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  1. S

    Oil Prices

    Seems to me last time crude was closing in on 100.00 Bush was in there and at least we had 12.00 soybeans, Wheat was over 10.00. I guess we will see some more of the change this idiot promised! Miss Bush yet? I sure as hell do!!!! :D :D :D Shawn
  2. S

    Why are we shipping aid to Kenya????

    Sorry it took me so long to reply, I just finished a 14 hour shift hauling gravel. I guess that would be my 4th job! There you go blaming bush again !! I do not want a bailout as a matter of fact you as a liberal can take your free money, your change and your new president and stick it in...
  3. S

    Why are we shipping aid to Kenya????

    What do you mean deserve the loan?? It is not a bailout, @ 6% interest they will be making several thousand profit. It is bussiness, not a treat for doing a good deed! If you meant trustworthy for them to loan money to me then Yes I agree. :D Shawn
  4. S

    Why are we shipping aid to Kenya????

    As a matter of fact, I have been banking at the same bank since I was 15 yrs old and am now 40. I have known my banker since 1st grade, have not had an overdraft or been late on a payment ever! Yesterday I had to give information on every detail of bussiness, personal, and family life. tax...
  5. S

    Why are we shipping aid to Kenya????

    Call me dumb, but the ship that was taken by pirates was carrying food to Kenya, I am all for helping starving children but how about we start with our own country? I had high hopes that that Obama would be more moderate...... There are a few posters on here that when they get backed into a...
  6. S

    Can you HONESTLY blame him?

    You are not gonna try and tell me the subprime morgage disaster is the republicans fault??!!! Who was it that said and I quote, We need to offer the chance to fullfil the american dream of owning a home to all Americans, reguardless of there income!!!!!!!!!! Does that sound like a venom spewing...
  7. S

    Can you HONESTLY blame him?

    Cares for all people!!!??? How about the hard working rural americans? How about NON-union small business owners?????!!!!! Do you think the corporate CEO's and the elitists put the economy in this condition?? How about the high and mighty libs that took control 2 years ago??? one man cannot...
  8. S

    Can you HONESTLY blame him?

    To all you left wing, bush hating, Obama worshiping, heads stuck in the sand, geniuses. If you think you have had it rough the last 8 years, you are in for a eye opener over the next 4! Oldtimer, I hope you enjoyed getting 20.00 a bu for your wheat, and 120.00 for your 6 weight steers, cuz those...
  9. S

    Republicans Get Blame For Bailout Failure...BUT!!!!!!

    An absolute perfect example of the blind leading the blind!! :roll: :roll: :roll: Shawn
  10. S

    Democrat Operatives Vow to Cause Palin to Resign

    Oh how things have changed, rather than Sarah being gone I think I heard today that a couple reporters have been added to the soaring unemployment rate of 4%. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
  11. S

    Its a great morning to be a conservative

    This morning the chosen one " Barack Obama" has announced that he MAY NOT raise taxes when the Bush cuts expire, he will have to see how the economy is doing. If the economy is lagging he will not raise taxes :???: :???: :???: So I guess his plan of raising taxes to help the economy has...
  12. S

    Sarah Palin speech.... Opinion?

    Me?? I am not any better, Probably worse.....but am I running for public office? I am low but not that low. :wink: :wink: :wink:
  13. S

    Future of Republican Party?

    I would like to hear it as well, I am an Independent and I may decide to vote for Obama. I am presently planning on Voting for McCain, now change my mind. Shawn
  14. S

    Election Canada

    If she gets in the Canadians will be hearing alot about her, she wants to run a natural gas pipeline from Alaska across Canada down into the lower 48. Buying alot of the gas from Canada she says and I quote; We should be giving the business to our friendly neighbors to the north not some...
  15. S

    McCain got a huge bump from the RNC

    You should get rich off of this deal, I will bet Sandhusker will give you a loan on your farm and if it is a slam dunk, bet er all. Just don't forget about your little friends when you make er big :wink: :wink: Shawn
  16. S

    Sarah Palin speech.... Opinion?

    OT, That is the point the left is missing. Sarah Palin is not your average candidate, She is like us. If I personally and publicly attacked you and your family the way the left wing media did her, and I asked you to do me a favor to help my business would you do it? You would be spineless if...
  17. S

    Sarah Palin speech.... Opinion?

    Well of course they are, she is our chosen one! She is one of us, she buys groceries, puts her own gas in her vehicle and ect. She is not a trust fund baby that has lived off of mom and dad. NN, If I may, I would like to tell you a little about me. I am 39, I have a wonderful wife, and two...
  18. S

    Sarah Palin speech.... Opinion?

    I am relieved to see Obama in the lead, in the last 3 elections the candidate with the lead in the polls coming out of the conventions, looses. coincidence, or maybe peaking at the wrong time, I do not know. I do know that the younger people are fired up about elections in Aug. but when school...
  19. S

    Palin Makes the Enquirer

    Well OT my hat is off to you, that is a stand up thing to do for them grandbabies, I am sure your kids appreciate it greatly. If they don't, they should, Shawn