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  1. R

    Remember Claire Davis

    A rather well done article imo http://thecoloradoobserver.com/2013/12/colorados-focus-on-claire-davis-writes-new-ending-to-familiar-mass-shooting-tale/
  2. R

    Badger Problem

    might try a rodenator . If it didnt kill him it likely would bring him out of the hole fast you you might want something to climb on handy LOL http://www.rodenator.com/
  3. R

    The dirty thirties all over again??

    Had almost 4 tenths on my place in the se corner of co . Sure was nice but we could use a lot more .
  4. R

    The dirty thirties all over again??

    I had just finished dropping a submersible pump & pipe to the bottom of the hole when the last roller came through & had to run my well guy 30 miles to town . I literally had to drive with one set of wheels off the side of the county road and gage where i was by the slant of the pickup ...
  5. R

    Historical Gun Confiscation In The U.S.

    If you don't plan on doing something bad to people you don't even worry if they have a gun or not . By the same token If you are planning on doing bad things , or trying to force others to do things they don't want to do , the first thing you worry about is if they are armed . After all...
  6. R

    Gun Control Agenda leads to WHAT

    Absolute Bullpucky . The bush operation had a method ( all be it flawed in some cases ) of tracking the " walked " firearms and arresting the straw buyers . The BATFE under Holder and Obama did not so much as attempt to track or arrest anyone while shoving firearms over the border to...
  7. R

    Colorado State Patrol – Christians Need to be Watched, Treat

    an update http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/04/09/colo-sheriff-describes-shock-training-to-theblaze-dhs-bound-official-warned-against-christians-who-take-the-bible-literally/
  8. R

    Colorado State Patrol – Christians Need to be Watched, Treat

    I live in the next county over from Ron and in fact have a cattle theft case filed with his agency . I also know and have experience with the institutional mindset of Colorado State Patrol . I had no problem at all believing this even before i talked to some other local officers who were at...
  9. R

    2013 polaris ranger 900

    I just bought an 08 polaris 700 with full cab and i have to say that it is working out well for me . Having never owned one of the little go buggys before i was reluctant to spend what a new one brings . So far i have used it for cleanup around the place ( getting where its tight for the...
  10. R

    Storm worse than expected

    Here in Baca county we are pretty well dug out for the most part . Livestock losses were a lot lighter than they could be , We lost 6 calves in the storm(s) but the moma cows faired ok . A borrowed end loader from a construction company has been a lifesaver cutting into the herds to feed . The...
  11. R

    first post , and its a question

    Thanks for the replys. I understand that this stuff is pretty new to all of us . Here in Colorado tho my understanding is it is about to become mandated . Now i think its pretty worthless myself for the stated pourpise ( we are a brand state so trackback is fairly simple anyway lol ), but if...
  12. R

    first post , and its a question

    I guess this would go here , since it is a question on useage of rifid tags. Anyway .. For the folks using this new "wonder technology" what are your experiances with them ? What readers or wands are you useing ? what is the read range , ie how close to the tag do you have to be ? and...