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  1. G

    10 to start

    I believe that to be true but sometimes it's hard to believe. :???: Overall we usually finish up close to a 50:50 split but sometimes bulls (or cows) can go all through their lives and breed heavy to one side. Had a cow get to 11 before she ever had a heifer calf - but her last 4 were all...
  2. G

    Breeding Hfrs

    Here is an example of a very successful calving program we had for heifers 20 years ago. Galloway heifers bred Charolais. We did it for about 5 years and only lost 1 calf. :wink:
  3. G

    Our Bull Sale Pics

    Would your buyers not bid on this type of calf gcreek? A homebred simx galloway with char calf at foot from about 20 years ago.
  4. G

    Breeding Hfrs

    I'm thinking if a person can't find bulls to use on heifers with a level of confidence within the breed/s they currently run maybe it's time to change breeds?
  5. G

    Our Bull Sale Pics

    You could find a Galloway breeder who is tired of breeding them pure, get him to pick up a reasonable Simmental bull and buy the replacement heifers. They will be brown with blaze/spreckle faces. Breed them Charolais and I guarantee the buyers will pay top dollar for them. You will have a very...
  6. G

    Our Bull Sale Pics

    Good looking bulls PC but I hate the shaved heads. I think it reduces their masculinity to the eye and you can't see what the hair quality on the face is which is very important. I know the practice is widespread and I guess had it's origin in trying to make all cattle look like "good cattle" ie...
  7. G

    sale day

    Your steers brought about 5 cents/lb higher than the tops in my local auction last week so I think you did well on the current market. Tough business weaning and wintering calves this long for less than $700 though :( Makes you envious of the retailer that takes a gross margin of $1800 a head...
  8. G

    A month early and backwards!

    That's interesting I thought that cows with mummified calves generally didn't deliver them - rather they remained in the cow and they never bred again. :?
  9. G

    Low RFI Bulls Sire Feed Efficient Calves

    OK please point me to the research that has proven or dis-proven what you call the wives tales - truth is the research has not been done because it is not easy to prove. I'm not anti-science I just am not as in awe of it as some people. My point about stockmanship and observing grazing animals...
  10. G

    Low RFI Bulls Sire Feed Efficient Calves

    But have researchers disproved these "wives tales"? What is more accurate in the real world of cattle production - lab research or generations of stockmanship and observation of the grazing animal?
  11. G

    Low RFI Bulls Sire Feed Efficient Calves

    It's an interesting idea but i'm rather wary of this type of research. Testing feedlot efficiency is one thing but how does it relate to foraging ability? Foraging ability in a cow is very different to how little or how much of a feedlot ration a calf can eat out of a bunk. I note in the report...
  12. G

    F-R 323 LAD 9107

    What is your opinion on linebreeding/in-breeding Dylan? If you were buying a bull like this from a program that had many generations of close breeding behind him (I'm just assuming this one hasn't) would you feel more confident in the outcome?
  13. G

    F-R 323 LAD 9107

    I just do not like feeding that much grain to bulls I think it will affect him later in life. 10lbs of grain dropped onto straight grass in the summer breeding pasture is a fair set back for a young animal. He will almost definitely be declining in condition which will not help his fertility...
  14. G

    F-R 323 LAD 9107

    I like their cow program - not so much the yearling bulls feed program - 10lbs is too much grain in my opinion. I realise there is a desire to have saleable/working size yearling bulls but would we feed yearling heifers 10lbs of grain? If not why should we give it to the bulls.
  15. G

    F-R 323 LAD 9107

    Amateur maybe but it's an honest looking photo of an honest looking bull. Tells you a lot more than the primped up photoshopped ones do.
  16. G

    Cattle the first day of spring

    Not being critical per but is there a downside to using TEAM or CSA instead? I've never used any of them so can't comment on their strengths and weaknesses.
  17. G

    Cattle the first day of spring

    You are kidding per - you would use DLMS? :shock: :shock: Isn't that kind of working against "the cause" the BIG, Canada Gold etc??
  18. G

    Cattle the first day of spring

    Still not entirely believing the formula - I've heard it before right enough. So I keep a 6oolb calf because I'm not getting $1.27 for him. Roll on August - fats are 78 cents, 75% of that is $790 - but my steer now weighs 850lbs so I need 93 cents for him - will I get that for him and am I...
  19. G

    Cattle the first day of spring

    Is that based on price of fats now or when the feeders you are selling will be fat using futures? :? Current fed price @87c x 65% would mean you need $1.27 for 600lb steers and heifers. If it's a good formula and they will get that high I think I'll keep my feeders :wink: