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Recent content by LML

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  1. L

    Miles City Saddle

    I have a 1944 Miles City saddle. It has no tooling but has tapederos. The saddle looked new when I got it in 1980. It is still in good shape, with original fleece. Some strings need to be replaced and there are a few inches where the stitching is unraveled. Number 82 is stamped under the Miles...
  2. L

    gotta brag a little

    Brix is a real good looking dog. My shepherd Theda would certainly enjoy meeting him. Theda has a strong herding instinct. (I couldn't figure out how to put her picture on this site. It uploaded to the photo gallery.)
  3. L

    Philipsburg Montana

    Oh no! All these years I've been telling people that I saw Gary Cooper's cows. Sigh. Maybe he had two places? I can't think Myrna F was lying. Probably safest for me to drop the cow tale and just tell about how my dad talked guns with Gary Cooper one time, my other proudest story.
  4. L

    Philipsburg Montana

    Anybody from Philipsburg? I went there last year hoping to find some Fesslers but no Fesslers were listed in the phone book. They had a ranch next to Gary Cooper's.
  5. L

    Oil for War

    There is an interesting article--"Oil for War"--in "The American Conservative" http://amconmag.com/2008/2008_03_10/cover.html "...In order to secure the third-richest country on the planet, the U.S. military is burning enormous quantities of petroleum. And nearly every drop of that fuel is...
  6. L

    Just speculating

    The food stamp program was begun to keep farmers afloat because there was no market for farm surpluses. The legislation that authorizes food stamps is called the Food Security and Rural Investment Act. Farm subsidies cost $16 billion a year. My cousin raises wheat on 4000 acres of the best...
  7. L

    Just speculating

    We're in rough shape. Both big corporations and big government are out of control and out of touch. We're all going to pay to bail out Bear Stearns and the bankrupt mega-corporations and their CEOs with their salaries in the hundreds of millions. Who's going to bail us out? No economic theory...
  8. L

    Unbelievable Weather

    You got my hopes up--usually I get your weather two days later. It must have ducked south. This morning I'm looking at five inches of heavy wet snow.
  9. L

    Happy to be here!

    One time at a draft horse auction I got in conversation with a rancher from the Sandhill country. "We're so isolated," he said, "we have to keep our own tom cats."
  10. L

    Happy to be here!

    I've been eavesdropping on conversations, learning a little about the great people who visit on this site. It feels like coming home. I left the farm five years ago and I miss the people as much as I miss the land. It's lonely being on this side of the gap between country and town, and kinda...
  11. L

    Unbelievable Weather

    My grandma Amanda was born Feb 28 that terrible winter of '87, in a sod house in Dakota Territory. Her mother never liked her very much, probably because she came at such a difficult time. When she was in her twenties she ran off with an itinerant thresher.