have your attention what do you think about your Hypocrite President not raising the Debt Ceiling when it was Bush's failed leadership that caused it but is now telling Congress if they don't grant his increase do to his failed leadership, the world as we know it will end?

Well one response if they DO NOT raise the debt ceiling is that when you run over the border to get medical care here in the US.....that hosp may not have been able to get some funding it needed.

OR...like some ambulances do, might not have the $$$$ to run across the border

The lo and behold, you won't be able to get that splinter out and get a full cast like you wanted..

Just what does your comment about my medical needs have to do with the hypocrite actions of your President when he refused to raise the Bush Debt ceiling due to Bush's claimed failed leadership but is now begging to have it raised because he is doing such a bang up job and carrying out his campaign promised of cutting the deficit? I thought Pelosi claimed Debt reduction was a top priority of the Dems? Have they under her leadership not been in charge of the budget for 4 years? If they under her leadership were doing their job of carrying out her top priority why have they had to ask for a raises AGAIN? Let me ask you Jingy the same question O'Rielly ask Kercinich was Pelosi disingenuous or just delusional? And If failed leadership causes the debt ceiling to raise just who's failed leadership was it?
Faster horses said:
Good questions, Tam. Now we'll see if you get truthful answers.
(which is highly unlikely) :wink:

NOT A CHANCE IN H*ll :wink:

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