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  1. L

    Pray for our President!

    I pray for the president, his administration, and the Republicans running to keep our country from becoming a socialist nation with a collapsed economy.
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    Obama: The Affirmative Action President

    Obama: The Affirmative Action President By Matt Patterson (columnist - Washington Post, New York Post, San Francisco Examiner) Years from now, historians may regard the 2008 election of Barack Obama as an inscrutable and disturbing phenomenon, a baffling breed of mass hysteria akin perhaps to...
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    Obama’s 1,000 day Report Card: Gridlock, Dysfunction

    Consider the facts: • Jobs: The president has presided over the loss of 2.2 million jobs. • Debt: Obama has increased taxpayer debt by $4.2 trillion. Every day, the nation runs a deficit of $4.2 billion. • Foreclosure and Bankruptcy: 2.4 million homes have been foreclosed on. Homeowners and...
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    OWS show what they are full of....

    The Occupy Wall Street wackos are showing their true colors. Here's a link that about sent me over the edge as the daughter of a law enforcement officer. Caution - don't look at this if you have high blood pressure, a week stomach, or youngsters in the room...
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    Here we go again. If the Democrats can't inflict S. 510 on us one way, they'll find another way to stick it to agriculture and the rest of our nation's taxpayers. December 12, 2010 URGENT - VOTE AGAINST SPENDING!!! ALL STATES Assuming you all know that S510 was passed by the House on Wed...
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    Tester amendment to S. 510 and NAIS

    Here's the Wall Street Journal video: http://online.wsj.com/video-center/opinion.html?mod=WSJ_topnav_opinion
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    Tester amendment to S. 510 and NAIS

    According to the powers-that-be, wasn't the Tester-Hagen Amendment going to save us from the death grip of big government? Hmmm, I guess not!!! The Hidden Agenda of the Tester-Hagan Amendment: Hint, It Has to Do with NAIS (Remember That?) December 2, 2010 The Tester-Hagan Amendment was...
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    Food Safety

    ...(R-OH) The Senate bill must be reconciled with a version that passed the House of Representatives in 2009 before Congress adjourns for the year. *** Walter Olson weighs in (be sure to go to his post for all the accompanying background links): The wider question is whether the bill as a...
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    Food Safety

    Big government makes for strange bedfellows. Here is a list of organizations that support and oppose S. 510. I was a very active member of Farm Bureau for decades, but after their support for NAIS and the government takeover of agriculture I'm done with them forever! I am, however, a proud...
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    S 510

    Even liberals are upset about the intrusiveness of S. 510! S. 510 Passed with the Tester-Hagan Amendment December 1, 2010 by Sima As many of you may have heard, S 510 the food safety bill, passed the Senate yesterday. I’ve discussed this bill once before. In that post I asked that people ask...
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    S 510

    Well, I suppose you've heard that the Senate passed S. 510. Luckily, the Senate Democrats overstepped their legal bounds and have ticked off the Democrat House members so it may die yet. Although our brain-damaged Senator Johnson voted for S. 510, Senator Thune voted against it. Remember to...
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    S 510

    One of my contituents sent me this and I'm passing it on. S. 510 should come to a vote tomorrow. Leftists Pushing Higher Food Costs Legislation will shut down family farms. While America celebrates Thanksgiving, the leftists in Congress have been hard at work. Notorious Senator Dick Durbin...
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    S 510

    Sen. Coburn’s Detailed Concerns with S. 510 Posted on September 15, 2010 By Senator Tom Coburn Growing an Already Disjointed and Duplicative Federal Government In 2008, GAO testified before a House subcommittee that “FDA is one of 15 agencies that collectively administer at least 30 laws related...
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    S 510

    Senate Fails to Vote on Food-Safety Bill November 19, 2010 By BILL TOMSON WASHINGTON—The Senate failed to vote as planned Thursday on passage of a bill to overhaul the nation's food-safety system and grant new powers to the Food and Drug Administration, a delay that may threaten the...
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    S 510

    Good one hoppy! But we have to be careful not to hurt these poor libs' feelings after the huge loses their side suffered in the last election. Try to overlook the idiotic garbage they spout, will you? :twisted: Overreaching Food Safety Modernization Act Would Destroy Family Farmers by Matt...
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    S 510

    The last thing we need is to turn control of agriculture over to the federal government! Here's another story for you: Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw gardening and saving seeds Mike Adams Natural News Nov 16, 2010 Senate Bill 510, the Food Safety...
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    Obama The Hitman: First A Cleric, Who’s Next?

    Obama The Hitman: First A Cleric, Who’s Next? May 24, 2010 by Bob Livingston The administration of President Barack Obama has itself tied up in quite a knot. The administration that opposes enhanced interrogations, that wants to treat terrorists caught both on the battlefield and in country...
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    Blumenthal and the Liars' Party

    Blumenthal and the Liars' Party By Bruce Walker May 22, 2010 Richard Blumenthal served in Vietnam -- or at least he told the American people that he did. According to people who know Blumenthal, his war record grew over the years. That hapless tool of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, the New...
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    Non-Political Lutheran Church? Looking for something new...

    Our little Lutheran Church made a choice to leave the liberal "social club" and join the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations several years ago and we've never regretted it. Our local congregations tell the AFLC what we expect of them instead of the top to bottom relationship that ELCA...
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    Obama is victim of Bush's failed promises!

    Where have we heard this before? Obama is victim of Bush's failed promises Barack Obama is setting a record-setting number of records during his first year in office. Largest budget ever. Largest deficit ever. Largest number of broken promises ever. Most self-serving speeches ever. Largest...