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King Obama

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Hanta Yo

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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South Central Montana
How would you like to live a life of luxury without spending a dime out of your own pocket? You can fly anywhere in the world on a private jet, have staff waiting on you hand and foot and even have your mother-in-law live with you for free.

This past weekend, I did a piece on Obama's recent Hawaii vacation costing US taxpayers over $7 million. I thought and still do believe, that this is outrageous. They used Air Force One for their PRIVATE vacation at a cost of $180,000 per hour and it's an 18 hour round trip. Barack Obama made the trip twice, so just the cost of two round trips on Air Force One rang up to a grand total of $6.48 million.

However, if the cost of the one family vacation upsets you like it did me, wait till you see the grand total cost to taxpayers for a whole year of supporting an illegal alien in the White House.

Robert Keith Gray just wrote Presidential Perks Gone Royal: Your Taxes Are Being Used For Obama's Re-election. According to the description of the book found on Amazon.com, Gray reveals how the cost of maintaining the First Family has gone completely out of control costing taxpayers $1.4 billion per year:

"From the sublime to the ridiculous to the truly obscene, the various perks and privileges bestowed on our Chief Executive, our self-proclaimed man of the people, include the extravagant foolishness of having twenty-six cabin crewmembers on Air Force One, along with FIVE (5) chefs! In the White House theatre, two projectionists sleep in in order to remain on duty at all times, should a First Family member or guest fancy a film. A dog walker is also always on hand. One was reported to be paid $102,000 a year to walk and pick up after the first-family's canine. On at least one airline trip in the presidential fleet, the only passengers aboard were the First Canine and his handler. In 2009, the military payroll at Camp David was $8,000,000. And these men and women were not there as replacements for the Secret Service to protect the President, but rather to serve the First Family and its guests."

Read More at godfatherpolitics.com . By Giacomo.

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