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  1. M

    Photo entries.....

    I was just testing to see if I could copy from an e-mail, then I could not delete it.
  2. M

    Photo entries.....

  3. M

    No new pics in a year.

    https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/1910146_1476804315906707_8296635414165993500_n.jpg?oh=b04d86d9cfb16e97c4beb3b01882f3c1&oe=54940956&__gda__=1418755722_5472aae02bb248d3be7f5a2d9a21fd1e I dragged this over from facebook. Early in the spring the male cat (the large...
  4. M

    Vote- Something

    I should explain the third picture: I took this in March of 1963 while working on a TV antenna on a 100 ft tower at the Jim Ravenscroft ranch. I guess this could also be called "Seaching for a signal".
  5. M

    Winner - Horses Pullin'

    Clarence, I got to thinking that maybe this was around Fairbury, and did some searching on the internet and found that this was taken at Rock Creek Station south east of Fairbury, Nebraska.
  6. M

    Winner - Get Together

    #6 was at Des Moines, Iowa in October 1978 when Pope John Paul II came there. 350,000 people attended. 26 from north central Nebraska.
  7. M

    Bridges - Contest

    The first photo was taken in 1969, and is the bridge east of Valentine, Nebraska crossing the Niobrara to the Fort. The bridge was only setting about 4 inches on the concrete abutment on the far side when a local lawyer came down the hill and it is thought that the hit the edge of the bridge...
  8. M

    Sunday Photos

    Do you use charcoal in that old Maytag washer tub for the weenie roast?
  9. M

    Abandon Buildings - Contest

    By chance there are two pictures from Tripp County, South Dakota here. The old building that Clarence took a picture of many years ago is gone now I believe, but was located at the site of Carter, SD along Highway 18. I think it was a hotel. I believe there were two banks there at one time...
  10. M

    Abandon Buildings - Contest

    The House With Nobody In It - by Joyce Kilmer Whenever I walk to Suffern along the Erie track I go by a poor old farmhouse with it's shingles broken and black, I suppose I've passed it a hundred times, but I always stop for a minute and look at the house, the tragic house, the house with...
  11. M

    Historica Pix of early sod house with windmill

    Many of the women of that time were large. Maybe the small ones couldn't survive that kind of life. I see that is a Solomon Butcher picture taken in Custer county, Nebraska in 1886.