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  1. V

    What's the weather like at your place?

    Real dry here, saw a beaver the other day with with a sign that read, Will work for Water
  2. V

    Swamp hay

    Bull Frog Alfalfa, use it all the time
  3. V

    Cut Calves

    How do you do it, do you band, do you cut the bottom of sack off , do you slit the sack. Your reasons why
  4. V

    just bragging

    Maybe your honesty
  5. V

    Weak calf

  6. V

    Weak calf

    I said R A L C O not RALGRO
  7. V

    Weak calf

    Give it a shot of VISON blackleg and a shot of bose, some people around here swear by ralco, i have had mixed results however. the vaccines may trip its system in to going to work
  8. V

    What's the weather like at your place?

    I heard a frog !
  9. V

    Cyclops Fence Charger's

    Looks to me you can get one right from Cyclops
  10. V

    Cyclops Fence Charger's

    Anybody use them ?
  11. V

    Must be some red in this cow somewhere……..

    Does the snow ever melt at your place:)
  12. V

    Antique Barbed Wire History and ID

    I never saw a wire splice from the factory in all my years
  13. V

    Music- links to songs we all like

  14. V

    Black bull, black cow…..

    Could be just a plain ol' birth mark
  15. V

    What's the weather like at your place?

    We've had thunderstorms with 2 inches of rain then 6 inches of snow, then recently we got 17 inches of snow, all in the month of December, now going to bring New Year in with 40 below wind chills, gotta love Minnesnowta , or not
  16. V

    Thick Placenta suffocating newborn calves

    If I put salt blocks in my mineral the cows will just eat the salt, I use loose salt to mix in mineral, my mineral doesn't have any salt, so I can make them eat how ever much mineral I want by how much salt I use. I live in a way different part of the world then you tho. A vet could help ...
  17. V

    1st Cycle

    That's the way I go , there's a guy around here that says other wise, but he went to to much school. I always wondered how your first cycle could start when the bull wasn't there yet
  18. V


  19. V

    1st Cycle

    So does the first cycle start with first calf, or by when bulls were turned out ?