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  1. G

    Annual/Italian Rye grass

    How does it do as your finishing pasture? do you also have legumes in the mix or is it a standalone in your situation? I was considering grazing it part of the day and onto perennial pasture with some legume the rest of the day. I'm afraid that going to a straight one species pasture would...
  2. G

    Annual/Italian Rye grass

    I should have said I plan to seed it in late spring under a cover crop of triticale which we will silage. I'm really doing it for the fall grazing not spring so will be spraying it out every spring anyway. I forget the story on the westerwold - does it set seed in the first summer which Italian...
  3. G

    Annual/Italian Rye grass

    Has anyone experience of using annual/Italian ryegrass for fall pasture? I'm considering seeding some for our grass-fattening cattle and wonder how it will stack up in protein /energy versus the meadow brome/legumes we normally use. Will it be too high protein to get a proper finish? Thanks in...
  4. G

    Moose in my pasture

    You are a braver man than me - I'd be frightened it attacked me - they do don't they moose :?
  5. G

    Last field of barley bunch grazing

    It's all relative Denny - one of our bigger fields in Scotland was 21 acres - once you drove around the rocks and stone piles there was about 16 I could spread fertiliser on. One of our smallest was just under 4 acres and I could cut silage off 2.5 acres :roll:
  6. G

    Last field of barley bunch grazing

    Certainly makes a person think per - your cows look great and spring will soon be here. Once you go onto baled feed is that it until the grass greens up or do you have banked grass for them? When do you usually quit feeding down there and go to green grass? Denny, per is one of the lucky guys...
  7. G

    Unloading corn

    In the UK we have been feeding pelleted DDG's for 30 years - transport is dearer there and also they don't tend to have the big feedlot numbers to handle it fresh on each farm. Their DDGs are a byproduct of the whisky industry so are barley derived rather than corn. Never heard of any mycotoxin...
  8. G

    Unloading corn

    Is the hoe a fixture up there or did they lift it up especially for this task? :shock:
  9. G

    Grass finished steer.

    Birth certificates or not they will find a way to steal them. With our mandatory age verification now in Alberta the packers are still allowed to use dentition to trump the age certificate. What an absolute travesty after making producers age verify. It's a handy way for the packer to steal a...
  10. G

    Old School Grass Monitoring

    I see NR is talking crap again :wink: :lol: Well here's my "contribution" Taken November 2nd - plenty splash factor still!
  11. G

    Ground rod question

    Snow doesn't conduct electricity there isn't enough minerals in it - that's why it also makes a pretty good insulator (ie tough for cows to get a good shock in winter standing on it.)
  12. G

    Ground rod question

    Agreed NR, the biggest problem with electric fences is poor grounding - but most people think grass growth is their problem. If the ground is good and the fence hot enough it will burn through the grass just fine! One common problem is mixing metals - ground rods of one material attached to the...
  13. G

    For those that might care.

    Good for you gcreekrch, at least you will get finished haying before you start feeding! An outfit in this area has been making square bale silage since June - and fed cows right through the summer too :???: :roll: I could never figure their operation out - surely there comes a point when it's...
  14. G

    Cut and baled some oats today

    The oats?? :wink: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol: Some fine looking crops and amazingly green still - how late were they seeded?
  15. G

    Banked grass feed tests

    Agreed there are different ways to do it in different areas Silver and they can all work for different people. With using the grain by-products (weedy, late or hailed crops) like we usually do a poor growing season usually increases the feed availability instead of decreasing it. On the other...
  16. G

    Banked grass feed tests

    There has been a big change around my area in the last 5 years - very few folks growing hay to sell now. Most of the guys doing that sold their cows, rent the crop land to the boys in black which leaves the bush/riparian pastures available for rent. This is naturally grass country and it really...
  17. G

    Banked grass feed tests

    Must be too late at night after a long day PC but I'm not grasping your bale grazing costs. I'm not arguing your actual costs but you seem to be charging the entire cost of feeding the cows to the land improvement project which is rather unfair isn't it? If you were feeding your cows somewhere...
  18. G

    Banked grass feed tests

    That's very interesting PC and it causes me to ask a few questions of you. First the samples you took the first time were selective samples trying to guess what the cows would eat - did they just take a "whole crop" sample the second year? Second - How did crop yield differ on the two years...
  19. G

    Banked grass feed tests

    Thanks Liveoak, the density on that field was very good. If we don't have sward density up here the yield is really low. We have some pastures like that that we are still working on improving. Also with the poorer density the grass doesn't over winter so well, best is a thick sward that folds...
  20. G

    Banked grass feed tests

    Hey little bow you must have a worse accent than me, I have trouble understanding your posts :) What does Soapweed do? - do you mean supplement the cows with something? if so when and with what? Thanks