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  1. DaneG

    Deer season

    Season isn’t open here yet, but I winged one tonight the weapon used was a Ford Escape I even slowed down cause it was a high deer population area but it was determined to cross from the field to the bush. Clipped it with the plastic bumper and took out the headlight, I was able to drive away...
  2. DaneG


    One other thing I usually make the pit on the field that grows the silage cheaper on trucking I can idle there in my pickup 100 times to move the wire and cut off 1ft of plastic way cheaper than 100 trips wide open with a loaded dump truck to build pit close to the yard.
  3. DaneG


    Feeding from the pit with an electric wire is the cheapest easiest way to feed silage just don,t build the pit much higher than 7-8 feet