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  1. T

    Brought my cows home early

    Wow! I hadn’t realized it had been so many years since I logged onto Ranchers until I saw H’s post. The little H’s have really grown. Great photos. You are blessed
  2. T

    Sometimes sorrow brings inspiration

    That's good news H. Everything happens in God's timing. He has the advantage of being omnipotent! You know it's a small world even out here in internet land. My Aunt Evelyn went to her Lord in late January. Her kids had a beautiful celebration of her life last week in Elizabeth, CO. Her...
  3. T

    Time to Buy?

    Well said.
  4. T

    Anybody use a Mac?

    Mac is the best! I've had my MacBook for 12 years and never had a problem with it. The only thing I've had crash is the microsoft apps Word or Excel. It's starting to get antiquated now and I need an upgrade. Our new windows computer for the fire dept, crashed the first time I used it...
  5. T

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas! Christ our Savior is born!
  6. T

    Time to Buy?

    Just because they are lower than the crazy highs we have seen recently, doesn't mean that they won't go lower. No one has a crystal ball. It seems simple supply and demand are only incidental to the price fluctuations. There are too many outside forces affecting our markets. Like everyone...
  7. T

    Alfalfa as supplement

    I like a grass alfalfa mix also. I planted half a sprinkler quarter to an irrigated grass mix with some clover this past year. I can hay it or graze that way. I'm excited to see how it will produce. If it works good, I'm going to plant the other half.
  8. T

    Alfalfa as supplement

    We grow a lot of alfalfa on our place, so we always have rain damaged alfalfa. I've always heard people talk and folks ask me about cows bloating. I've never experienced cattle bloating on alfalfa hay. I've fed it on snow, slush, and spring rains. I have not ever seen it happen. I guess in...
  9. T

    Alfalfa as supplement

    Thanks FH!
  10. T

    Alfalfa as supplement

  11. T

    The MYT Squared.... Blog

    Remember MYT? The teenager who talked like he was 1,000 years old! LOL I checked out his blog just now and he still writes well. A well rooted young man.
  12. T

    What we need to fight

    Talk about a bunch of bull! Every conclusion based on personal emotion and nothing else.
  13. T

    Ivermectin Question

    Me too! Thanks
  14. T

    Ivermectin Question

    Thanks FH, so I could use ivomec to get rid of both external and internal parasites and then follow up with cylence in a couple of weeks?
  15. T

    Ivermectin Question

    yes, it is still early enough here. I wouldn't have any concerns about bots.
  16. T

    Ivermectin Question

    I'm looking for better lice control on the cows. I usually back pour once and then let the cows use their oiler. The pyrethrin works ok in the oiler but there is always the animals that don't use the it. Is it okay to back pour the cows twice about 2 or 3 weeks apart. That way when the rest...
  17. T

    Words for a friend

    A very nice tribute to your friend H, well done.
  18. T

    Wonder how the workin' girl did today?

    Congratulations Ella! :cboy:
  19. T

    The Chris LeDoux Story

    Thanks Faster! I really enjoyed that. Cowboys are heroes!