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  1. B

    Dump Trump

    Maybe I am wrong, but what better way to get the real conservatives of the country excited than to slam the old party leaders who are actually liberals. I am sure if/when the time comes to smack old Hillary around, he will be more than happy to do it.
  2. B

    Will Free Emergency Room Services Now Stop?

    My Dad had a heart attack in early February. As I was waiting in the ER, person after person came into the ER for non emergency issues. Sore throat, limping, one guy came in because his DR couldn't get him in for a few days for blurry vision. It wasn't to dang bad as he drove in and drove...
  3. B

    Catholic Hypocrisy

    I am a Catholic and I strongly appose ACA for several reasons, but yes 1 of them is definitely because it forces a business to go against its faith. If Suzy down the street is a catholic, but doesn't follow the teachings, that is between her and the good Lord. But if I follow the teachings and...
  4. B


    Anyone else feel like they got insulted with the Coke commercial yesterday during the game?
  5. B

    New song by Ray Stevens

  6. B

    Democrats Change The Rules - Unprecedented

    Its not a good thing, it was put in place so the minority can't be run over. The Dems can't get what they want because it has been nearly all extreme left changes, they couldn't get what they wanted so they changed it in the middle. I listened to the president talk and he sounded just like a...
  7. B

    More arrogance from our fearless leader!

  8. B


    If the federal government has to rush out and close all the parks and monuments, shut down the weather website and other sites run by the feds, how can they run the website to sign up for Obamacare?
  9. B

    news you didn't hear...

    As much as I dislike the man and his policies. This is a made up story.
  10. B

    That good old Planned Parenthood - makes me ill!

  11. B

    2016 Hillary-Michelle 'Dream Ticket' floated

    I guess now that Sara isn't in the picture, raising kids is good experience after all. :roll:
  12. B

    Hugo Chaves dies

  13. B

    1st day of Leachman animal abuse trial

    Come on OT, you know better than that, I never said he is the image we should be trying to portray, and you know it! I just stated what I know to be true. On another note, their family did promote my breed and did it well in the day when Red Angus wasn't popular. They played a big role in...
  14. B

    1st day of Leachman animal abuse trial

    ...comment that has been bugging me for a few days, he said the following "that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions" I have known this family for a lot of years now. I have not once seen this nor heard someone talk...
  15. B

    Breaking News: Patraeus is leaving

    Maybe not, but at least it would have been out in the open. This cover up bullshit needs to end. Send them all to jail!
  16. B

    Breaking News: Patraeus is leaving

    This is a bunch of ****! They should all be in jail over this! They all knew about it and covered it up until the election and now we are stuck. I have never said this before but I hope the truth comes out and they are all nailed to the wall. People died over it and they covered it up just...
  17. B

    Most Want GOP to Work With Obama

    I would be willing to bet that most want the president to work with the repubs a swell. But we know how that will turn out, just like he worked with them on health care.
  18. B

    Read this if you want to be really depressed

    They might pay a sales tax and a few others when they buy or rent things, but that isn't income tax. You sure the heck can get tax money from them if they tried. Withhold it from a welfare check if nothing else. Confiscate what they have until they do. It is possible, I know that much. And...
  19. B

    Read this if you want to be really depressed

    You didn't answer my question. Why not make everyone pay taxes. I think the people who get free **** have just as much to risk loosing as someone who took the chance in their lives and earned their keep. Especially since they already pay the majority of the taxes