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And old GW and Teddy want to let a few million more in...No wonder the rise in health care costs-- or the diseased/tainted food we're finding and all the recalls.... :( :mad:

Chicken-plant workers test 'positive' for TB
212 out of 765 processing employees infected
– company says HIV-privacy laws nix screening

Posted: November 4, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007 WorldNetDaily.com

Alabama health officials have identified 212 workers who have tested positive for tuberculosis at a single poultry plant owned by one of the largest processors in the U.S.

In two batteries of skin tests last month, given to 765 fresh processing employees at the Decatur, Ala., plant owned by Wayne Farms LLC by the State Department of Public Health's Tuberculosis Control Division, 28 percent were found to be infected, including one with active tuberculosis disease, which is contagious. Doctors have yet to evaluate X-rays for 165 current workers who tested positive to determine if any more are contagious.

The testing was prompted by an earlier active TB case – a former Wayne Farms worker.

Both employees with active TB are Hispanics born in countries where the disease is prevalent, heath officials said.

Heres another.. Whats so different about the droves of immigrants coming in under GW and the droves coming in under Obama :???:

Or all the millions more your hero GW and your anointed champion wanted to let in and/or give amnesty to...

Where was all the ranchers.net cult followers b*tching then :???:
Dems block GOP bills to verify status, block tax credits to illegal immigrants
Jun. 26, 2014 5:02pm

Senate Democrats blocked Republicans on Thursday from passing two bills that would require companies to verify the legal status of people before they hire them, and stop the government from handing out child tax credits to illegal immigrants.

hypocritexposer said:
Dems block GOP bills to verify status, block tax credits to illegal immigrants
Jun. 26, 2014 5:02pm

Senate Democrats blocked Republicans on Thursday from passing two bills that would require companies to verify the legal status of people before they hire them, and stop the government from handing out child tax credits to illegal immigrants.


And the Republican backed Chamber of Commerce joined with the ACLU to file suit stopping e-verify... In the Congressional hearings I saw as many Republican's as Democrat's testifying for the need for all the immigrants- and against any penalties/prosecution for those hiring them (which I believe is the only way you will get rid of them) ...

Nope- the parties are about even steven on the immigration issue as none have really enforced it for over 50 years... Bush and McCain were as pro amnesty as Obama is ... That's what makes it so comical (and hypocritical ) when you see Republicans/right winger posters now complain about Obama... Why were these folks not complaining back in 2006 and 2007 :???:

And it may be to the point where logistically its impossible to remove all the illegals...
The establishment republicans are all kept in line so they can win re-election.. they need the money so they, like all the other lifelong politicians vote to get the money from big donors..

it is those very reasons I support the TEA party... they are beholden to the voters..
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Dems block GOP bills to verify status, block tax credits to illegal immigrants
Jun. 26, 2014 5:02pm

Senate Democrats blocked Republicans on Thursday from passing two bills that would require companies to verify the legal status of people before they hire them, and stop the government from handing out child tax credits to illegal immigrants.


And the Republican backed Chamber of Commerce joined with the ACLU to file suit stopping e-verify... In the Congressional hearings I saw as many Republican's as Democrat's testifying for the need for all the immigrants- and against any penalties/prosecution for those hiring them (which I believe is the only way you will get rid of them) ...

Nope- the parties are about even steven on the immigration issue as none have really enforced it for over 50 years... Bush and McCain were as pro amnesty as Obama is ... That's what makes it so comical (and hypocritical ) when you see Republicans/right winger posters now complain about Obama... Why were these folks not complaining back in 2006 and 2007 :???:

And it may be to the point where logistically its impossible to remove all the illegals...

I'd ask for a link to as many pubs as donks testifying for the need FOR ALL THE IMMIGRANtS, but I'm sure you'd just direct me to 1000 pages of bs that has nothing to do with it, or better yet, claim you saw it on CSPAN.

Owned yet again by hypo. :lol:
Hope yer not going for one of those chicken plant jobs OT, as you will test positive for TB if you have been vaccinated.
Do you wash your hands when you take a pi$$?
I think you need to be watched by th hand washing police.
greybeard said:
Hope yer not going for one of those chicken plant jobs OT, as you will test positive for TB if you have been vaccinated.

Not that many folks get TB shots in the states... In fact CDC recommends only to folks traveling to high risk areas or working high risk jobs.. And the new blood tests don't show false positives like skin tests do...
When I was in LE we received vaccinations for Hepatitis- but not TB as it was thought to be so rare in the area anymore...
Oldtimer said:
greybeard said:
Hope yer not going for one of those chicken plant jobs OT, as you will test positive for TB if you have been vaccinated.

Not that many folks get TB shots in the states... In fact CDC recommends only to folks traveling to high risk areas or working high risk jobs.. And the new blood tests don't show false positives like skin tests do...
When I was in LE we received vaccinations for Hepatitis- but not TB as it was thought to be so rare in the area anymore...

Better get boosters because the biological bomb is being spread all over the country via illegals.
TexasBred said:
Oldtimer said:
greybeard said:
Hope yer not going for one of those chicken plant jobs OT, as you will test positive for TB if you have been vaccinated.

Not that many folks get TB shots in the states... In fact CDC recommends only to folks traveling to high risk areas or working high risk jobs.. And the new blood tests don't show false positives like skin tests do...
When I was in LE we received vaccinations for Hepatitis- but not TB as it was thought to be so rare in the area anymore...

Better get boosters because the biological bomb is being spread all over the country via illegals.

Exactly. Unless your going to move to Canada, looks like you better get that booster thanks to your messiah.
Those dang Chamber of Commerce supporting Republicans...

Chamber of Commerce gives ultimatum to GOP


Report Claims HUGE Shortage Of STEM Workers - July 1, 2014

In light of the controversy surrounding the effects of immigration on jobs, the Brookings Institution has just released a study claiming that science, engineering and tech shortages are very real, Roll Call reports.

And FOXnews is a Tea Party supporting organization...

Immigration Reform Can't Wait - June 18, 2014

There is rarely a good time to do hard things, and America won't advance if legislators act like seat-warmers.

By Rupert Murdoch


Looks to me like obama is siding with the big corporations, and the big corporations are siding with obama and against the Tea Party.

How does Corporatism work again? How did the socialists of the 1930s progress, to something better?

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