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Trump ShutDown

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2005
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The " shutdown" has happened so often now that no one really takes it serious.

Now that Trump has thrown his hissy and ' shut down' the gov't.....the gov't really needs to SHUT DOWN and show people exactly what a **** storm he has unleashed.

Stop the TSA, air controllers, border police,postal system, the VA, federal prisons, etc. I mean STOP IT ALL. You need surgery, TOUGH, you need police/federal assistance, TOUGH....deal with it.

Show the idiots who voted for Trump exactly what a mad man they have unleashed.

Meanwhile, Trump will slip off to that tacky assed Mar-A-Lago and play golf
~75% of the government is automatically funded. All it takes is a measly 5B for border security, and it's on the Dumbocraps. You want everything shut down? Great! It's not on Trump.

Sort of a dishonest standard with regards to who is actually shutting down the government. Previously, the Democrats blamed the shutdown on the minority party that filibustered the senate. That would be the Democrats in this shutdown. Plenty Democrats senators simply won't get re-elected if they vote against this bill, so they filibuster the bill. This is, surprise surprise, yet another example of Democrat hypocrisy - not that the commies even attempt to attend to any illusion of honor and decency. Simply put: the Democrats are "shutting down" the government as defined by their own definition ( I know, I'm a racist, sexist, homophobe ... and all the other ists and isms cause I oppose commie dishonesty) to protect against being exposed for their real intent. Yawn and yawn, the commies are liars; lets explore an unresolved issue like "is water really wet?"
How is it fair to make people work without pay? For no telling how long? Would you? Helles no!

TRUMP is responsible for the shut down. He said it himself. You won't believe your own leader?
Traveler...you quote Fox? Please..............

Do you know realize that the MAJORITY of illegal immigration happens from people who over stay their visas and the like? Besides, geologically and geographically you CAN NOT put a fence in some parts of the western lands.....you can't.
Over stay visa is another issue;I'm not so easily distracted. Yes, yes, we live in complex times. We need to address multiple issues, and over stay visa is one of them. Is your point that we have overstay visa problems so invasion is ok? I won't apologize for special disdain for an invader that attempts to extort $50,000 to not invade. #ima invaderist too.
When Jimmie commie bastard carter embargoed the Russians ( see he's not feckless campaign issue) I worked for free. But in general I agree with the premise that the individual should enjoy the fruits of their labor.
"TRUMP is responsible for the shut down. He said it himself. You won't believe your own leader?"

Ha ha, they are so stupid as to be unaware of being lampooned with a patronizing dismissal. Maybe that's why they always resort to calling arguments racist.
kolanuraven said:
How is it fair to make people work without pay? For no telling how long? Would you? Helles no!

TRUMP is responsible for the shut down. He said it himself. You won't believe your own leader?

How is it fair to over tax someone for a lifetime that works hard labor to pay for too many idiots in Washington to be over paid and receive an excessive retirement along with all the slush funds to cycle the money back to friends and co-conspirators of the fraud?

We can do this all day Princess.

It's all over now but your crying...please continue. Oh and pictures....video with sound preferable.
Seems like all the "shutdowns" I can remember, they passed legislation to pay everyone the same as if they had worked. More like a paid vacation than a layoff.

kolanuraven said:
Traveler...you quote Fox? Please..............

Do you know realize that the MAJORITY of illegal immigration happens from people who over stay their visas and the like? Besides, geologically and geographically you CAN NOT put a fence in some parts of the western lands.....you can't.
Let's see how much we can put up. Dissing Fox is hitting below the belt. You've gone and hurt my feelings. :lol:
Pretty amazing how much the GoFundMe account has amassed in 5 days. The American people have spoken...even if it can't be used, it is still shows how much the American people want NATIONAL SECURITY. Too bad that it's not important to the Dems. Oh wait, it was...until Trump wanted it....Dem's are such fools.

Watchmen of the wall....he must feel very ashamed of his ancestors.

Unless of course he believes that one country is justified in protecting itself with a wall but the other isn't???.

Almost like his allegiance isn't to America....
Literally every President of America for the past generation or more has shut down the government at least once - and sometimes more.

Historically speaking voters have a very short memory.

Interesting how your resident President is taking such a hit for this when the dems have also done it many times.

In the end the average citizen has no say - so why bother getting wound up - carry on and enjoy the season. Just remember to stay away from the lefty folks every time you vote - because they will give your country away - much as has happened to Canada - which is now a socialist nation on its way to join Venezuela.

But after spending some time very recently long the American Mexican border doing some special work for some Americans - I can say I do agree - put that wall up - and guard it with armed troops authorized to open fire - or you are going to be invaded in a big way. Then build one against Canada as the islamics and isis are growing rapidly in number.

There is little doubt in my mind those "trudeau loved evils" would plan something against you folks while living on Canadian tax payer freebies. Little doubt at all.

Personal security, national security and indeed even food security will soon become serious issues to us all. Guard your country or lose all of those things eventually.

I am off to the shop to do some work in a nice heated environment while the wife grabs a few things from the store to place in stockings.

Best to all.

Be safe and be happy.

Merry Christmas to all.
Condense the B/S out of the border situation. The commie scum has no valid arguments to attract voters...except for free **** for losers. So let's import some more recipients and make voters out of them. They simply care more about power than the condition of America. That explains why their arguments are so pathetic. In the end, joke's on us, the commies nearly have the recipient votes to make America like Venezuela.

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