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  1. G

    Adios Amigos

    I feel compelled to comment just once more on my final post. In retrospect I regret that I shared the information that Kit Pharo had emailed me upset about a thread I had posted about him. I have respect for Kit and his program and did not intend to precipitate an anti-Kit post with him being...
  2. G

    Adios Amigos

    It's time for me to bid farewell. It seems to me a lot of people take things far too seriously on here. I just got an email from Mr Pharo querying whether I was criticizing his thoughts or program by starting a recent thread involving him. I will discuss/debate or argue things with anybody but...
  3. G

    10 to start

    I believe that to be true but sometimes it's hard to believe. :???: Overall we usually finish up close to a 50:50 split but sometimes bulls (or cows) can go all through their lives and breed heavy to one side. Had a cow get to 11 before she ever had a heifer calf - but her last 4 were all...
  4. G

    Cheap Pellets

    I guess it depends how expensive hay gets this summer. 13% protein with the TDN of 40-55% is not cheap in my book (about 5.2c/lb) of dry matter. My silage cost me less than that this winter on a dry matter basis but was 62% TDN with a 12.4 protein.
  5. G


    Agreed - enjoy your day too.
  6. G

    Cheap Pellets

    What is the analysis of the pellets other than the 13% protein and is the analysis guaranteed or does it vary load to load?
  7. G


    I call them as I see them. You launched a post about all the people "forced" to leave the site by having to read comments they didn't agree with and suggested the solution is for a "bunch of loud mouths" like me to "shut the hell up or just go away". I thought that was hypocritical. I...
  8. G


    I still say there is a fair bit of hypocracy involved. Interesting that OldTimers name was mentioned as he is someone I feel has seen some of the most outrageous attacks on him - nasty attacks calling him an outright liar and such - who else suffers such pointed attacks? Yet generally a blind...
  9. G

    thistle war and my war machine

    What kind of thistle is that cowhunter? it looks like a tap-rooted kind that grows single rather than the "creeping" type Canada thistle? Where else do you get this type - is it only in the south?
  10. G


    I don't "always take shots at purebred outfits" why would I? I am a purebred and commercial breeder and will comment on posts about both equally as I see fit. You are wrong on the bull issue - I have bought some good bulls (and females) of various breeds over the years from programs I was happy...
  11. G

    Breeding Hfrs

    Here is an example of a very successful calving program we had for heifers 20 years ago. Galloway heifers bred Charolais. We did it for about 5 years and only lost 1 calf. :wink:
  12. G

    Our Bull Sale Pics

    Would your buyers not bid on this type of calf gcreek? A homebred simx galloway with char calf at foot from about 20 years ago.
  13. G


    Well you got your post title right Leanin' H. The irony of the hypocracy is astounding. You bemoan the fact that some people are forced to leave the site yet you suggest the solution is for some other folks to "tone it down a lot, shut the hell up or just go away." Who decides who the "good...
  14. G

    Breeding Hfrs

    I'm thinking if a person can't find bulls to use on heifers with a level of confidence within the breed/s they currently run maybe it's time to change breeds?
  15. G

    Our Bull Sale Pics

    You could find a Galloway breeder who is tired of breeding them pure, get him to pick up a reasonable Simmental bull and buy the replacement heifers. They will be brown with blaze/spreckle faces. Breed them Charolais and I guarantee the buyers will pay top dollar for them. You will have a very...
  16. G

    Barn Raisin'

    A great heavy duty product Shortgrass. I well remember the first barn I helped my Dad build after I left school. It used 36 poles like these of yours and my job was to dig them in three feet deep. With a spade a crowbar and rocky terrain it made for a long summer :shock: Looking back I wonder...
  17. G

    Kit shows the way ahead

    It was tongue in cheek Dylan. There are some posters on here (Big Swede possibly?)who I believe cull all the heifers that don't settle in the first cycle. Equally what Kit was suggesting - if taken out of context (which I did) would imply that a heifer that breeds very late first time around...
  18. G

    Kit shows the way ahead

    I found the following story from the Pharo newsletter interesting. It was an explanation of why he changed to calving the heifers with or later than the cows rather than a month earlier. "We were calving in April at the time – starting around April 10th. We calve our heifers and cows at the...
  19. G

    Our Bull Sale Pics

    Good looking bulls PC but I hate the shaved heads. I think it reduces their masculinity to the eye and you can't see what the hair quality on the face is which is very important. I know the practice is widespread and I guess had it's origin in trying to make all cattle look like "good cattle" ie...
  20. G

    sale day

    Your steers brought about 5 cents/lb higher than the tops in my local auction last week so I think you did well on the current market. Tough business weaning and wintering calves this long for less than $700 though :( Makes you envious of the retailer that takes a gross margin of $1800 a head...