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  1. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    Im so confused this a.m. I thought I posted something saying I won't have access to post this devo, but I do for now so here it is. God bless all, looney in Sams Valley :cry: still struggling but I know God spoke to me through this devotional I read this a.m. so wanted to share it. As some...
  2. O

    January 12, 2009 Apologies

    but won't have access to my computer for a couple of days. God bless all, denise
  3. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    I wasn't going to write today and guess what:)? God used that verse from yesterday on me, lol!!! I made a mistake. And was all ready to condemn myself and give up on writing about the Lord and how He has changed my life. I started listening to the discouraging words of the enemy "you can't...
  4. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    The devotionals "verse" I sent out yesterday was wrong! I copied that down and didn't pay enough attention. Here is how the verse read yesterday: "The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; because the Lord is...
  5. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    "The steps of a man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way. When he falls, he shall not be hurled headlong; because the Lord is the One who holds his hand;" Psalm 37:23-24 Im struggling with a lot of things this past 2 years and it's hard to see the light at the end of the...
  6. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    I am going to try and do my own writing here instead of copying and pasting a devotional. I will ask God to give me a verse and then write on how I believe it applies in my life, or how I hear the Holy Spirit interpreting it to me. Prayers for me in this endeaveor are so welcome;) I pray that...
  7. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    I like this NLT version of 1 Cor. 10:23. I just understand it better, but Skip has used another version of the bible on this one(the KJV which I beleive is most accurate to the original writings. Jesus didn't come to do away with the law given to Moses. He came to fulfill it because God knew...
  8. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    My devotional was comforting, again, this a.m. Seems every time I read God's Word I am comforted. You would think knowing that, I would always have my bible open. Nope, it seems I like being miserable, LOL!! Folks that know me, Im sure, wonder why Im not happier and more at peace, all the...
  9. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    Please forgive me for not writing more(ok, quit with the cheers, lol)but I am slow this beautiful, Sunday morning:) I will just send this on from Skip and pray that your day is blessed by it. Love to all, your sister in Christ, denise PS I will say that I so loved the devo. He is so good at...
  10. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    This devotional truly challenged me this a.m. Near the end of it, it says pick something in my life I just can't change but want to. Something like that. I am going to do it. I can't change the fact I am still single after 11 years. I don't like being single but the Lord has kept me so for...
  11. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    Im headed for a women's biblestudy this a.m. at my church. I was going to opt out and do something else this a.m. I woke at about 4 this a.m. and the thoughts came flooding in on me. I remembered that for me, putting God first in my life is the only way. Nothing else in my life can come...
  12. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    I am learning to wait on the Lord's timing for things in my life. Not with much grace or patience though. I pray that gets better. I feel just like that frustrated, little kid that actually thinks throwing themselves on the ground and having a fit will change "mom or dad's" no to a yes :roll...
  13. O

    Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ditto Lilly!! denise :lol:
  14. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    I consider this man a very good writer. I've been reading his devotionals only as long as I've been here at RN though. I am realizing the more I read of his stuff, how human he is and like todays, he speaks a lot about the trials he has gone through, or still going through this year. No one...
  15. O

    Breaking News

    Yum, "real" eggs!! Have a couple folks nearby that sell them but they were way short this year. Have a great day!!
  16. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    This devotional covers one of the most difficult of all teachings from God in His Word. For me anyway. "Do not worry"! It doesn't say that in the verse they used for this devo but here is just one verse in the bible where it does say that: "Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say to you, do not worry...
  17. O

    Great movie, but take plenty of kleenex

    thanks for this. I have 3 free passes to use and want to take my friends edie and derrell. We have been trying to decide. I'll check and see if it's on in our area:) denise
  18. O

    A devotional for the ladies, but fellers welcome as well

    LOL!! This devotional hit me right where I live this a.m. I did my 4.2 mile walk this a.m. with my best friend edie. We go 6 days a week on the most beautiful 4.2 mile loop out here in Sams Valley. We never get bored with it because there's something new to see every day, or see the same...
  19. O

    What did you get for Christmas?

    We moved around so much and mine probably got worn out:) He lives on in my memory bank though :lol: Neat that you actually found one in a store:) I can't remember ever seeing another since that one when I was 3 or so:) Have a great evening!! See you later, denise in Sams Valley OR
  20. O

    What did you get for Christmas?

    spent at my older brothers in Eugene. This was back when my mom was still alive. She was always pullin a practical joke on some unsuspecting relative. That year it seemed to be my nephew Mike. Sort of a brainiac but not without a sense of humor. He was about 12 I think. Anyway, it was...