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oldtimers rants on another site

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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2006
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He is on a tangent again about PB in another site... lots of accusations about some on here....

And the same thing is posted daily on Ranchers.nets PB promoting besides civil war, anarchy, and racism- but actually killing of public officials because of their race--- and you or any of the local ranchers. posters won't even comment on it.... Some of the more racist hardly make a post unless its a negative one on blacks or latinos...

Boy don't go to ranchers.net and be saying anything good about Lincoln -- they will hang you out to dry ... All they remember is that he was President during the Civil War and when the southern slaves were freed under his Presidency...
hopalong said:
He is on a tangent again about PB in another site... lots of accusations about some on here....

And the same thing is posted daily on Ranchers.nets PB promoting besides civil war, anarchy, and racism- but actually killing of public officials because of their race--- and you or any of the local ranchers. posters won't even comment on it.... Some of the more racist hardly make a post unless its a negative one on blacks or latinos...

Boy don't go to ranchers.net and be saying anything good about Lincoln -- they will hang you out to dry ... All they remember is that he was President during the Civil War and when the southern slaves were freed under his Presidency...

Why are following this man around like a love sick teenager?
hopalong said:
He is on a tangent again about PB in another site... lots of accusations about some on here....

And the same thing is posted daily on Ranchers.nets PB promoting besides civil war, anarchy, and racism- but actually killing of public officials because of their race--- and you or any of the local ranchers. posters won't even comment on it.... Some of the more racist hardly make a post unless its a negative one on blacks or latinos...

Boy don't go to ranchers.net and be saying anything good about Lincoln -- they will hang you out to dry ... All they remember is that he was President during the Civil War and when the southern slaves were freed under his Presidency...

Just a clue of what kind of guy Lincoln was: The Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves in the southern states that were in Rebellion. The rest were still kept in slavery.............. In other words, he was using slavery as a means to hurt the South economically but not the other states using slavery as a tool of war.

Actually, I agreed with Lincoln on his many different stances (wink-wink) pertaining to whites and blacks. He was in favor of sending the slaves back to Africa, or separating them somehow because they were not Socially compatible. He also was not in favor of giving blacks voting power..

My main beef with Lincoln is how he treated civilians, the women & children of the States' he invaded. Atrocious.

OT called someone else a liar? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
kolanuraven said:
hopalong said:
He is on a tangent again about PB in another site... lots of accusations about some on here....

And the same thing is posted daily on Ranchers.nets PB promoting besides civil war, anarchy, and racism- but actually killing of public officials because of their race--- and you or any of the local ranchers. posters won't even comment on it.... Some of the more racist hardly make a post unless its a negative one on blacks or latinos...

Boy don't go to ranchers.net and be saying anything good about Lincoln -- they will hang you out to dry ... All they remember is that he was President during the Civil War and when the southern slaves were freed under his Presidency...

Why are following this man around like a love sick teenager?

kolo=jingo=lulu=allie,,, I was on some of thei sites long before he was!!!!! another one he invited me to join,,, as far as a love sick teenager I am wayyyyy past your level of being :wink: :wink: :wink:
"I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races. I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people. And I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. … And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." – Abraham Lincoln in his fourth debate with Stephen Douglas in the campaign for the United States Senate on September 18th of 1858.
SO that means he has been lurking on PB so he can comment about what is said on other sites. :shock: I'm thinking that is a bit Chicken Sh*t, as if he has something to say about what is said on PB it should be said on PB so those he is commenting about get a right to debate the subject with him. :roll:

Sounds more like his honest reason for leaving PB was his mouth got him in so deep he dared not stay commenting in fear of what might happen to him. But then why bother commenting about things that he has absolutely no credibility left on. :wink:

Seems like he thinks it is much safer to make comments behind peoples backs (on another website and at the watering hole) than to stand up like a man and say it to their face. :roll:

Say Oldtimer, I hear it is going to be hot today better get to the watering hole early as not to loose your stool at the bar. BTW Just what happen to the new business venture that was going to be keeping you so busy that you had "NO TIME" for PB? :?
Tam said:
SO that means he has been lurking on PB so he can comment about what is said on other sites. :shock: I'm thinking that is a bit Chicken Sh*t, as if he has something to say about what is said on PB it should be said on PB so those he is commenting about get a right to debate the subject with him. :roll:

Sounds more like his honest reason for leaving PB was his mouth got him in so deep he dared not stay commenting in fear of what might happen to him. But then why bother commenting about things that he has absolutely no credibility left on. :wink:

Seems like he thinks it is much safer to make comments behind peoples backs (on another website and at the watering hole) than to stand up like a man and say it to their face. :roll:

Careful Tam kolo=jingo=lulu=allie wil come down on you for telling it like it is

Say Oldtimer, I hear it is going to be hot today better get to the watering hole early as not to loose your stool at the bar. BTW Just what happen to the new business venture that was going to be keeping you so busy that you had "NO TIME" for PB? :?
Tam said:
SO that means he has been lurking on PB so he can comment about what is said on other sites. :shock: I'm thinking that is a bit Chicken Sh*t...........

I'm sorry Tam, but your comment offends me.

I raise chickens, and yes, they produce lots of chicken sh*t, but it's a valuable product. It's an excellent fertilizer and soil additive when composted. And because of its high nitrogen content, many ranchers here actually use the product to fatten their cattle before slaughter.

Comparing a valuable product like chicken sh*t to a useless turd like OT goes beyond the pale and I'd hope you'd retract that statement.
Just for OT's sake. Only 5% of the people in the South owned slaves at the start of the War of Northern Aggression. What in the hell were the other 95% fighting for?

Maybe because 80% of the tax paid in the entire U.S. was paid by southerners yet they only made up 30% of the population? :roll:
Mike said:
Just for OT's sake. Only 5% of the people in the South owned slaves at the start of the War of Northern Aggression. What in the hell were the other 95% fighting for?

Maybe because 80% of the tax paid in the entire U.S. was paid by southerners yet they only made up 30% of the population? :roll:

Rest assured that had OT been around during those times, he'd have been a huge supporter of slavery as long as true government leadership said it was okay. He worships at the government alter.
Mike said:
Just for OT's sake. Only 5% of the people in the South owned slaves at the start of the War of Northern Aggression. What in the hell were the other 95% fighting for?

Maybe because 80% of the tax paid in the entire U.S. was paid by southerners yet they only made up 30% of the population? :roll:

Forget OT...

But, the facts stated above are true.

VERY FEW Southern folks owned slaves.

Most of the people here were living a hard-scrabble life , some lower than most ' slave standards'.

Lincoln WAS NOT the ' hero' as history makes out.

Yes, he was a leader of the time and did some good things.

There is a saying amongst all people who study/teach history,

" when the legend becomes fact....print the legend".

Lincoln is a perfect example of that coming true.
Writing in December of 1861 in a London weekly publication, the famous English author, Charles Dickens, who was a strong opponent of slavery, said these things about the war going on in America:

"The Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States."

"Union means so many millions a year lost to the South; secession means loss of the same millions to the North. The love of money is the root of this as many, many other evils. The quarrel between the North and South is, as it stands, solely a fiscal quarrel."

Karl Marx, like most European socialists of the time favored the North. In an 1861 article published in England, he articulated very well what the major British newspapers, the Times, the Economist, and Saturday Review, had been saying:

"The war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power."

We've all been "punked".
Mike said:
hopalong said:
He is on a tangent again about PB in another site... lots of accusations about some on here....

And the same thing is posted daily on Ranchers.nets PB promoting besides civil war, anarchy, and racism- but actually killing of public officials because of their race--- and you or any of the local ranchers. posters won't even comment on it.... Some of the more racist hardly make a post unless its a negative one on blacks or latinos...

Boy don't go to ranchers.net and be saying anything good about Lincoln -- they will hang you out to dry ... All they remember is that he was President during the Civil War and when the southern slaves were freed under his Presidency...

Just a clue of what kind of guy Lincoln was: The Emancipation Proclamation only freed the slaves in the southern states that were in Rebellion. The rest were still kept in slavery.............. In other words, he was using slavery as a means to hurt the South economically but not the other states using slavery as a tool of war.

Actually, I agreed with Lincoln on his many different stances (wink-wink) pertaining to whites and blacks. He was in favor of sending the slaves back to Africa, or separating them somehow because they were not Socially compatible. He also was not in favor of giving blacks voting power..

My main beef with Lincoln is how he treated civilians, the women & children of the States' he invaded. Atrocious.

OT called someone else a liar? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Mike although it was american against american we must remember that it was WAR !! Civilians got what has always been the norm during and after the war. As did the black soldiers fighting for the north who were slaughtered when they surrendered. But they too were vicious and cut throat to southern soldiers given the opportunity.

The Emancipation Proclamation didn't free anybody as it was unenforceable. It did keep Europe from siding with the Confederacy which let to their defeat.
loomixguy said:
Wonder if the folks on the other site are aware that Old Flatulence could be dropping dimes on them? :roll: :???:

Yes, they are aware. OldRatBastardSnitch took offense at the name. :lol:
kolanuraven said:
hopalong said:
He is on a tangent again about PB in another site... lots of accusations about some on here....

And the same thing is posted daily on Ranchers.nets PB promoting besides civil war, anarchy, and racism- but actually killing of public officials because of their race--- and you or any of the local ranchers. posters won't even comment on it.... Some of the more racist hardly make a post unless its a negative one on blacks or latinos...

Boy don't go to ranchers.net and be saying anything good about Lincoln -- they will hang you out to dry ... All they remember is that he was President during the Civil War and when the southern slaves were freed under his Presidency...

Why are following this man around like a love sick teenager?

I find the above comment funnier than Hell!

One of the longer recent threads (I seldom read this board, but it was always updated when I did ) was on OT leaving this bull board.

Left his opponents lonesome, I thought--never occurred to me they were more 'lovesick stalkers'!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!
don't worry little oldtimer we know you are still here using another nickname :wink:
littlejoe said:
I find the above comment funnier than Hell!

One of the longer recent threads (I seldom read this board, but it was always updated when I did ) was on OT leaving this bull board.

Left his opponents lonesome, I thought--never occurred to me they were more 'lovesick stalkers'!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!

Yeah, I LOL too when certain posters here, a full 5 years after he left office, can't help but blame George W Bush for all the world's problems. I guess they're just lonesome, lovesick W stalkers. :lol:

As for OT, just read his words:

And the same thing is posted daily on Ranchers.nets PB promoting besides civil war, anarchy, and racism- but actually killing of public officials because of their race--- and you or any of the local ranchers. posters won't even comment on it.... Some of the more racist hardly make a post unless its a negative one on blacks or latinos...

Boy don't go to ranchers.net and be saying anything good about Lincoln -- they will hang you out to dry ... All they remember is that he was President during the Civil War and when the southern slaves were freed under his Presidency...

He's a liar and deserves all the vitriol that's directed his way.
Mike said:
Just for OT's sake. Only 5% of the people in the South owned slaves at the start of the War of Northern Aggression. What in the hell were the other 95% fighting for?

Maybe because 80% of the tax paid in the entire U.S. was paid by southerners yet they only made up 30% of the population? :roll:

the federal income tax ratio is worse now. don't know what the overall ratio is of all taxes.

probably will have a similar outcome and individual liberty and the smallest minority, the individual, will finally be extinguished.

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