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  1. T

    Alec Baldwin

    I saw a news story (if you could call it that) on GMA a few minutes ago about this fiasco. The story was all about divorced parents rights, and not once chastised him for any of his actions. I should not be surprised, but I was dissappointed. If it would have been Tom Selleck or another...
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    Differences between Conservatives And Liberals

    I don't wade over here very often, but this post caught my eye. You have proven the point that conservatives usually see things in black and white, while liberals look at the world through rose colored glasses. I would also add that most conservatives see the potential in people, rather than...
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    Another month......

    I wanted to make an observation, but doing so shows that I am actually still keeping up with this BS. :wink: nonothing said that if he talked like jigs he would be labled a racist. Maybe or maybe not, but I do think that is one of the things wrong with American society. It ticks me off that...
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    Another month......

    I spent more time than I should have following this thread. I must say that most everyone involved has done, and could do better. :???: :???: :???: :???: :!:
  5. T

    Syphilis or Gonorrhea?

    I think I'd vote for the one who is MORE likely to die of old age during their presidency. :roll:
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    Syphilis or Gonorrhea?

    I would go ahead and vote for Guiliani in the general election if he won the primary, but I could not vote for him IN the primary. I know he is no social conservative, but I think he is a decent man. I would rather have a Tom Delay, or a Republican with his leanings to vote for. McCain vs...
  7. T

    The "Death Tax" --Tax Break to the Wealthiest Amer

    X, that was a brilliant statement you made, and I agree with you completely. And I also think Soapweed stated things very accurately. Summing up, Econ 101 is for income redistribution, pure and simple, and also for social engineering. How dang many times should the same dollar be taxed? This...
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    Kiss...kiss..sucking up already

    For someone who tries to parade as an economist, that is some of the most ignorant and convoluted thinking I have heard. Tho oldest trick in the book is Democrats trying to fool us that by raising taxes on the highest income earners, it will not hurt the rest of us. Why should they pay a higher...
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    Election 2006

    What gets me is that actually running as a true conservative wins every time. I don't know why more don't try it? I like Bush in a lot of ways, but he is no Ronald Reagan, unfortunately. We need another Reagan, or Goldwater. He was on the money in a lot of ways. And jigs, no buffalo on this...
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    South Dakota rejects abortion law.

    lol. A job might be productive vs. ................. :wink:
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    For Montanan's - Another Truth About Jon Tester

    Well aren't we all nice and fuzzy. :roll:
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    Election 2006

    :mad: :evil: :mad: :evil: :mad: :evil: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:
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    Please PRAY and VOTE to stop all abortions in SD!!!

    And the same folks that are fighting this think it is horrible to put a convicted, brutal, criminal to death. And a criminal is actually guilty of something. :roll:
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    Political Ad

    I think what you are leaving out OT, is the odds involved in the particular issue. I think the odds were good that the bomb would end the war. I also think the odds are very inconclusive as to whether or not stem cell research on embryos will result in anything better than research on other...
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    Open letter to Andy Rooney

    Ditto! Too bad we didn't have everyone supporting this, and there would be no question of us prevailing.
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    Political Ad

    But wait a minute. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the candidate that he endorsed vote against stem cell research? And this is non-political?
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    2008 Democrat Convention

    lol. :!: :!: :!: Makes me want to go out and switch my party affiliation. NOT!!!! I didn't see anything in there about honoring the KKK by Robert Byrd. Or how about Al Gore honoring his father for voting against the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution?
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    Secret Memo of Dems plans

    2. If number one fails, go to fallback plan #3. 3. Bash President Bush. 4. If #3 fails, fallback to plan #1. 5. If all other plans fail, hope and pray that the American Electorate are fools. Which they might be.
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    Bob, people on the losing side of an argument sometimes attack the charcater of their opponenents, trying to discredit them. I think that is probably the case with Ann's detractors here. Show me the evidence of her copying others work. She is so damn sharp that she does not need to copy others...
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    Are the leftist Dems in trouble

    I believe that Rush Limbaugh is correct when he says that liberalism fails every time that it is tried. It is amazing to me that so many Republican candidates do not run on the platform of a strong military, cutting taxes, tough on crime, and all the other values that americans mostly all hold...