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  1. DaneG

    Should we give this place a funeral?

    Not much activity. I check around every so often but not much to hang around for. I do spend some time at cattle today. Our joined dates are sequential, although I don’t have nearly the volume of posts as you two.
  2. DaneG

    Mr FH turned 78 today

    Many more to him!
  3. DaneG

    Cowboy Hat Or Baseball Cap?

    Fur lined cap at least 5mo of the year with flaps, ball cap or straw Stetson in summer, felt one for town.
  4. DaneG

    Current, Former Or Never Ranched At All?

    Ranching here in the frozen north, started from scratch 30yrs ago in Alberta, moved lock stock and barrel to Manitoba 20yrs ago. Living the dream!
  5. DaneG

    What's the weather like at your place?

    -37c this morning at least it is calm, it’s been between -25 and -35 with varying amounts of wind for a week but by Monday it’s supposed to improve. The cattle are sure packing away the feed and can’t blame them!
  6. DaneG

    Easy fix for a lot of problems today

    I remember that sound well!
  7. DaneG

    Word Association Game
