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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    From: Douglas Spalthoff Paraguay 09/2023 Residents of Ytú municipality in Caaguazú district are curious about what happened to two dairy cows. The animals were found dead on a rural property this Thursday (15). What caught our attention was that the cows were missing tongues and eyes and had...
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    2. musik Brasil
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    August new cattle mutilation in Argentina They found cows with strange mutilations in various fields in Entre Ríos The cases occurred in recent days and in two different departments of the province. In both situations the cattle mutilations are very similar. The producers and the rural police...
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    55 sheep killed by wolf in Germany?

    55 sheep killed by wolf? In northern Germany, 55 sheep were killed overnight in an electrically fenced area. Please give your opinion, can a wolf leave such an image (photo)? I ask for your opinion! Source...
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    England: Aliens have landed in Wales and are killing sheep, says UFO hunter One of Britain's top UFO hunters believes extraterrestrial life has invaded Wales - and has started killing its sheep. Helena Worth, 41, first became obsessed with UFOs since she first spotted one flying over her home...
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    Hello dear team, why is the visitor counter for cattle mutilation now reset from almost 1000 to almost 1? Greetings Douglas
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    From the National Institute for Discovery Science NIDS, report on bizarre Mutilation of cattle Animal Mutilation In Cache County Utah From Colm Kelleher National Institute Discovery Sciences Investigation of an Animal Mutilation in Cache County, Utah. NIDS was contacted on October 31, 2001...
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    Cattle mutilations stump law enforcement, ranchers: 'The greatest unsolved serial crime spree in history' [The latest 'Tucker Carlson Originals' is available to stream now on Fox Nation VIDEOS...
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    Mysterious Mutilations Plague This Colorado Ranch
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    UFO Congress Hearing : David Grusch Full Testimony
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    Extreme case of skin burns in cattles in Germany

    Typical investigations of a cattle mutilation at the place of discovery in Argentina with veterinary pathologists, police. This is just one example from over 300 cattle mutilations in 2002.
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    Videos: Cattle mutilation in argentina / Germany
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    Extreme case of skin burns in cattles in Germany

    Ranger and vet Dr. Thomas Laube keeps his Galloway herd outside all year round. In winter grass silage is fed and in summer there is pasture growth. He discovered the skin changes, which look like an unusually severe sunburn, only in an almost three-year-old cow. The rest of the approximately...
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    cattle mutilations USA - Argentina

    Statements by former CIA officer and Pentagon employee Philip J. Corso, During my research in the past, I came across the interesting testimonies of the former (deceased 1998) CIA officer and Pentagon Philip J. Corso, which he also published in his book "The Day After Roswell" in connection...