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  1. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    I just reread this. There is no "maybe" to the hills staying white all winter. The top of the big hill behind the house is 4,700 feet. That is higher than most of the mountain passes in the cascades. There will still be snow up there in April.
  2. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    There was 3 fire tucks parked around the house. They never sprayed a single drop of water. I learned the next day that there was a lot of people praying for us that night. We have had a lot of people say things about how scary that must have been. But neither the wife or I were scared. Both...
  3. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    Looking at that second picture I realized it shows something very well. That little hill right behind the house is where the fire stopped and turned. Everything behind that is black for 30 miles or more. Well it is black under the white.
  4. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    It started snowing when I was feeding this morning at 7:00. When we got home at 2:00 after church and our weekly grocery shopping it was still snowing. Stopped by 3:00. The house sits at 2,700 feet elevation. I am putting the snow level at 2,750. I couldn't decide which picture to use so I...
  5. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    Pretty frosty here lately. This morning it was 9. Frost on the windshield of the feed truck didn't want to scrape off. I had to leave it idling until it warmed up enough for the defroster to thaw out the window. I still haven't put the long handles on this winter. Be nice to make it through...
  6. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    I don't believe she has any. Those would be worn along with a dress. I can't remember the last time she wore a dress.
  7. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    My wife has been known to toss things that she either considers old or that haven't been used lately. I need to go look for them before the cold hits so if I need to get new ones I will have time.
  8. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    If I can't find them I will just move fast and not stand around outside.
  9. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    I lived on the coast for years. 27 is cold over there. Here it is just barely coat weather. If it does hit 10 next week I might have to break out my long handles if I can find them.
  10. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    Yep, we seem to be going into a normal pattern. The 10 day forecast has most days a high of 38 and a low of 20 with clear sunny skies. It varies a few degrees up or down. Next Saturday is forecast for the lowest with a high of 27 and a low of 10.
  11. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    It never rained until November. It has greened up some but it is less than an inch tall. Too short to tell what it is. Hopefully it is good grass and not cheat grass. Finally freezing at night with no precipitation in the forecast. I was talking to B about some of his cows pushing down the...
  12. W

    A wee bit of rainfall

    It is warm and wet enough over here that there is mud between the sage brush. the forecast is now high about 40 adn lows around 20 with no precipitation in the forecast. Maybe the mud will dry up a little.
  13. W

    Multimin taking place of sack mineral

    We use the MultiMin 2 times. New born calves get it and at weaning. Cows have been on a mineral program but B does it to his new born calves. He has been here a lot of years and does that to his calves so I follow the leader. At weaning the calves have just come off range where it is...
  14. W

    How to sell cattle

    How many do you have to sell? If it is just a handful the sale yard is most likely your only option. Feedlots for the most part will want semi loads. Google feedlots in your state and surrounding states. I have seen feedlots listed by states before. I also know that is some states there are...
  15. W

    Walk about cow

    Yes. She had a calf here. They both must have gone to Bridgeport. Where they went to the man has about 1,000 cows. The calf got recognized when they weaned. I got him back in late September. The cow must have blended in with their cows until they went to work the cows. Then they spotted...
  16. W

    Walk about cow

    Last week I had a cow show up over in Bridgeport. That is about 15 miles from here by road and it is about 10 miles by road the other direction to where she was turned out. If she cut the corner and went in a straight line it is about 20 miles from A to B. I planned to take her to the sale...
  17. W

    Bought a couple of cows today

    Compared to last week today was a pretty short sale. I got 2 cows bought. When I got home I glanced at the brand release paper. Right off I noticed something. One of the cows I bought came from a neighbor. A lightning C on the left rib. We will have to make sure we get that cow branded and...
  18. W

    It’s good to have trees

    Yes and I replied. But my reply doesn't show up so I did it again.
  19. W

    It’s good to have trees

    The only tree on my place are cottonwoods along the river. The beavers seem determined to rid the world of them. There are still some juniper patches on the hill but getting up there to feed would be an issue. And the fences are all gone from the fire.
  20. W

    Good snow

    I have way too many things to get done before the snow flies.