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  1. W

    Bought a couple of cows today

    Compared to last week today was a pretty short sale. I got 2 cows bought. When I got home I glanced at the brand release paper. Right off I noticed something. One of the cows I bought came from a neighbor. A lightning C on the left rib. We will have to make sure we get that cow branded and...
  2. W

    It’s good to have trees

    Yes and I replied. But my reply doesn't show up so I did it again.
  3. W

    It’s good to have trees

    The only tree on my place are cottonwoods along the river. The beavers seem determined to rid the world of them. There are still some juniper patches on the hill but getting up there to feed would be an issue. And the fences are all gone from the fire.
  4. W

    Good snow

    I have way too many things to get done before the snow flies.
  5. W

    Long day at the sale

    The older I get the more I hate night time driving. But if I had got in line to get loaded I would have been midnight by the time I got home I just jump on the tail of a semi and follow on their tail.
  6. W

    Long day at the sale

    Last Thursday I hauled in a kill bull and cow for B. Left the house before 9:00. Got to the sale a little before 11:00am. Watched a couple thousand feeders sell. Only got one cow bought at about 7:00pm. They got done with bred cows and started in with kill cows at about 7:10. Dashed to the...
  7. W

    Loose cows

    I thought we had got them all. Never had them where we could count them. When we hauled them to the sale there was 62 cows and 62 calves. I used the number of ear tags used minus the couple that died and the number previously sold and 62 sounded right to me. I have been know to be wrong once...
  8. W

    Loose cows

    Gone a couple days to a wedding in Winnemucca. Came home to 7 or 8 pairs out in the field. The cowboys will come thin them out tomorrow Also got a phone call from a guy up in Bridgeport (about 15 miles away). He has a calf of mine in his corral. That calf traveled. Calf #14. I wonder...
  9. W

    Loose cows

    15 to 30 piles of bear poop in the yard every morning but not a single scrap of Charmens toilet paper.
  10. W

    Loose cows

    With all the fences and the vast majority of the grass burned up cows are wandering free. Fire tends to jump around and leave little patches which didn't burn. So as the cows graze off those little patches and no fences left to hold them they migrate off to find grass. Being the first place they...
  11. W

    Pendleton Roundup

    The Pendleton high school plays all their football games on that grass, Except not this week.
  12. W

    Pendleton Roundup

    Yesterday it was around 70 with a light rain when we arrived at 1:00. I wore a light jacket. It depends on the year as far as temperature goes. The stands are 100% covered so you will be in the shade during the performance.
  13. W

    Pendleton Roundup

    We went to the Pendleton Roundup yesterday. If you have never been there it is a huge arena. Five acres of grass with about a 40 foot wide dirt track around the outside. It gets and is western. There is a 18 (?) inch tall plastic rail on the inside of the track. That rail gets taken down...
  14. W

    This shows what fencing costs are in re: Wyoming Wildfires.

    That works out to $5,200 a mile for the supplies. Labor on top of that. One of my neighbors has a BLM allotment which had a portion of it burn. The BLM told him that he can use the part which didn't burn but would need to fence the cows of the burned part. That means about 3 or 4 miles of...
  15. W

    Hay Thieves

    Down town Packwood Washington. I have eaten at Peter's several times. You slow down going through town. Not because of the cops but because of the elk on the road. A few years back a sheriff deputy got killed. He was responding to a call and hit an elk.
  16. W

    One and Done Cows

    They went to La Grande. Fuzzy memory.... 650 pound steers $2.70-2.80
  17. W

    One and Done Cows

    The one and done cows are all done. With the grass shortage because of the fire it was time for them to leave. They were on some irrigated pasture which is going to be needed by some long term cows who will be coming out of the hills shortly. The cows were going to go direct to the plant but...
  18. W


    Well technically one of the calves belonged to me and one to my partner B. So I just got paid for my calf although they were both attacked in the same corner of my field. B had to do his own paper work to get compensated.
  19. W


    I got my wolf kill compensation check today. The calf got killed on October 7. Only took 10 months and 2 days. Happy to see they were right on it. The speed which government works is really amazing..........
  20. W


    Lightning started a fire north of here yesterday. Local ranchers and cowboy jumped on it and put it out before the government fire fighters could show up and turn it into a megafire.