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  1. R

    As promised just for you Scott Huber

    check out this site... www.prisonplanet.com , scroll down left side of page to 911 archive...tons of stuff there....pics and vidios...what got me was the pics of the planes that hit the towers have something mounted underneath,possibly missles???
  2. R

    One third of Canadian Cows over 7 Years Old

    a third of my cows were 7 years and older pre bse..as probably most everyone else,so whats the big deal...as far as stats can... m r is right...they r usually told to take a hike.
  3. R

    Many Canadian ranchers now just 'hired hands'

    best part of haymaker ran down his momma's leg.
  4. R

    Never Boring!!!!

    check this out....http://www.cbc.ca/nooneditionsask/
  5. R

    Canadian Angus was Right

    hey northern...that would be great..show isnt for another month...my email addy is [email protected] me your email addy and i will give my address and phone...willing to pay...thanks :D
  6. R

    Canadian Angus was Right

    i take it your talking about some kinda halter?? having trouble breaking 4-H calves to lead too ...can you give me some more info on them plz...thanks