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  1. D

    Questions for Dick Cheney

    This is a bit hard to watch, especially his use of the word "everyone". Well I was against it before we invaded, and questioned the intelligence, and assumed it would turn out badly. So we need to start asking Cheney some real questions, as I've listed below...
  2. D

    Gingrich rethinks our interventions in the Middle East

    Looks like the tide is changing. Finally guys who once accused Ron Paul of being weak on foreign policy are beginning to see the wisdom. Of course, there won't be any apologies for the thousands of lives and trillions of dollars we've wasted meddling in other people's business. And trying to...
  3. D

    Rand on our foreign welfare being stolen, etc

    Here he makes some great points at a hearing. Much of our aid is stolen, or used to buy weapons or tear gas that are used against the people, making them hate us. The whole thing is a disaster. Note the guy at the end defending our aid saying it does good - of course, I'm sure his big salary...
  4. D

    Republican congressman prefers Hillary to Rand/Cruz

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN_Ir-1Tygw&feature=youtu.be Here we go again. King is already playing the isolationist card (Rand is actually for non-intervention - minding our own business). King lavishes praise on Hillary - just goes to show not much difference between the parties...
  5. D

    Soldier's suicide letter

    We're all waving flags and "supporting the troops", and wishing them well as we send them off to the hell that is war. Unfortunately, it creates thousands of these men that are severely suffering. As the marine wrote, "The Marines are at war, America is at the mall". We have to ask...
  6. D

    We learn nothing from Iraq, Afghanistan disasters

    I don't get on here much, but found this well worth sharing. http://www.the-free-foundation.org/tst6-24-2013.html Jesus wisely wanted us to curb our lust for war, but we don't listen. Ron Paul:
  7. D

    Why we defend our party

    It is fascinating to see people argue for their party, even though it differs little from the other. Regardless of the party in power, we keep increasing social and military spending, and we keep printing the money to pay for it. So the foreign, domestic and monetary policies don't change. So...
  8. D

    Rand Paul: Republicans and Christians too eager for war

    I think this point is made well, citing Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and the Just War Theory. I have found it ironic over the years to see Christians, including my parents, clamor for war. When I questioned the wisdom of going into Iraq, they were quite angry with me. Jesus understood that our...
  9. D

    Quote of the day

    Saw this somewhere: "North Korea: no matter how hard you try to be hated, we still hate muslim countries more." I think this pretty well sums up our foreign policy.
  10. D

    Where are calls for war with North Korea?

    I've been hearing about the threats made against us the past few days. For years I've heard we had to go into Iraq because we thought they had WMDs. Well we know N. Korea has WMD, as in nukes. I've also heard that we have to bomb Iran because they might get a nuke and they have made threats...
  11. D

    Republicans versus the Constitution

    We know that Jesus railed against the hypocrites and the wolves in sheep's clothing. The Republican party is dangerous because they make it seem they care about limited government, while they pick us clean. Forget principles and promote the party and big money interests...
  12. D

    Drone strikes killing civilians creating more enemies

    Looks like more and more people are understanding the concept of blowback that the CIA taught well before 9/11. Our actions have consequences. People everywhere are not that different. If some foreign power flying over our country took out one of my kids, I would spend the rest of my life...
  13. D

    Anyone else tired of running the world?

    I made the mistake of listening to the two buffoons debate tonight. Going on and on about choosing the right rebels and arming them and hoping they don't use the weapons on us later. Applying pressure to various governments so they do what we want. Applying sanctions to Iran to cripple their...
  14. D

    Who kills more, Muslims or Christians?

    I keep reading how Muslims are bloodthirsty killers. Can anyone tell me how many of them we have killed versus how many of us they have killed, say in the last 50 years?
  15. D

    Conservatives critical of Romney's muslim-loving policy

    So Romney wants to give money and arms to muslims in Syria. Why would he want to support muslims like Obama does? Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham finally gets it. We can't fix the Middle East and need to stay out, as Reagan learned. As I've suggested, she also proposes a direct...
  16. D

    Good video - Budget mess and coming collapse

    Too bad neither of the big spending candidates will talk about this reality. It isn't going to be pretty if they don't do something. Keep listening and see if they talk about dealing with this. We're all in denial. http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EW5IdwltaAc?rel=0
  17. D

    Romney's statement on Iran

    I was researching Romney's Iran stance based on another thread, and came across several references like this regarding what he said last month. Pretty basic fear-mongering, since it doesn't make sense...
  18. D

    Tribalism explains everything about politics, etc

    Found an interesting article summarizing human behavior and our evil nature in defending whatever tribe or group we belong to. Explains why people bash the other party even if its the same. Also explains why we like to go to war. Parents even reject their kids if they don't fit the group. Much...
  19. D

    How much will Romney cut spending?

    In case no one has noticed, we are heading for financial collapse. I'm told I should vote for Romney to save us from Obama, but then I ask how much he will cut government. I don't get an answer. I even asked several Romney delegates at our county convention, and they did not know. Some said...
  20. D

    Great speech: How money printing encourages war

    Figured some might be interested in bigger issues than which puppet wins the election. The speech below also explains the basics of how the whole money printing scam works, and relation to interest rates, etc. Yep, if we had to actually feel the cost of war, certainly wouldn't be as much of...