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What must they be thinking

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Feb 10, 2005
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What a way to start the negotiation with China. Drop 59 tomahawks on Syria and then ask Chinese leader face to face with home ground advantage if they are going to do something to help stop their fat little buddy in North Korea. The Chinese leaders have got to realize they are no longer dealing with Obama. Trump gives little warning and hits HARD when he sends a message to get an idiot to change his actions.

I hope these lunatics have enough sense to take him serious enough not to push him into another strike, as I don't think they will get anymore of a warning than they got tonight. This is the way to do it if you are force into action, little to NO warning unlike Obama that gave them 4 months to get their chemical weapons and terrorists out of the strike zone. Hit hard, then come out and explain what you did to protect the lives of innocent women and children.
Glad he did it. Now maybe the left will realize that he didn't collude with Russia among other things.

He looked tough and very Presidential when he spoke tonight. Something we haven't seen for a long long time. Too long.
Trump also looked very upset over what happened to Assad's own people.
Was on Shep Smith's twitter and one tweet was telling him to dig into this story as Trump warned Russia and Russia warned Syria and this was nothing but a set up.

I tweeted back that he gave them an hour to get out of the way as he didn't want to kill anyone just destroy the air strip so Assad could not launch anymore chemicals and that if he had killed a bunch of people they would be bitching about him not giving them any warning

Trump can't win with these loons if he sat back like Obama did for 6 years, they would have been yelling at him to do something as women and Children were being killed and when he did something to give Assad a warning what he was doing would not be tolerated they bitch about that.

Trump did not want to go into Syria but the pictures of the death of so many children got to him as a parent and grandfather. I'm glad he handled it the way he did I just hope that all the loons around the world realize Trump is not Obama and he will not stand by and allow innocent people to die horrible deaths without at least trying to do something to stop it.

Now they are saying Moscow is saying Trump did not warn they of the strikes but Tillerson said they did.
From Obama's time,...

The word "deconflict" – or worse "deconfliction" – is being used by US officials to describe attempts to ensure that US and Russian air forces don't shoot at each other while they conduct overlapping air campaigns over Syria.

The risk of a US-Russia clash over Syria's crowded airspace has become an alarmingly real possibility, especially since two countries are at loggerheads over which rebel areas to target in Syria.

Only the US doesn't put it that way. US secretary of state John Kerry announced plans for a "military-to-military deconfliction discussion".

It is not just Kerry who has been using the term deconflict this week. According to White House spokesman Josh Earnest, Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama talked about "deconfliction" when they met at the UN this week.
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He said the presidents "agreed that it would be important to begin conversations on a practical, tactical level to deconflict coalition and Russian military activities inside of Syria".

But according to Gary Rawnsley, professor of public diplomacy at Aberystwyth University, the word obscures as much as it reveals.

"It's meaningless," he said. "It's one of those phrases like 'collateral damage' that militaries use to soften the blow of their activities."

I suppose a war with Russia would make the liberals all too happy... (not!) ,... Nothing would make those miserable whiny leftist happy short of Trump being tossed out or worse..

We had to warn Russia, ,.. or risk a broader (hot) war. Same as they had to avoid the chemical storage areas.. not me, I would have blown the chemical and munitions stores all to hell and said oops... but the military wanted to send a stern warning, not make it worse..
Tam said:
What a way to start the negotiation with China. Drop 59 tomahawks on Syria and then ask Chinese leader face to face with home ground advantage if they are going to do something to help stop their fat little buddy in North Korea. The Chinese leaders have got to realize they are no longer dealing with Obama. Trump gives little warning and hits HARD when he sends a message to get an idiot to change his actions.

It will be an interesting four years, to say the least... we have one choice now,.. deal with north Korea,.. or live with them.. living with them is getting harder each day.. so I hope the Chinese realize we hold ALL the cards now...

We always have... they are totally dependent on our trade... they have no significant ability to strike the US.. They can not even call our debt..

(China defaulted on it's own war bonds and never paid US back.. (they did however set a precedence by paying the UK back.)

Many people assume China has the U.S. over a barrel. The country buys so much of our debt—around $800 billion—that we cannot "rock the boat" when it comes to U.S. and China relations.

Just recently, a top Obama administration delegation visited the People's Republic of China. While there, the Chinese were told not to worry about the U.S. paying its debts to the country — their investments in the U.S. were safe. True enough.

But, I was struck with the fact that the PRC, however, does not pay its debts to the U.S. Now, that may strike most Americans as a "You must be kidding story". But in fact it is true. Many decades ago, China sold sovereign bonds worldwide to investors in many nations. They sold tens of thousands of these bonds on U.S. soil to American citizens on the recommendation of our government, indicating it was a solid investment.

Over the last sixty years, China has refused to pay to these bondholders either the principal or interest on these full faith and credit sovereign bonds. In 1987, threatened with being kept out of the British financial markets, China acknowledged the debt in owed from the sale of these exact same bonds to British investors. As part of the Great Britain-PRC agreement on Hong Kong, the PRC agreed to pay its debt to British citizens who owned these same bonds. By paying the British bondholders, but no other bond owners worldwide, including U.S. bondholders, China "selectively defaulted" on these bonds.

I would imagine most of this is weighing on the Chinese leadership very heavily today..

either they deal with North Korea now or we will be forced to.. as the short crazy fat kid is very close to being able to harm US like he can already harm our interests and allies in the region... a region we have thousands of US troops and their families in.

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